共找到3條詞條名為段文傑的結果 展開



段文傑,華東理工大學社會與公共管理學院社會工作系教授、博士生導師,香港城市大學應用社會科學專業哲學博士;美國加利福尼亞大學戴維斯分校訪問研究員;曾入選湖北省楚天學者、武漢大學“351”人才計劃、華東理工大學“青年英才培育計劃”(A類)等。擔任Research on Social Work Practice (2018-2022)、Journal of Evidence-based Social Work(2020-2022)編委和Frontiers in Psychology健康心理學、教育心理學版塊副編輯,同時為50餘本多領域學術期刊特約審稿人。主要從事基於優勢視角的循證社會工作、社會指標、生活/生命質量促進等方面的研究。


2019.07至今 教授、博士生導師,社會工作系,社會與公共管理學院,華東理工大學
2018.08-2020.08 訪問研究員,東亞研究中心,加利福尼亞大學戴維斯分校
2016.03-2019.06 副教授、碩士生導師,社會學系,武漢大學
2013.06-2016.02 應用社會科學,哲學博士學位,香港城市大學
2009.09-2012.07 應用心理學,教育學碩士學位,西南大學
2005.09-2009.07 社會工作,法學學士學位,西南大學



1. 段文傑. (2020). “三維”性格優勢:探索個人潛能的科學與實踐. 中國北京: 社會科學文獻出版社.
2. Duan, W., Ho, S.M.Y., (eds). (2020). Positive Education: Theory, Practice, and Evidence. Lausanne: Frontiers Media SA.
3. 安德魯·海耶斯. (2020). 言之有數——中介作用、調節作用和條件過程分析入門:基於回歸的方法 (段文傑, 唐小晴 譯). 中國北京: 社會科學文獻出版社. (待出版)


1. Duan, W.*, Bu, H., & Chen, Z. (in press). COVID-19-related Stigma Profiles and Risk Factors among People Who Are at High Risk of Contagion. Social Science & Medicine, advance online publication. (SSCI, Q1 in SOCIAL SCIENCES, BIOMEDICAL and Q1 in PUBLIC, ENVIROMNENTAL & OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH, IF = 3.616, 5-Year IF = 4.241, 2019 JCR)
2. Duan, W.*, He, C., & Tang, X. (in press). Why Do People Browse and Post on WeChat Moments? Relationships among Fear of Missing Out, Strategic Self-presentation, and Online Social Anxiety. Cyberpsychology Behavior and Social Networking, Advance online publication. (SSCI, Q2 in PSYCHOLOGY, SOCIAL, IF = 2.258, 5-Year IF = 3.701, 2019 JCR)
3. Bu, H., & Duan, W.* (in press). Strength-based Flourishing Intervention to Promote Resilience in Physical Disabled Individuals. Research on Social Work Practice, Advance online publication. (SSCI, Q2 in SOCIAL WORK, IF = 1.188, 5-Year IF = 1.492, 2019 JCR)
4. 段文傑*, 李玉梅, 何啊龍. (in press). 基於未感染者與感染者雙重視角的艾滋病污名研究. 心理科學進展. (CSSCI)
5. Duan, W.*, Qi, B., Sheng, J., & Wang, Y. (2020). Latent Character Strengths Profile and the Grouping Effects. Social Indicators Research, 29(1), 345-359. (SSCI, Q2 in SOCIAL SCIENCES, INTERDISCIPLINARY and Q2 in SOCIOLOGY, IF = 1.874, 5-Year IF = 2.339, 2019 JCR)
6. Duan, W.*, & Li, Y. (2020). Convergent, Discriminant, and Incremental Validities of Person-Environment Fit Scale for Creativity in Predicting Innovative Behavior. Journal of Creative Behavior, 54 (3), 525-534. (SSCI, Q1 in PSYCHOLOGY, EDUCATIONAL, IF = 2.661, 5-Year IF = 2.695, 2019 JCR)
7. Li, Y.#, Duan, W.*#, & Chen, Z. (2020). Latent Profiles of the Comorbidity of Post-traumatic Stress Disorder and Generalized Anxiety Disorder among Children and Adolescents who are Potentially Infected with COVID-19. Children and Youth Services Review, 116, 105235. (SSCI, Q1 in SOCIAL WORK and Q2 in FAMILIY STUDIES, IF = 1.521, 5-Year IF = 1.870, 2019 JCR)
8. Duan, W.*, & Bu, H. (2019). Randomized Trial Investigating of a Single-Session Character-Strength-Based Cognitive Intervention on Freshman's Adaptability. Research on Social Work Practice, 147(1), 82-92. (SSCI, Q2 in SOCIAL WORK, IF = 1.170, 5-Year IF = 1.798, 2018 JCR)
9. Duan, W.*, Bu, H., Zhao, J., & Guo, X. (2019). Examining the Mediating Roles of Strengths Knowledge and Strengths Use in a One-year Single-Session Character strength-based Cognitive Intervention. Journal of Happiness Studies, 20(6), 1673-1688. (SSCI, Q1 in SOCIAL SCIENCES, INTERDISCIPLINARY and Q1 in PSYCHOLOGY, MULTIDISCIPLINARY, IF = 2.511, 5-Year IF = 3.171, 2018 JCR)
10. 段文傑*, 李玉梅. (2019). 國民獲得感:概念、測量框架、指數構建與呈現. 社會學刊, 3, 77-108.
11. Duan, W.*, & Wang, Y. (2018). Latent Profile Analysis of the Three-Dimensional Model of Character Strengths to Distinguish At-Strengths and At-Risk Populations. Quality of Life Research, 27(11), 2983-2990. (SSCI, Q1 in HEALTH POLICY & SERVICES and Q1 in PUBLIC, ENVIRONMENTAL & OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH and Q2 in HEALTH CARE SCIENCES & SERVICES, IF = 2.392, 5-Year IF = 3.028, 2017 JCR)
12. 段文傑*, 馮宇. (2018). 體重污名:對肥胖的歧視與偏見. 心理科學進展, 26(6), 1074-1082. (CSSCI)
13. 段文傑*, 張潔文, 何雷. (2018). 移動健康的理論基礎與效果評估促. 心理科學進展. 26(7), 1232-1243. (CSSCI)(註:中國人民大學複印報刊資料《心理學》2018年第11期全文轉載)