



1984年9月 - 1988年7月:大連理工大學船舶工程系,獲得學士學位。
1990年8月 - 1993年4月:大連理工大學船舶工程系,獲得碩士學位。
2000年8月 - 2004年9月:新加坡高性能計算研究所 高級工程師。
(Institute of High Performance Computing, Singapore)。
2004年10月 - 現在:大連理工大學船舶工程系,副教授。




1. L. Zhou, H. Zheng, K.C. Hung, “Sound Radiation From a Thin Infinite Plate In Contact With a Layered Inhomogeneous Fluid”, Applied Acoustics 63 (2002) p1177-1192。
2. L. Zhou, Q. Yao, K.C. Hung and J. Matusiak, “Propeller noise prediction and control”, the 2nd international conference on port and maritime R&D and technology 2003, Singapore, p253-259。
3. Yao Qiang, Zhou Li, Hung Kin Chew "Acoustic Modelling of Propeller Noise and Its Control”, the 9th naval platform technology seminar 2003, Singapore, p403-426。
4. L. Zhou, M. Cheng, Q. Yao and K.C. Hung, “Flow Around Two Square Cylinders Controlled by a Flat Plate”, International conference on scientific engineering computation 2004, Singapore。
5. M. Cheng, L. Zhou, Q. Yao & K. C. Hung, “Simulation of Multi-Body Moving in Fluid by Lattice Boltzmann Method “, International conference on scientific engineering computation 2004, Singapore。
6. Q. Yao, K.C. Hung, L. Zhou, and M. Cheng, “LBM Simulation of Complex Channel Flow “, International conference on scientific engineering computation 2004, Singapore。
7. L. Zhou, M. Cheng, K.C. Hung, “Suppression of fluid force on a square cylinder by flow control”. Journal of Fluids and Structures 21 (2005) p151-167. SCI 收錄。
8. 洪明, 周力, 由紅, “船舶結構振動開放性教學實驗開發”,實驗技術與管理, 2006(1) 。