





2006-2010 獲工學博士學位(結構工程),哈爾濱工業大學
2004-2006 獲工學碩士學位(結構工程),哈爾濱工業大學
2000-2004 獲工學學士學位(土木工程),哈爾濱工業大學


2012- 助理教授,哈工大深圳研究生院土木與環境工程學院
2012-2012 講師,夏威夷大學土木與環境工程學院
2010-2012 博士后,夏威夷大學土木與環境工程學院
2009-2009 助理研究員,香港理工大學


2014.4- 深圳市土木建築學會結構專業委員會委員


2014.09-2016.09 深圳市科技計劃-基礎研究項目:基於BIM可視化技術的結構施工監測研究,主持
2014.01-2016.12 國家自然科學基金-青年基金項目:基於分散式監測數據的信息延拓與融合決策方法 (項目批准號:51308162) ,主持
2013.11-2014 深圳大沖轉換梁支架鋼管應力監測,主持
2013.12- 雲南省科技館新館粘彈性阻尼牆剪切位移監測,主持
2014.03-2016.03 哈工大科研創新基金,主持
2012.12-2013 深圳航天城頂模鋼結構載入及頂升過程分析與監測,主持
2012.06-2014.06 哈工大深研院新教師科研啟動項目,主持


2014 深圳市海外高層次人才C類
2010 獲 Best Paper Award
2008 獲廣東省科技進步三等獎
2007 獲深圳市科技創新獎


Jun Teng, Wei Lu*, Yan Cui, Rengui Zhang. Temperature and displacement monitoring to steel roof construction of Shenzhen Bay Stadium. International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics. 2014.11. (SCI, Accepted)
Jun Teng, Wei Lu*, Runfa Wen, Ting Zhang. Instrumentation on structural health monitoring systems to real world structures. Smart Structures and Systems. 2014.04. (SCI, Accepted)
Wei Lu, Fengqi Wu, Jun Teng, Qiushi Zhou. Estimation on structural responses using multi scale measurements. Scientific China-Technological Sciences, 57(9): 1707-1713, 2014.09. (SCI, 1.113, Q2 &Q3; EI)
Tianwei Ma, M. Bell, Wei Lu, Ningshou Xu. Recovering structural displacements and velocities from acceleration measurements. Smart Structures and Systems, 14(2): 191-207, 2014.08. (SCI, 1.160, Q2&Q3)
Wei Lu, Jun Teng, Yan Cui. Damage identification for large span structure based on multiscale inputs to artificial neural networks. Scientific World Journal. 540806, 2014.05. (SCI, 1.219, Q2)
Wei Lu, Jun Teng*, Youlin Xu, Zhongqing Su. Identification of Damage in Dome-like Structures Using Hybrid Sensor Measurements and Artificial Neural Networks. Smart Materials and Structures, 22: 105014, 2013.10. (SCI, 2.449, Q1; EI)
Wei Lu, Jun Teng*, Yanhuang Zhu. Diagnostic and recovering on spatially distributied acceleration using consensus data fusion, Smart Structures and Systems, 12(3-4): 271-290, 2013.09-10. (SCI, 1.160, Q2&Q3)
滕軍, 盧偉. 基於多類型感測器信息的結構損傷識別方法. 東南大學學報 (自然科學版), 2010, 40(3): 538-542. 2010.05. (EI)
滕軍, 朱焰煌, 盧雲軍, 盧偉. 基於多輸出支持向量回歸機的有限元模型修正. 振動與衝擊, 29(3): 9-12+47. 2010.03. (EI)
Jun Teng, Yanhuang Zhu, Wei Lu, Yiqing Xiao. The intelligent method and implementation of health monitoring system for large span structures, Innovative Techniques in Structural Health Monitoring of the Earth & Space 2010. 2010.03. (EI)
Jun Teng, Wei Lu. Efficient structural health monitoring by limited strain measurements, Innovative Techniques in Structural Health Monitoring of the Earth & Space 2010. 2010.03. (EI)
盧偉, 滕軍. 基於數據融合的感測器優化布置方法. 振動與衝擊, 28(9): 52-55. 2009.09. (EI)
Wei Lu, Jun Teng. The acquisition method for structural synthesized damage identification decision based on information fusion, The First International Postgraduate Conference on Infrastructure and Environment. Hong Kong, China, 454-460, 2009.06. (CPCI, EI)
Jun Teng, Wei Lu. Damage identification method based on structural dynamic characteristics and strain measurements, Proceeding of the SPIE – The International Society for Optical Engineering. San Diego, California, USA, 72952O, 2009.02. (EI)
Jun Teng, Yiqing Xiao, Hongjun Liu, Wei Lu. Hardware and software implementation of the health monitoring system for large span space structures. Proceedings of International Conference on Health Monitoring of Structure, Materials and Environment, Vols 1 and 2, 141-145, 2007.10. (CPCI)
Jun Teng, Hongjun Liu, Wei Lu, Yanhuang Zhu. Intelligent sensor system for the structural health monitoring. Structural Health Monitoring and Intelligent Infrastructure, Vols 1 and 2, 1697-1702, 2006. (CPCI, EI)
Jun Teng, Mingyi Qin, Yanhuang Zhu, Wei Lu. Wind pressure distribution rules for complicated roof structures with holed surface. Proceedings of the World Forum on Smart Materials and Smart Structures Technology, SMSST’07, P265, 2008. (EI)
Jun Teng, Wei Lu, Hongjun Liu, Yanhuang Zhu. Information acquisition method based on space similarity structure. Proceedings of the World Forum on Smart Materials and Smart Structures Technology, SMSST’07, P300, 2008. (EI)


