共找到9條詞條名為楊曉燕的結果 展開
楊曉燕,女,陝西西安人。1997年獲河北地質學院工學學士,2003年獲得北京大學地貌與第四紀環境專業博士學位。現為中國科學院地理科學與資源研究所自然環境變化與格局研究室研究員,中國地理學會自然環境變化與環境考古專業委員會副主任,PLOS ONE學術編委。主要從事古人地關係(Human-Environment Interactions)方向的研究工作,早年的研究涉及人類社會發展與環境變化關係,近年的研究興趣集中在中國早期農業格局形成過程方面。
2003-2005年在中國科學院地質與地球物理研究所從事黃土與人類文化關係、農業起源方面的博士后研究;2007.11-2008.7在Smithsonian Institution美國國家自然歷史博物館(National Museum of Natural History)進行博士后工作;2010.9-2010.11美國哈佛大學高級訪問學者;
2012.3-2013.3英國University of Leicester訪問學者(Honorary Research Fellow);
先後主持4項國家自然科學基金項目,2項國際合作項目,且作為骨幹力量參加多項科學技術部“十五”國家重點攻關項目、重大科學研究計劃(973)及中國科學院科技先導專項。發表論文80餘篇,主要成果發表在 Nature、 PNAS、 Scientific Reports等國際重要刊物上;部分成果被 Nature-China、 Nature-Asia、 EurekAlert!等學術網站作為研究亮點進行報道。
Xiaoyan Yang*, Weiwei Wang, Yijie Zhuang et al. 2016. New radiocarbon evidence on early rice consumption and farming in South China. Holocene 26, doi: 10.1177/0959683616678465.
Yongchao Ma, Xiaoyan Yang*, Xiujia Huan et al. 2016. Rice bulliform phytoliths reveal the process of rice domestication in the Neolithic Lower Yangtze River region. Quaternary International 426, 126-132
Zhikun Ma, Xiaoyan Yang*, Chi Zhang, Yonggang Sun, Xin Jia. 2016. Early millet use in West Liaohe area during early–middle Holocene. Science China Earth Sciences 59, 1554-1561
Houyuan Lu, Jianping Zhang, Yimin Yang, Xiaoyan Yang, Baiqing Xu,et al. 2016. Earliest tea as evidence for one branch of the Silk Road across the Tibetan Plateau. Scientific Reports 6, 18955.
Xiaoyan Yang*, Dorian Fuller, Xiujia Huan et al. 2015. Barnyard grasses were processed with rice around 10000 years ago. Scientific Reports 5, 16251.
Xiaoyan Yang*, Zhikun Ma, Tao Wang, Linda Perry, Quan Li, Xiujia Huan, Jincheng Yu. 2014. Starch grain evidence reveals early pottery function cooking plant foods in North China. ChineseScience Bulletin 59, 4352-4358
Zhikun Ma, Quan Li, Xiujia Huan, Xiaoyan Yang*, Maolin Ye, 2014. Direct evidences of plant microremains for function of stone knives at Lajia site in Qinghai. Chinese Science Bulletin 59, 1151-1158.
Xiaoyan Yang*, Zhikun Ma, Quan Li, et al, 2014. Experiments with Lithic Tools: Understanding Starch Residues from Crop Harvesting. Archaeometry 56, 828-840.
Xiaoyan Yang*, Huw Barton*, Wan Zhiwei, et al, 2013. Sago-type palms were an important food before rice in southern subtropical China. PLoS ONE 8(5), e63148. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0063148
Xiaoyan Yang*, Linda Perry. 2013. Identification of ancient starch grains from the Tribe Triticeae in North China Plain. Journal of Archaeological Science 40, 3170-3177.
Xiaoyan Yang, Zhiwei Wan, Linda Perry, et al. 2012. Early millet use in Northern China. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 109, 3726-3730
Xiaoyan Yang, Jianping Zhang, Linda Perry, et al. 2012. From the modern to the archaeological: starch grains from millets and their relatives. Journal of Archaeological Science 39, 245-257
Wan Zhiwei, Yang Xiaoyan, Ge Quansheng et al. 2012. Late Neolithic plant utilization at the middle reaches of the Gan River revealed by starch grain analysis. Science China Earth Sciences 55, 2084-2090.
Jianping Zhang, Houyuan Lu, Naiqin Wu, Xiaoyan Yang, Xianmin Diao. 2011. Phytolith analysis for differentiating between foxtail millet ( Setaria italica) and green foxtail ( Setaria viridis). PLoS ONE 6, 19726.
Zhiwei Wan, Xiaoyan Yang, Zhikun Ma, Guangxu Liu. 2011. Morphological changes of starch grains based on simulated experiments and their significance to agricultural archaeology. Agricultural sciences and technology, 12 (11): 1621-1624.
Xiaoyan Yang, Leping Jiang . 2010. Starch grain analysis reveals ancient diet at Kuahuqiao site, Zhejiang Province. Chinese Sci Bull 55: 1150-1156