




1991.3-1993.10: 哈爾濱工業大學 機械工程系 教師
1993.11-1996.8: 哈爾濱工業大學 機電學院 講師
1996.9-2001.8:哈爾濱工業大學 機電學院 副教授
2001.9-目前:哈爾濱工業大學 機電學院 教授
2003.3-目前:哈爾濱工業大學 機電學院 教授、博士生導師
中國人工智慧學會機器人專業委員會 副主任;
中國機械工程學會機械自動化分會 常務理事;
黑龍江生物醫學工程學會 副理事長;
International Journal of Humanoid Robotics 副主編;
International Journal of Control Engineering And Technology 編委;
International Journal of Mechatronics and Automation 編委;
Artificial Intelligence and Robotics Research 編委;
Robotics and Biomimetics 編委;


1. 機器人技術:醫療機器人、仿生機器人、空間機器人、工業機器人、人機交互技術;
2. 生物醫學工程:生物機械工程、生機電一體化、醫學圖像分析處理、醫療設備與儀器;


⒈ FU Yili,Di Haiting. Fiber-optic Curvature Sensor with Optimized Sensitive Zone. Optics and Laser Technology. 2011.04,43⑶: 586-591
⒉ Yili Fu,Wenpeng Gao,Xiaoguang Chen. Automatic Identification of the Reference System Based on the Fourth Ventricular Landmarks in T1-Weighted MR Images. Academic Radiology,January 2010,17⑴: 67-74.
⒊ Liu hao,Fu Yili,Zhou Yuanyuan,Liang,Z.-G. Wang Shuguo. An in vitro investigation of image-guided steerable catheter navigation。Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers,Part H: Journal of Engineering in Medicine. 2010.08,224⑻:945-954.
⒋ FU Yii,Gao Wenpeng. A framework for automatic construction of 3D PDM from segmented volumetric neuroradiological data sets. Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine. 2010.3,97⑶: 199-210.
⒌ Yili Fu,Haiting Di,Renqiang Liu. Light intensity modulation fiber-optic sensor for curvature measurement. Optics & Laser Technology,2010.6,42⑷:594-599
⒍ Fu Yili,Liu hao,et al. Skeleton-based active catheter navigation. The International Journal of Medical Robotics and Computer Assisted Surgery. 2009,5⑵: 125 – 135
⒎ Fu Yili,Liu Hao,et al. Steerable catheters in minimally invasive vascular surgery. The International Journal of Medical Robotics and Computer Assisted Surgery. 2009,5⑷: 381-391
⒏ Yili Fu,Wenpeng Gao,Minwei Zhu. Computer-assisted Automatic Localization of the Human Pedunculopontine Nucleus in T1-weighted MR Images: A Preliminary Study,International Journal of Medical Robotics and Computer Assisted Surgery, 2009.5,5⑶: 309-318.
⒐ Yili Fu,Xianling Li,Shuguo Wang. Research on the axis shape of an active catheter. The International Journal of Medical Robotics and Computer Assisted Surgery,2008.02,Volume 4,Issue 1
⒑ Y.L. Fu,R. Li,H.B. Feng,Y.L. Ma. Petri Net Models for Assembly Sequences Planning. Applied Mechanics and Materials. Vols. 10-12 (2008) .
⒒ Shuguo Wang,Jin Bao and Yili Fu。Real-time motion planning for robot manipulators in unknown environments using infrared sensors。Robotica,2007.2,25⑵:201-211.
⒓ Yili Fu,H.T. Di. Simultaneous Measurement of Torsion and Curvature Using Curvature Fiber Optic Sensor,Key Engineering Materials Vols. 392-394 (2009).
徠⒔ 創傷手指康復外骨骼手關節力感測器研究,感測技術學報,2009.08,22⑻:1109-1113
⒕ 基於三維紋理的醫學體數據實時切割。中國生物醫學工程學報。2008.06,27⑶。
⒖ 基於形狀記憶合金的自主導管導向機器人設計。機械工程學報,2008.9,44⑼:76-82.
⒗ 一種可交互的體繪製光學傳遞函數模型。光學學報,2008.8,28⑻。
⒘ 載體姿態無擾的自由漂浮空間機器人運動運動特性研究。宇航學報,2008.11,29⑹.
⒙ 機電產品管路自動敷設的粒子群演演算法。機械工程學報。2007.11,43⑾:194-199。
⒚ Sherman Lang,Fu Yili. Visual Measurement of Orientation Error for a mobile Robot. IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement,2000.12,49⑹:1344-1357.