XMail是開放源代碼的免費電子郵件伺服器軟體,功能強大穩定,兼容性好,可以運行在linux、windows、sun、bsd等各種平台上。作者是Davide Libenzi。
XMail是一款出色的Internet& Intranet郵件伺服器,包括 SMTP Server、POP3 Server、Finger Server,支持多域名、STMP Relay檢測、遠程控制、別名、事件記錄,可以與外部 POP3 伺服器進行同步。它是免費軟體,並且具有跨平台優勢,在windows,linux/unix上均可以運行。
開發工具:Eclipse 3.0
2,在Eclipse中“new Project”起名為Xmail。
5,新建一個source folder,起名"src"(可以隨意)。

make -f Makefile.lnx
cp -a MailRoot /var
chown root /var/MailRoot
chgrp root /var/MailRoot
chmod 700 /var/MailRoot
cd bin
cp ./CtrlClnt MkUsers sendmail XMail XMCrypt /var/MailRoot/bin
cp ./CtrlClnt /usr/bin
mkdir /usr/share/doc/xmail
cd ..
cp ./docs/Readme.txt /usr/share/doc/xmail/Manual.txt
cp ./docs/Readme.html /usr/share/doc/xmail/Manual.html
cp ./xmail /etc/rc.d/init.d # Redhat(cp xmail /etc/init.d # SuSE)
chmod a+x /etc/rc.d/init.d/xmail
cd /etc/rc.d # Redhat (# SuSE 見最尾)
ln -s init.d/xmail rc0.d/K27xmail
ln -s init.d/xmail rc1.d/K27xmail
ln -s init.d/xmail rc2.d/K27xmail
ln -s init.d/xmail rc6.d/K27xmail
ln -s init.d/xmail rc3.d/S43xmail
ln -s init.d/xmail rc4.d/S43xmail
ln -s init.d/xmail rc5.d/S43xmail
cd bin
cp ./sendmail /usr/sbin/sendmail.xmail
chmod +s /usr/sbin/sendmail.xmail
cd ..
cp ./s e n d m a i l . s h /usr/sbin/sendmail
chmod +x /usr/sbin/sendmail
/var/MailRoot/bin/XMCrypt 密碼
系統返回一串字元,如:/var/MailRoot/bin/XMCrypt ciao返回060c040a
注意用戶名是你的管理用戶名,密碼是剛才是/var/MailRoot/bin/XMCrypt [密碼]得到的值
/etc/rc.d/init.d/xmail start
export MAIL_ROOT=/var/MailRoot
/var/MailRoot/bin/XMail -Md -Pl -Sl -Fl -Cl -Ll %26amp;
https://s o u r c e f o r g e. n e t/projects/phpxmail
建立域: var/MailRoot/bin/CtrlClnt -s localhost -u postmaster -p ciao domainadd localhost
建立用戶: /var/MailRoot/bin/CtrlClnt -s localhost -u postmaster -p ciao useradd localhost newuser password U
custdomget - List a Custom Domain File
custdomset - Define a Custom (Secondary) Domain
poplnkadd - Setting Up a POP3 Drop
usersetmproc - Define a Custom (Forwarding) User Filter
usergetmproc - List a Custom User Filter
(cd /etc/init.d # SuSE
ln -s xmail rc0.d/K27xmail
ln -s xmail rc1.d/K27xmail
ln -s xmail rc2.d/K27xmail
ln -s xmail rc6.d/K27xmail
ln -s xmail rc3.d/S43xmail
ln -s xmail rc4.d/S43xmail
ln -s xmail rc5.d/S43xmail)
You need to replace the original sendmail executable with the XMail version. If you don't have sendmail installed at all you can skip this step, but if it's installed it should be replaced. First, shut down the sendmail daemon and save the old executables under a different name:
mv /usr/sbin/sendmail /usr/sbin/sendmail.orig
在註冊表中的'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\' 下建立'GNU'項,在'GNU'下建立'XMail'項,在'XMAIL'下建立字元串'MAIL_ROOT' 值為'C:\MailRoot'。建立字元串'MAIL_CMD_LINE',可設置XMail的運行參數,建議至少設置'-MM'(採用Maildir存儲格式)。
