共找到2條詞條名為沈金花的結果 展開





1994, 9-1998, 7:湖北師範學院,生物系 理學學士
1998, 9-2001, 7:華中農業大學,生命科學學院 理學碩士
2001, 9-2004, 7:中國協和醫科大學,基礎醫學院 理學博士


2006-2011年在美國凱斯西儲大學(Case Western Reserve University)從事博士后研究,主要工作為利用基因敲除小鼠為模型研究兩個新型磷酸肌醇磷酸酶的生理學功能。相關研究結果已經在Nature Cell Biology, Aging 和Molecular and Cellular Biology上發表。2011年3月回國,現任中南民族大學生命科學學院教授。主要研究方向為: 1.磷酸肌醇磷酸酶MTMR14在心臟和睾丸中的作用和分子機制研究;2.胚胎幹細胞的定向分化、調控以及幹細胞的治療;3.轉基因和基因敲出小鼠的建立等。
Shen Jinhua*, Xia Liu*, Wen-Mei Yu*, et al, A critical role of mitochondrial phosphatase Ptpmt1 in embryogenesis reveals a mitochondrial metabolic stress-induced differentiation checkpoint in embryonic stem cells. Molecular and Cellular Biology, 2011, Oct 10.(*Equal authors)
Shen Jinhua*, Yu Wen-mei*, Brotto Marco*, et al, Deficiency of MIP phosphatase induces a muscle disorder by disrupting Ca2+ homeostasis. Nature Cell Biology, 2009, 11(6): 769-76. (*Equal authors)
Sandra Romero-Suarez*, Shen Jinhua*, Leticia Brotto*, et al, Muscle-specific inositide phosphatase (MIP/MTMR14) is reduced with age and its lose accelerates skeletal muscle aging process by altering calcium homeostasis. Aging, 2010, 2: 504-513. (*Equal authors)
Shen Jinhua and Qu Cheng-kui, In vitro hematopoietic differentiation of murine embryonic stem cells. Methods in Molecular Biology, 2008, 430: 103-18.
Shen Jinhua, Zhang Ye, Wu Ninghua, Shen Yufei, Resistance to geldanamycin-induced apoptosis in differentiated neuroblastoma SH-SY5Y cells. Neuroscience Letters, 2007, 414:110-114.
Shen Jinhua, Wu Meng, Wu Ninghua, Zhang Ye & Shen Yufei, The role of JDP2 in the differentiation of neuroblastoma SH-SY5Y cells. Chinese Science Bulletin, 2008, 53: 227-232.