



n.精神,心靈;靈魂;潮流,風氣;(文件、法律等)精神;元氣、志氣;神靈;幽靈;精靈,聖靈;酒精; 烈酒
[pl.]烈酒; 酒精;【醫】醑劑


1. the vital principle or anirce within living things 2. the general atmosphere of a place or situation and the effect that it has on people同義詞:tone,feel,feeling,flavor,flavour,look,smell 3. a fundamental emotional and activating principle determining one's character 4. any incorporeal supernatural being that can become visible (or audible) to human beings同義詞:disembodied spirit 5. the state of a person's emotions (especially with regard to pleasure or dejection) 同義詞:emotional state 6. the intended meaning of a communication 同義詞:intent,purport 7. animation and energy in action or expression同義詞:liveliness,life,sprightliness 8. an inclination or tendency of a certain kind 同義詞:heart


⒈ infuse with spirit同義詞:spirit up,inspirit


animal spirits 生氣,活力,朝氣
a master spirit 傑出人才
be down in spirits 情緒低落
be full of animal spirits 血氣旺盛
break sb.'s spirits 挫...的銳氣; 使...垂頭喪氣
catch sb.'s spirit 引起...興趣
enter into the spiritof 本著...的精神行事;進入...的精神境界;把自己想象成為...的一個組成部分
evil [wicked] spirit 妖怪,惡魔
familiar spirit 供巫婆使喚的小精靈 經常在某一地方的人,經常同某人在一起的人
give up the spirit 死去
go at it with spirit 鬥志昂揚地干著
have a high spirit 精神好,有進取心
in a(the) spirit of 以...精神(態度)
in a spirit of fun 以開玩笑的態度
in good spirits 精神好,高興,興緻好
in high(great)spirits 情緒高漲,興高采烈,興緻勃勃
in low(poor)spirits 意志消沉,垂頭喪氣,怏怏不樂
in royal spirits 情緒極佳,極為高興
in spirits 愉快地,活潑地
in (the) spirit 精神上,內心裡
keep up one's spirits 打起精神;提神
knock the spirit out of sb. [口]使某人垂頭喪氣,挫敗某人的銳氣
lack the party spirit 對政黨不感興趣,缺乏黨性
lead the life of the spirit 過崇尚精神的生活
lose one's spirits 氣餒,敗興,垂頭喪氣
meek in spirit 性情溫柔
moving spirit 策劃人,策動人,倡導者
out of spirits 鬱鬱不樂,氣悶
one of the lesding spirits 主要領導之一
pluck [summon] up (one's) spirits 鼓起勇氣,打起精神
put spirit into sth. 使某事有生氣;打起精神干某事
raise sb.'s spirits 發揚...銳氣;使...揚眉吐氣
recover one's spirits 恢復精神
take in a wrong spirit 誤會;生氣
take in the right spirit 對...不生氣
That's the(right)spirit! [口]這種精神很好! 應該有這種氣概!
The spirit is willing but the flesh is weak. 力不從心;心有餘而力不足。
the spirit of the age(或times)時代精神,時代潮流
the fighting spirit 鬥志
the poor in spirit 溫順謙和的人
world spirit 上帝 時代精神,世界潮流
spirit away(off)使迅速而神秘地消失;拐走;偷走
spirit up 打起十分精神
school spirit 忠於母校的精神
spirit-lamp 酒精燈


I shall be with you in spirit.
He revealed this to me in His spirit.
Where can I go from your Spirit?