凱文·麥克納利(Kevin McNally),1956年4月27日出生於英格蘭布里斯托爾,英國演員、編劇。作品有《呼嘯山莊》。

加勒比海盜:驚濤怪浪/神鬼奇航:幽靈海(台)/魔盜王4(港) Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides ------- (2011)

呼嘯山莊 Wuthering Heights ------- (2009)
Father's Day ------- (2009)
Tuesday ------- (2008)
行動目標希特勒/瓦爾基里/華爾基利暗殺行動(港)/刺殺希特勒(其他) Valkyrie ------- (2008)
加勒比海盜:世界的盡頭/神鬼奇航:世界的盡頭(台)/加勒比海盜:魔盜王終極之戰(港) Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End ------- (2007)
The Minister of Divine ------- (2007)
The Murder of Princess Diana ------- (2007)
The Adventures of Young Indiana Jones: My First Adventure ------- (2007)
Irish Jam ------- (2006)
加勒比海盜:亡靈寶藏/神鬼奇航:加勒比海盜(台)/加勒比海盜:決戰魔盜王(港) Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest ------- (2006)
獨家新聞/遇上塔羅牌情人(台)/遇上塔羅牌殺手(港) Scoop ------- (2006)
在別處 "Life on Mars" ------- (2006)
Lords and Luddites ------- (2006)
血防線 Bloodlines ------- (2005)
The Making of 'The Phantom of the Opera' ------- (2005)
X Rated: Top 20 Most Controversial TV Moments ------- (2005)
歌劇魅影/歌聲魅影/歌劇院魅影 The Phantom of the Opera ------- (2004)
小可愛/瀟灑舞一回/譜出愛戀曲/愛的暢想曲 De-Lovely ------- (2004)
Dead Fish ------- (2004)
Dead Cool ------- (2004)
敦刻爾克大撤退 Dunkirk ------- (2004)
憨豆特派員/憨豆特工/憨探奇案/憨豆007/特務戇J Johnny English ------- (2003)
加勒比海盜:黑珍珠號的詛咒/神鬼奇航:鬼盜船魔咒(台)/魔盜王:決戰鬼盜船(港) Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl ------- (2003)
海盜日記 Diary of a Pirate ------- (2003)
南極破冰之旅 Shackleton ------- (2002)
Eddie Loves Mary ------- (2002)
強盜美眉 High Heels and Low Lifes ------- (2001)
納粹大獵殺 Conspiracy ------- (2001)
Crust ------- (2001)
"Bedtime" ------- (2001)
Shackleton: Breaking the Ice ------- (2001)
天罪 When the Sky Falls ------- (2000)
偷天陷阱/將計就計 Entrapment ------- (1999)
"Up Rising" ------- (1999)
滑動門/雙面情人/緣份兩面睇(港) Sliding Doors ------- (1998)
海上鋼琴師/1900的傳奇/聲光伴我飛/鋼琴總動員 La leggenda del pianista sull'oceano ------- (1998)
辣椒狂熱 Spice World ------- (1997)
The Precious Blood ------- (1996)
Eleven Men Against Eleven ------- (1995)
Pullman paradis ------- (1995)
Spectromania-Massage ------- (1995)
亞伯拉罕 Abraham ------- (1994)
All Things Bright and Beautiful ------- (1994)
On location with: All Things Bright and Beautiful ------- (1994)
Stalin ------- (1992)

A Masculine Ending ------- (1992)
The Hangover ------- (1991)
"Murder Most Horrid" ------- (1991)
Jekyll & Hyde ------- (1990)
Murder East - Murder West ------- (1990)
風雨人生 Act of Will ------- (1989)
The Contract ------- (1988)
自由萬歲/為自由而吶喊 Cry Freedom ------- (1987)
This Is Your Life ------- (1987)
陽光六人行 Not Quite Paradise ------- (1986)
柏林孽戀/柏林風情畫 The Berlin Affair ------- (1985)
Enigma ------- (1983)
Praying Mantis ------- (1982)
漫長美好的星期五/美好的星期五 The Long Good Friday ------- (1980)
007系列10:海底城/愛我的間諜/鐵金剛勇破海底城 The Spy Who Loved Me ------- (1977)
羅馬帝國興亡史 "I, Claudius" ------- (1976)
"Crown Court" ------- (1972)
"Doctor Who" ------- (1963)
"Lock, Stock..." ------- (2000)