共找到58條詞條名為李進的結果 展開







目前已發表或錄用的學術論文共90餘篇,SCI檢索論文37篇(共16篇一作),EI檢索論文76篇,IEEE Trans.論文12篇。會議論文集和期刊5部/期:
• 期刊論文
• 13篇中國計算機學會(CCF)推薦的頂級A類IEEE Transactions系列期刊論文(第一作者4篇):7篇發表在高性能計算領域頂級刊物IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems;
• 17篇為中科院SCI期刊分區表二區以上論文(第一作者8篇,包括3篇SCI一區論文)。
• 會議論文
• 共發表30餘篇國際學術會議論文,包括6篇CCF推薦B類及以上會議論文(含一篇頂級A類會議INFOCOM論文)。
• 2012-2014連續3年在信息安全頂級會議ESORICS發表論文;
上述成果獲得了同行廣泛引用,Google Scholar學術搜索論文引用總次數達2500餘次,H-Index達到21,引用超過200次的論文共4篇(單篇論文最高引用次數453次),SCI引用總次數210餘次。


2002年9月– 2007年7月,中山大學,研究生、博士(碩博連讀)




青年副主編:Frontiers Computer Science (FCS) (Springer, SCI, 2013- )
雜誌編輯:International Journal of Soft Computing and Networking
客座編輯:Future Generation Computer Systems (SCI期刊, Elsevier), Mobile Information Systems (SCI期刊), Journal of High Performance Systems Architecture(EI期刊), Journal of High Speed Network等多個期刊
學術會議程序委員會主席(PC Co-Chair)
The 9th International Conference on P2P, Parallel, Grid, Cloud and Internet Computing (3PGCIC 2014廣州);
The 4th International conference on Emergence Information Data and Technology(EIDWT 2013西安);
國際學術會議分會主席(Track Chair/Workshop Chair)
The 29th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications (AINA-2015 Korea)和The 6th International Symposium on Cyberspace Safety and Security (CSS-2014 France)等
國際學術會議出版主席(Publicity Chair)
The 14th IEEE International Conference on Trust, Security and Privacy in Computing and Communications (IEEE TrustCom-2015 Finland);
The 8th International Conference onNetwork System Security (NSS-2014西安)
學術會議程序委員會委員(PC Committee)
Network System Security (NSS):2012/2013/2014;International Conference on Provable Security (ProvSec):2011/2013/2014;ISPEC: 2011/2014;International Conference on Communications(ICC): 2010/2012;等二十餘個國際會議;




I徠EEE AINA 2014最佳論文獎(指導學生)
Springer ISPEC 2014最佳論文獎(指導學生)
IEEE CHINACOM 2009最佳論文獎(排名第一)


