由於回購小雞,一個富有的很壞的女孩和她的隨行人員Pixxi被混合在一個迂迴的綁架陰謀里,威脅要消滅洛杉磯市。本片導演阿歷克斯-考克斯出生於英國的利物浦,年輕時為了電影夢想中途離開牛津法學院,轉到布里斯託大學學習電影。值得一提的是,他在牛津大學的時候曾與英國前首相托尼?布萊爾是校友。至今為止,阿歷克斯已經在20多部電影中出演過角色(最近的一部電影是在伊利亞?伍德主演的《牛津殺/手》(The Oxford Murders)中飾演“卡爾曼”一角)。《報信的妞》是阿歷克斯自己首次自編,自導,自己製片以及自己主演的影片。這次走的是喜劇路線,女主角Jaclyn Jonet(飾演Repo Chick)是在2007年曾與阿歷克斯在影片《Searchers 2.0》有過合作的前任搭檔。
Repo Chic
Industrial Entertainment
Paper Street Films
Collateral Image (visual effects by)
Visual Concept Entertainment (VCE) [美國] (GMC/growler documentary and ultimatum screens)
Sparkle Media (freeway sequences)
Suite 202 sound re-recording
Post Creations foley recording facility
Chapman and Leonard Studio Equipment camera dollies
Entertainment Partners Inc. [美國] payroll services
Momentus Insurance Brokerage production insurance
Quixote Studios grip and lighting equipment
Cinelease Inc. [美國] grip and lighting equipment
Proteus Make Up FX Team make-up supplies
Trix of the Trade make-up supplies
Manny Padilla makeup stations & chairs
Cases for Visual Arts makeup stations
The Event Department catering
The Metro Cafe catering
Birns & Sawyer Inc. [美國] camera equipment provided by
Enterprise Rent-A-Car production vehicles
Rockbottom Rentals walkie-talkies
Laurel Canyon Stages bunker set
16x9.com special thanks
NBV Productions camera equipment provided by