打開命令行窗口,進入c:\mailroot\bin目錄,運行"XMail --install-auto"。
eyeXMail - 多用途COM組件,用於管理、發送和接收郵件,作者Shawn Anderson
XMWizard - XMail安裝和配置軟體,windows平台,作者Shawn Anderson
XmailFilter - XMail過濾器例子,用C#寫的,作者Andrew Jennings
XMailAdmin - XMail配置工具,VB寫的,作者John Kielkopf
XMailInstaller - 安裝和初始化XMail,在windows環境,作者Shawn Anderson
xmailWebMail - Web方式管理界面,ASP寫的,作者Zhou Bo
XMailWAI - XMail Web管理界面,作者 Michal 'Altair' Valasek
XMailAutoReply - XMail自動回復程序,作者 Theo
PHPXmail - XMail管理工具,PHP寫的
econv - XMail的spool文件到email的轉化器(C源代碼)
rbuild - Email到XMail spool 格式的轉化器(C源代碼)
l i s s e t .pl - XMail的cmdaliases生成器,配合ecartis郵件列表伺服器,(Perl源碼)
e c a r t i s . s h - 執行Ecartis郵件列表伺服器的Shell程序
swrap.c - 安全執行器
AV Scripts - 反病毒程序代碼,收集者 Edinilson J. Santos
XMail PHP Administration Interface - XMail Web管理界面,PHP,作者 Andreas Klein and Hagen Herrschaft
XMail Debian Package - XMail Debian 包
XMail Web Frontend - XMail web界面,PHP,作者 Achim Schmidt
xm2nntp - XMail 連接 nntp 網關的程序,作者 Thomas Loo
AntiVirus filter - 反病毒過濾器,用於XMail,作者 Peter Lindeman
XMail Manager - XMail 管理工具,VB,作者Mike Harrington
XScanner - 快速來信內容過濾器,作者:DOLIST Technical Center
XArchive - 快速郵件存檔內容過濾器,作者:DOLIST Technical Center
XMail Queue Manager - XMail隊列管理器,作者 Harald Schneider
SpamAssassin filter - Perl寫的過濾器,為XMail集成了SpamAssassin,作者Don Drake
Hosting Controller - 管理XMail運行的命令行界面,Windows環境
SCOPE - Scope is a procedure engine for Xmail ESMTP server written in PERL by Thomas Loo
z i n c .pl - Generates XMail delivery time tables
m b o x s e n d . p l - Perl script that delivers mail to MBOX files
mboxsend.c - C source version of m b o x s e n d .pl
HOWTO Linux and XMail - How to configure XMail on a Linux system by Jeffrey Laramie
SmartPost Home Page - Fully featured email solution
Courier IMAP with XMail - Configuring XMail and Courier-IMAP to work together by Keith Strickland
Xmail Gentoo Build Files - How to build XMail for Gentoo by Sergey Ivanov
XQFlusher - Command line utility to handle the spool by Leonardo Cabral
FProt AV Scan - Filter script to AV scan messages using FProt by Filip
HowTo non-root XMail - How to run XMail with a non root user account by Sergey Ivanov
XMail's NT Domain Authentication - Executable that can be used to perform XMail's external authentication against an NT doman by Tracy
Change password option for UebiMiau (Perl CGI) - Adding "change password" option to users' preferences menu in UebiMiau 2.7.2 on for XMail by Liron Newman
Change password option for UebiMiau (PHP) - Adding "change password" option to users' preferences menu in UebiMiau on for XMail by Brandon Wittenburg
Log Reader - Utility to read Xmail SMTP logs and present them in a readable format by Nick Marino
Mail Traffic Counter - Filter that collect traffic information and store it inside a database (Windows only) by Roman Dusek
