共找到5條詞條名為words的結果 展開


Ryan Adams演唱的歌曲

Words是Ryan Adams的一首歌,風格較為舒緩低沉,似是娓娓道來,是電影《Elizabethtown》的插曲。


       ' 
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You grew up in, can you remember how it smelled
Don't worry up your mind
People are sick and mean sometimes
They're only words
They're only words
If everything is grateful, how come nobody's satisfied
If a tree falls in the woods and there ain't no one around
If you heard it you could go over and whiltte out a wishing box
You could write her name on something and put it inside
Don't worry up your mind
People are sick and mean sometimes
Don't worry up your mind
They're only words
It's only words
It's only words