1. Jin Li, Xiaofeng Chen, Mingqiang Li, Jingwei Li, Patrick Lee, Wenjing Lou. Secure Deduplication with Efficient and Reliable Convergent Key Management. IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, 25(6): 1615-1625, 2014.中國計算機學會(CCF)推薦頂級A類期刊
2. Jin Li, Xinyi Huang, Jingwei Li, Xiaofeng Chen, Yang Xiang. Securely Outsourcing Attribute-based Encryption with Checkability. IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, vol. 25 (8): 2201-2210, 2014.CCF推薦A類期刊
3. Jin Li, Jingwei Li, Xiaofeng Chen, Chunfu Jia, Wenjing Lou. Identity-based Encryption with Outsourced Revocation in Cloud Computing. IEEE Transactions on Computers.DOI.ieeecomputersociety.org/10.1109/TC.2013.208. In Press.2013.CCF推薦A類期刊
4. Jin Li, Yatkit Li, Xiaofeng Chen, Patrick Lee, Wenjing Lou. A Hybrid Cloud Approach for Secure Authorized Deduplication. IEEE Trans. on Parallel and Distributed Systems.DOI.ieeecomputersociety.org/10.1109/TPDS.2014.2318320.In Press.2014.CCF推薦A類期刊
5. Jin Li, Xiao Tan, Xiaofeng Chen, Duncan S. Wong, Fatos Xhafa. OPoR: Enabling Proof of Retrievability in Cloud Computing with Resource-Constrained Devices. IEEE Trans. on Cloud Computing. (已錄用)
6. Jin Li, Xiaofeng Chen, Fatos Xhafa, Leonard Barolli. Secure Deduplication Storage Systems Supporting Keyword Search. Journal of Computer and System Sciences.(已錄用)CCF推薦B類期刊
7. Jin Li, Fangguo Zhang, Xiaofeng Chen, Kwangjo Kim, and Duncan S. Wong. Generic Security-Amplifying of Ordinary Digital Sigantures. Information Sciences, vol. 201, pp. 128-139, 2012. SCI一區,影響因子3.89
8. Jin Li, Kwangjo Kim. Hidden Attribute-based Signatures without Anonymity Revocation. Information Sciences, vol. 180(9): 1681-1689, Elsevier, 2010.SCI一區,影響因子3.89
9. Jin Li, Zheli Liu, Xiaofeng Chen, Xiao Tan, Duncan Wong. L-EncDB: A Lightweight Framework for Privacy-Preserving Data Queries in Cloud Computing. Knowledge-Based Systems.DOI.org/10.1016/j.knosys.2014.04.010. In Press. Elsevier, 2014.SCI二區影響因子3.06
10. Jin Li,Xiaofeng Chen, Qiong Huang and Duncan S. Wong. Digital Provenance: Enabling Secure Data Forensics in Cloud Computing. Future Generation Computer Systems, 37: 259-266, Elsevier, 2013.SCI二區影響因子2.64
11. Jin Li, Qian Wang, Cong Wang, Ning Cao, Kui Ren, Wenjing Lou. Fuzzy Keyword Search over Encrypted Data in Cloud Computing. In Proceedings of the 29th IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications (INFOCOM), pp. 441-445, IEEE, 2010.CCF推薦A類會議
12. Jin Li, Xiaofeng Chen, Jingwei Li, Chunfu Jia, Jianfeng Ma and Wenjing Lou. Fine-grained Access Control based on Outsourced Attribute-based Encryption. In Proceedings of The European Symposium on Research in Computer Security (ESORICS), pp. 592-609, Springer, 2013.CCF推薦B類會議當年唯一入選的中國大陸學者論文
13. Jin Li, Qian Wang, Cong Wang, and Kui Ren. Enhancing Attribute-based Encryption with Attribute Hierarchy. Mobile Networks and Applications (MONET), 16(5): 553-561, Springer-Verlag, 2011.SCI
14. Jin Li, Xiaofeng Chen, Xinyi Huang. New Attribute-based Authentication and Its Application in Anonymous Cloud Access Service.International Journal of Web and Grid Service, 2014.已錄用SCI
15. Jin Li, Xiaofeng Chen, Efficient Multi-user Keyword Search Over Encrypted Data in Cloud Computing. Computing and Informatics, 32(4): 723-738, 2013.SCI
16.Xiaofeng Chen, Jin Liand Willy Susilo. Efficient Fair Conditional Payments for Outsourcing Computations.IEEE Transactions on Information and Forensics Security, 7(6): 1687-1694, 2012.CCF推薦A類期刊
17.Xiaofeng Chen, Jin Li, Jianfeng Ma, Qiang Tang, Wenjing Lou. New Algorithms for Secure Outsourcing Modular Exponentiations. IEEE Trans. on Parallel and Distributed Systems,25(9): 2386-2396, 2014.CCF推薦A類期刊
18.Xinyi Huang, Xiaofeng Chen, Jin Li, Xiang Yang and Li Xu. Further Observations on Smart-Card-Based Password-Authenticated Key Agreement in Distributed Systems. IEEE Trans. on Parallel and Distributed Systems, 25(7): 1767-1775, 2014.CCF推薦A類期刊
19.Xiaofeng Chen, Jin Li, Xinyi Huang, Jingwei Li, Yang Xiang. Secure Outsourced Attribute-based Signatures. IEEE Trans. on Parallel and Distributed Systems.DOI.ieeecomputersociety.org/10.1109/TPDS.2013.180. In Press. 2013.CCF推薦A類期刊
20.Xiaofeng Chen,Willy Susilo, Jin Li, Duncan S Wong, Jianfeng Ma, Shaohua Tang, Qiang Tang. Efficient Algorithms for Secure Outsourcing of Bilinear Pairings. Theoretical Computer Science.已錄用 CCF推薦B類期刊
21.Xiaofeng Chen, Jin Li, Jianfeng Ma, Qiang Tang and Wenjing Lou. New Algorithms of Outsourcing Modular Exponentiations. In Proceedings of The European Symposium on Research in Computer Security (ESORICS), pp. 541-556, Springer, 2012.CCF推薦B類會議
22.Xiaofeng Chen, Jin Li, Jianfeng Ma, Jian Weng and Wenjing Lou. Verifiable Computation over Large Database with Incremental Updates. In Proceedings of The European Symposium on Research in Computer Security (ESORICS), Springer, 2014.CCF推薦B類會議
23.Jingwei Li, Jin Li, Xiaofeng Chen, Zheli Liu, Chunfu Jia. Privacy-preserving Data Utilization in Hybrid Clouds. Future Generation Computer Systems, 30: 98-106, 2014.(第一作者為本人與南開大學賈春福教授聯合指導博士生)SCI二區影響因子2.64
24.Xiaofeng Chen,Willy Susilo, Fangguo Zhang,Haibo Tian, Jin Li, Identity-based trapdoor mercurial commitments and applications. Theoretical Computer Science, 412(39): 5498-5512, Elsevier, 2011.CCF推薦B類期刊
25.Cong Wang,Kui Ren, Wenjing Lou, Jin Li, Toward publicly auditable secure cloud data storage services. IEEE Network Magazine special issue on Future Internet: New Applications and Emerging Services, 24(4): 19-24, 2010.
26.Cong Wang,Ning Cao, Jin Li,Kui Ren, Wenjing Lou, Secure Ranked Keyword Search over Encrypted Cloud Data. The 30th International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (ICDCS 2010), pp. 253-262 , IEEE, 2010.CCF推薦B類會議
27.Qian Wang, Cong Wang, Jin Li, Kui Ren and Wenjing Lou,Enabling Public Verifiability and Data Dynamics for Storage Security in Cloud Computing. The 14th European Symposium on Research in Computer Security (ESORICS), 355-370, Springer-Verlag, 2009.CCF推薦B類會議