羅布·范·達姆(Rob Van Dam)是一名美國職業摔跤手,1970年12月19日出生。他於1990年首次登上摔跤手舞台,曾經參加過多次WWE摔跤手比賽。

曾用名:Robbie V (WCW jobber),Mr. Monday Night,Mr. Pay Per View,The Whole F n Show,Mr. Money in the Bank
教練:The Original Sheik
終結技:Five-Star Splash
口頭禪:"... cos I m Rob-Van-Dam","Hey, dude!"
常用招式:Rolling Thunder,Vandaminator,Vanterminator,Split-Legged Moonsault,Cartwheel Backflip Splash,Standing Moonsault,Top Rope Flying Kick,Spinning Heel Kick onto Barricade,Air Van Dam,Spinning Crescent Kick,Pescado,Corkscrew Legdrop,Corner Monkey Flip,Step Over Heel Kick
SAPW (South Atlantic Pro Wrestling)雙打冠軍; IWF (International Wrestling Federation)電視冠軍;
National Wrestling Council雙打冠軍w/Bobby Bradley ;
ECW電視冠軍,當時擊敗了Bam Bam Bigelow (April 4, 1998);
ECW雙打冠軍w/Sabu,當時擊敗了Chris Candido & Lance Storm (June 27, 1998);
ECW雙打冠軍w/Sabu,當時戰勝了Bubba Dudley & D-Von Dudley (December 12, 1998);
ASW North American冠軍;
WWE硬核冠軍,當時戰勝了Jeff Hardy (July 22, 2001);
WWE硬核冠軍,當時戰勝了Jeff Hardy (August 13, 2001);
WWE硬核冠軍,當時擊敗了Kurt Angle (September 10, 2001);
WWE洲際冠軍,當時擊敗了William Regal(March 17, 2002);
WWE洲際冠軍,當時擊敗了Eddie Guerrero (May 27, 2002);
WWE歐洲冠軍,當時戰勝了Jeff Hardy (July 22, 2002);
WWE洲際冠軍,當時擊敗了Chris Benoit (August 25, 2002 - SummerSlam);
WWE硬核冠軍,當時戰勝了Tommy Dreamer (August 26, 2002 - RAW);
(WWE)世界雙打冠軍w/Kane,當時戰勝了Lance Storm & Sean Morely (March 31, 2003);
WWE洲際冠軍,當時擊敗了Christian (September 29, 2003 - RAW);
WWE洲際冠軍,當時擊敗了Chris Jericho (October 27, 2003 - RAW);
(WWE)世界雙打冠軍w/Booker T,當時戰勝了Batista & Ric Flair (February 16, 2004);
WWE雙打冠軍w/Rey Mysterio,當時擊敗了Rene Dupree & Kenzo Suzuki (December 9, 2004);
(WWE) Money In The Bank獲得者(April 2, 2006 - WrestleMania 22);
WWE洲際冠軍,當時擊敗了Shelton Benjamin (April 30, 2006 - Backlash);
WWE世界冠軍,當時戰勝了John Cena (June 11, 2006 - ECW One Night Stand);
ECW世界冠軍,由Paul E. Heyman授予(June 13, 2006 - ECW on Sci-Fi);

Sabu (USWA & ECW),Rikki Nelson (SAPW),The Dudley Boyz (ECW),Furnas & Lafon (ECW),
The Eliminators (ECW),Tommy Dreamer (ECW),Jerry Lynn (ECW),Scotty Anton (ECW),
Rhino (ECW), Jeff Hardy,Steve Austin,Booker T,The Undertaker,Goldust,William Regal,
Eddie Guerrero,Brock Lesnar,Triple H,Ric Flair, Lance Storm,Chief Morely,
The Dudley Boyz,Kane,Chris Jericho,Randy Orton,Evolution,Booker T,The Dudley Boyz,
Dupree & Suzuki ,Jindrak & Reigns,The Basham Brothers Carlito Cool,Shelton Benjamin,
Big Show,Elijah Burke,Matt Striker,Kevin Thorn,Marcus Cor Von,Vince McMahon