Yan Cui, Wei Lu*, Jun Teng. Strain monitoring method based on digital image processing techniques. 5th Asia-Pacific Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring. Shenzhen, 2014.12.
Wei Lu*, Yan Cui, Jun Teng. Displacement monitoring method based on digital image processing technology. The 13th International Symposium on Structural Engineering. Hefei, 2014.10.
Wei Lu*, Qiushi Zhou, Jun Teng. Effectiveness analysis on SHM system using multi-agent integration. The 2014 World Congress on Advances in Civil, Environmental, and Materials Research, ACEM14, Busan, Korea. 2014.08.
Jun Teng*, Wei Lu, Rengui Zhang, Fangzhou Lu. SHM system design and application to large span structures. The 2014 World Congress on Advances in Civil, Environmental, and Materials Research, ACEM14, Busan, Korea. 2014.08.
Wei Lu*, Runfa Wen, Jun Teng. Optimal placement of sensor based on data association. The Sixth World Conference on Structural Control and Monitoring, 6WCSCM, Barcelona, Spain. 2014.07.
Jun Teng, Wei Lu*, Rengui Zhang. Long-term performance monitoring of Shenzhen Bay Stadium. The Sixth World Conference on Structural Control and Monitoring, 6WCSCM, Barcelona, Spain. 2014.07.
Jun Teng, Wei Lu*, Fangzhou Lu. Structural health monitoring to multi-type members of Shenzhen Vanke Center in construction phase. The Sixth World Conference on Structural Control and Monitoring, 6WCSCM, Barcelona, Spain. 2014.07.
Wei Lu*, Fengqi Wu, Jun Teng. The aquistion method on structural responses using hybrid sensor measurements. Proceedings of The 6th International Conference on Structural Health Monitoring of Intelligent Infrastructure. Hong Kong, China, 2013.12
Jun Teng*, Wei Lu. Applications to SHM systems of real structures using intelligent methods. Proceedings of The 6th International Conference on Structural Health Monitoring of Intelligent Infrastructure. Hong Kong, China, 2013.12
Jun Teng*, Wei Lu, Fengqi Wu. Implementation of Structural Health Monitoring to A Real Large Span Steel Roof and Analysis on Its Stress Identification. The 2013 World Congress on Advances in Structural Engineering and Mechanics-ASEM13. Jeju, South Korea, 2013.09
Jun Teng, Zuohua Li, Haixia Lv, Wei Lu. Analysis on Overall Stability and Seismic Damage Evaluation for Diagrid Tube Structures. International Symposium on Innovation and Sustainability of Structures in Civil Engineering. Harbin, China, 2013.07
Jun Teng*, Wei Lu, C. Xu. Developments and Engineering Applications for the Intelligent Structural Health Monitoring Systems. Proceedings of the 3rd International Symposium on Advances in Urban Safety. Nanjing, China, 2012.11
Jun Teng, Zuohua Li, Wei Lu, Hongyu Li. Seismic Damage Evaluation Method for Diagrid Tube Structure Based on Member Scale. Proceedings of the 3rd International Symposium on Advances in Urban Safety. Nanjing, China, 2012.11
Jun Teng*, Ting Zhang, Wei Lu. Structural Stress Identification Using Fuzzy Pattern Recognition and Information Fusion Technique, Journal of Civil Engineering & Architecture, 6(4): 479, 2012.
Wei Lu, Ningshou Xu, Tianwei Ma*. Bridge Deflection Monitoring Using Acceleration Measurements. International Symposium on Innovation & Sustainability of Structures in Civil Engineering. Xiamen, China. 2011. 10
盧偉, 滕軍*. 風力作用下的大跨空間結構損傷識別方法 . 第十四屆全國結構風工程學術會議論文集, 2009.8: 503-508
盧偉, 滕軍*. 基於有限桿件實測信息的結構整體信息獲取方法 . 第十三屆全國結構風工程學術會議論文集, 2007.10: 423-428
Jun Teng*, Mingyi Qin, Wei Lu, Hongjun Liu. Study on wind pressure distribution of large span space structures with complicated shapes and inner pressure of holed, Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on wind Engineering. Carins, Australia, 423-430. 2007.07.

