《戰神金剛:傳奇的保護神》是由夢工廠、World Events Productions公司推出,Studio Mir公司製作的一部美國系列網路電視動畫。是日本二十世紀福克斯在1980年代推出的《戰神金剛》系列動畫的重置版本。
千年以來,邪惡的迦爾拉帝國(Galra Empire)對其他星球的征服和破壞使得整個宇宙深受其害。對於帝國而言,唯一能威脅到並阻止他們的只有傳說中的由5個機器獅所組成的100多米高的機器戰士——被稱為“宇宙守護者”的戰神金剛(Voltron),駕駛它的人則被稱為聖騎士(Paladins)。在阿爾提亞星球被迦爾拉帝國毀滅的前夕,戰神金剛被阿爾提亞星球的國王阿弗爾(KingAlfor)分開,以阻止戰神金剛落入迦爾拉帝國的君王扎肯之手。阿佛爾國王將五獅與女兒阿勞拉的生命之力連接到一起,並將其送到了宇宙的深處等待著下一代聖騎士的降臨。阿勞拉公主,她的侍從克蘭,以及藏著黑獅的獅堡(Castle of Lions)藏匿在阿魯斯星球上。目前,迦爾拉帝國的征服和尋找戰神金剛之路引導著他們向地球所在的太陽系襲來。一群宇宙飛行員:希羅,吉斯,蘭斯,皮吉和漢克偶然間發現了藍獅,並立刻被捲入了抗擊迦爾拉帝國的戰爭之中。他們見到了阿勞拉公主,並成為了新的騎士,同時還重新將五獅合體為了戰神金剛。從此展開了將眾多星球從迦爾拉帝國的統治和奴役中解放的鬥爭。
集數 | 編劇 | 導演 | 標題 |
1 | Tim Hendrick Joshua Hamilton May Chan | Joaquim Dos Santos Lauren Montgomery Kihyun Ryu Eugene Lee Steve In-Chang Ahn | The Rise of Voltron |
2 | Tim Hedrick | Joaquim Dos Dantos Lauren Montgomery Kihyun Ryu | Some Assembly Required |
3 | Joshua Hamilton | Eugene Lee | Return of the Gladiator |
4 | Tim Hedrick | Steve In Chang Ahn | The Fall of the Castle of Lions |
5 | Joshua Hamilton | Chris Palmer | Tears of the Balmera |
6 | Tim Hedrick | Eugene Lee | Taking Flight |
7 | May Chan | Steve In Chang Ahn | Return to the Balmera |
8 | Joshua Hamilton | Chris Palmer | Rebirth |
9 | May Chan | Eugene Lee | Crystal Venom |
10 | Tim Hedrick | Steve In Chang Ahn | Collection and Extraction |
11 | Joshua Hamilton | Chris Palmer | The Black Paladin |
集數 | 編劇 | 導演 | 標題 |
1 | May Chan | Steve In Chang Ahn | Across the Universe |
2 | Joshua Hamilton | Eugene Lee | The Depths |
3 | Tim Hedrick | Chris Palmer | Shrio's Escape |
4 | Lars Kenseth | Eugene Lee | Greening the Cube |
5 | Joshua Hamilton | Steve In Chang Ahn | Eye Of the Storm |
6 | Mark Bemesderfer | Chris Palmer | The Ark of Taujeer |
7 | Tim Hedrick | Eugene Lee | Space Mall |
8 | Mark Bemesderfer | Steve In Chang Ahn | The Blade of Marmora |
9 | Joshua Hamilton | Chris Palmer | The Belly of the Weblum |
10 | Mitch Iverson | Eugene Lee | Escape From Beta Traz |
11 | May Chan | Steve In Chang Ahn | Stayin'Alive |
12 | Joshua Hamilton | Chris Palmer | Best Laid Plans |
13 | Tim Hedrick | Eugene Lee | Blackout |
集數 | 編劇 | 導演 | 標題 |
1 | Tim Hedrick | Steve In Chang Ahn | Changing of the Guard |
2 | May Chan | Chris Palmer | Red Paladin |
3 | Joshua Hamilton | Eugene Lee | The Hunted |
4 | Tim Hedrick | Chris Palmer | Hole in the Sky |
5 | Joshua Hamilton | Steve In Chang Ahn | The Journey |
6 | Mitch Iverson | Chris Palmer | Tailing a Comet |
7 | Tim Hedrick | Eugene Lee | The Legend Begins |
集數 | 編劇 | 導演 | 標題 |
1 | Joshua Hamilton | Eugene Lee | Code of Honor |
2 | Mitch Iverson | Steve In Chang Ahn | Reunion |
3 | Tim Hedrick | Steve In Chang Ahn | Black Site |
4 | Joshua Hamilton | Chris Palmer | The Voltron Show! |
5 | Rocco Pucillo | Eugene Lee | Begin the Blitz |
6 | Tim Hedrick | Steve In Chang Ahn | A New Defender |
集數 | 編劇 | 導演 | 標題 |
1 | Eugene Son | Chris Palmer | The Prisoner |
2 | Joshua Hamilton | Eugene Lee | Blood Duel |
3 | Todd Ludy | Steve In Chang Ahn | Postmortem |
4 | Mitch Iverson | Chris Palmer | Kral Zera |
5 | Mark Bemesderfer | Eugene Lee | Bloodlines |
6 | Tim Hedrick | Steve In Chang Ahn | White Lion |
集數 | 編劇 | 導演 | 標題 |
1 | Mitch Iverson | Chris Palmer | Omega Shield |
2 | Joshua Hamilton | Eugene Lee | Razor's Edge |
3 | Mitch Iverson | Steve In Chang Ahn | Monster& Mana |
4 | Joaquim Dos Santos | Chris Palmer | The Colony |
5 | Joshua Hamilton | Eugene Lee | The Black Paladins |
6 | Joshua Hamilton | Steve In Chang Ahn | All Good Things |
7 | Tim Hedrick | Rie Koga Chris Palmer | Defender of All Universes |
集數 | 編劇 | 導演 | 標題 |
1 | May Chan Mitch Iverson | Eugene Lee | A Little Adventure |
2 | Joshua Hamilton | Michael Chang | The Road Home |
3 | Mark Bemesderfer | Rie Koga | The Way Forward |
4 | Tim Hedrick | Eugene Lee | The Feud! |
5 | Mitch Iverson | Michael Chang | The Ruins |
6 | Tim Hedrick | Eugene Lee | The Journey Within |
7 | Joshua Hamilton | Rie Koga | The Last Stand Part 1 |
8 | Mitch Iverson | Michael Chang | The Last Stand Part 2 |
9 | Joshua Hamilton | Rie Koga | Know Your Enemy |
10 | Rocco Pucillo | Eugene Lee | Heart of the Lion |
11 | Joshua Hamilton | Michael Chang | Trial By Fire |
12 | Mitch Iverson | Rie Koga | Lions'Pride Part 1 |
13 | Joshua Hamilton | Eugene Lee | Lions'Pride Part 2 |