



語法 cells( row,col)
n. 單元,細胞
Human tissue is made up of cells.
The cancer cells may invade other parts of the body.
Prisoners try to individualize their cells by hanging up pictures, etc.
The prisoners shuffled along the corridor and into their cells.
German biochemist. He won a1931 Nobel Prize for research on the respiration of cells.
In computer graphics, a display element that consists of a rectangular grid of equal-sized rectangular cells, each having a single color and intensity.
《CELLS》是由Benjiamin lewin等科學家編寫,由桑建利翻譯為中文的《細胞》,這本書和《基因9》一樣是一本生物專業人士的必修科目。


名詞 cell:
any small compartment
(biology) the basic structural and functional unit of all organisms; they may exist as independent units of life (as in monads) or may form colonies or tissues as in higher plants and animals
a device that delivers an electric current as the result of a chemical reaction
同義詞:cell, electric cell
a small unit serving as part of or as the nucleus of a larger political movement
同義詞:cell, cadre
a hand-held mobile radiotelephone for use in an area divided into small sections, each with its own short-range transmitter/receiver
同義詞:cellular telephone, cellular phone, cellphone, cell, mobile phone
small room is which a monk or nun lives
同義詞:cell, cubicle
a room where a prisoner is kept
同義詞:cell, jail cell, prison cell


I've a head like a concertina: I've a tongue like a button-stick:
I've a mouth like an old potato, and I'm more than a little sick,
But I've had my fun o' the Corp'ral's Guard: I've made the cinders fly,
And I'm here in the Clink for a thundering drink
and blacking the Corporal's eye.
With a second-hand overcoat under my head,
And a beautiful view of the yard,
O it's pack-drill for me and a fortnight's C.B.
For "drunk and resisting the Guard!"
Mad drunk and resisting the Guard --
'Strewth, but I socked it them hard!
So it's pack-drill for me and a fortnight's C.B.
For "drunk and resisting the Guard."
I started o' canteen porter, I finished o' canteen beer,
But a dose o' gin that a mate slipped in, it was that that brought me here.
'Twas that and an extry double Guard that rubbed my nose in the dirt;
But I fell away with the Corp'ral's stock
and the best of the Corp'ral's shirt.
I left my cap in a public-house, my boots in the public road,
And Lord knows where, and I don't care, my belt and my tunic goed;
They'll stop my pay, they'll cut away the stripes I used to wear,
But I left my mark on the Corp'ral's face, and I think he'll keep it there!
My wife she cries on the barrack-gate, my kid in the barrack-yard,
It ain't that I mind the Ord'ly room -- it's ~that~ that cuts so hard.
I'll take my oath before them both that I will sure abstain,
But as soon as I'm in with a mate and gin, I know I'll do it again!
With a second-hand overcoat under my head,
And a beautiful view of the yard,
Yes, it's pack-drill for me and a fortnight's C.B.
For "drunk and resisting the Guard!"
Mad drunk and resisting the Guard --
'Strewth, but I socked it them hard!
So it's pack-drill for me and a fortnight's C.B.
For "drunk and resisting the Guard."