共找到48條詞條名為國際貿易理論與實務的結果 展開




【】:徐凡 編




Introduction to International Trade Theory 國際貿易理論緒言
Chapter 1 Classical Trade Theory 古典貿易理論
1.1 Mercantilism 重商主義
1.2 Absolute Advantage Theory of Adam Smith 亞當·斯密絕對優勢理論
1.3 Comparative Advantage Theory of David Ricardo 大衛·李嘉圖比較優勢理論
Chapter 2 Neoclassical Trade Theory 新古典貿易理論
2.1 The Theorems of the Heckscher-Ohlin Model 赫克歇爾-俄林模型包含的定理
2.2 The Stolper-Samuelson Theorem 斯托爾珀-薩繆爾森定理
2.3 The Rybczynski Theorem 雷布津斯基定理
2.4 The Factor-Price Equalization Theorem 要素價格均等化定理
2.5 The Specific Factors Model 特定要素模型
2.6 The Leontief Paradox 里昂惕夫悖論
Chapter 3 New Trade Theory 新貿易理論
3.1 Theories Explaining Leontief Paradox 由里昂惕夫悖論引起的理論
3.2 Intra-industry Trade Theory 產業內貿易理論
3.3 National Competitive Advantage Theory 國家競爭優勢理論
Chapter 4 The Standard Trade Model 標準貿易模型
4.1 Standard Model of a Trading Economy 貿易經濟的標準模型
4.2 Production Possibilities and Relative Supply 相對供給和生產可能性
4.3 The Welfare Effect of Changes in the Terms of Trade 貿易條件變化產生的福利效應
4.4 Determining Relative Prices 確定相對價格
Chapter 5 International Trade Policy 國際貿易政策
5.1 Import Tariffs 進口關稅
5.2 Export Subsidies 出口補貼
5.3 Import Quotas 進口配額
5.4 Other Instruments of Trade Policy and a Summary 其他貿易政策工具及總結
Chapter 6 International Factor Movements 國際要素流動
6.1 The One-Good Model Without Factor Mobility 無要素流動的單一商品經濟模型
6.2 International Labor Movement 國際勞動力流動
6.3 Direct Foreign Investment and Multinational Firms 外國直接投資和跨國公司
6.4 The Theory of Multinational Enterprise 跨國公司理論
Chapter 7 Procedure of International Trade 國際貿易程序
7.1 Arrangements Before Trade 交易前的準備
7.2 Negotiation 磋商
7.3 Performance of the Contract 合同的履行
7.4 Breach of Contact 違約
Chapter 8 Subject and Object of Contract 合同的主體和標的
8.1 Basics of Contract 合同的基本要素
8.2 Name of Commodity 標的物的名稱
8.3 Quality of Commodity 標的物的質量
8.4 Quantity of Commodity 商品的數量
8.5 Price of Commodity 貨物的價格
8.6 Packing of Commodity 商品的包裝
Chapter 9 The Form of Contract 合同的形式
9.1 Contract 合同
9.2 Capital Requirements and Private Sources of Financing 資本要求與融資來源
Chapter 10 Methods of International Trade 國際貿易形式
10.1 Distribution、Exclusive Sales and Agency 經銷、包銷、代理
10.2 Auction,Consignment and Fairs and Sales 拍賣、寄售、展賣
10.3 Invitation to Tender and Submission of Tender 招標、投標
10.4 Countertrade 對銷貿易
10.5 Futures Trading and Hedging 期貨交易與套期保值
10.6 Processing Industry and Leasing Service 加工貿易與租賃貿易
10.7 Electric Commerce and Paperless Business 電子貿易與無紙貿易
Chapter 11 International Cargo Transportation 國際貨物運輸
11.1 Mode of Transport 運輸方式
11.2 Terms of Shipment/Clauses of Shipment 裝運條款
11.3 Transport Document 運輸單據
11.4 International Cargo Transportation Insurance 國際貨物運輸保險
Chapter 12 Commodity Payment 貨款的收付
12.1 Instruments of Payment 結算工具
12.2 Remittance and Collection 匯付與托收
12.3 Letter of Credit(L/C)信用證
12.4 Bank Guarantee and Standby Letter of Credit 銀行保證書及備用信用證