Anti Virus Filter - Anti Virus filter written in C (Windows) by DOLIST Technical Center
Check MTA Util - Simple telnetish client to check the responses from the mail server by Chuck Frolick
.NET Libs to Manage XMail - .NET libs and apps to manage and interface by Tim Aranki
XMailGraph - XMail log analyzer and graphing tool by Achim Schmidt
XMail Setup On Solaris 9 - XMail setup instructions for Solaris 9 by Hagen Mayer
XAVStats - XAV statistics for XMail by Liron Newman
XMail Utilities - Miscellaneous utilities for XMail by Dario Jakopec
x m - s p f .pl - SPF integration filter for XMail
XMail IPV6 Patch - Experimental IPV6 patch for Linux by Yasuhiko Kamata
XMail AV and SPAM filters - AV and SPAM filters for Windows by Jason J. Ellingson
XMail .NET Objects - .NET Library written in C# to interface with XMail by Shawn Anderson
XMail and Python Spambayes - XMail and Python Spambayes interface by Ng Pheng Siong
XMail Non-Root - Another XMail Non-Root approach by Ng Pheng Siong
GLST - SMTP Grey Listing module for Unix and Windows platforms
XMail Filters - Collection of XMail filters by Chris L. Franklin
SSL Patch - SSL patch for XMail by Eugene Vasilkov
SpamAssassin Filter - SpamAssassin Filter for XMail by OKI Miyuki
xmspam - Another SpamAssassin Filter for XMail by Jean-Francois Hovinne
Patch for XMail HPUX Support - This is a patch for XMail 1.22 to support HPUX OS by Raphael Couto
XMail Log Archiver - XMail log archiver
· 軟體下載(1.23版)
· 將下載的文件解壓縮,將mailroot目錄拷貝到比如c:\mailroot(許可權設為system和administrator允許)。然後將解壓得到的所有的.exe文件拷貝到c:\mailroot\bin目錄下。
· 在註冊表中的'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\'下建立'GNU'項,在'GNU'下建立'XMail'項,在'XMAIL'下建立字元串'MAIL_ROOT'值為'C:\MailRoot'。建立字元串'MAIL_CMD_LINE',可設置XMail的運行參數,建議至少設置'-MM'(採用Maildir存儲格式)。
· 修改你的域名MX解析到你的ip地址,找你的域名註冊商。
· 進入c:\mailroot\bin目錄,運行ctrlclnt.exe添加域名和郵箱名。
添加域名:ctrlclnt -s -u 管理員名 -p 管理密碼 domainadd 域名
添加郵箱:ctrlclnt -s -u 管理員名 -p 管理密碼 useradd 域名 郵箱名 郵箱密碼 U
修改密碼:ctrlclnt -s -u 管理員名 -p 管理密碼 userpasswd 域名 郵箱名 新密碼
刪除郵箱:ctrlclnt -s -u 管理員名 -p 管理密碼 useradd 域名 郵箱名
· 進入c:\mailroot目錄,打開smtprelay.tab文件,刪除為空,保存。
· 打開server.tab文件,將裡面涉及到域名的部分全部改為你自己的域名。將"DefaultSmtpPerms"改為"MR"。
· 你現在已經可以使用outlook或foxmail等軟體收發郵件,添加帳戶時注意要設置發送身份驗證,具體設置參考(你需要把裡面的2 9 9 . n e t換成自己的域名)。
· 請使用本站的XMail改進版,並下載Web界面。或者參考XMail官方網站。
登入訪http://www. x m a i l s e r v e r . o r g / (xmail的官方網站)下載xmail
XMail Version 1.22
Linux RPM
NT/2k/XP Sources
NT/2k/XP Binaries
在'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\GNU\XMail\'下創建字元串名稱:' MAIL_ROOT' 值是:'C:\MailRoot'(就是剛才安裝的目錄)
打開dos窗口,進入C:\MailRoot\bin目錄之執行XMail --install-auto,安裝為系統服務,自動啟動,
telnet localhost 100來測試郵件伺服器有沒有配置好。
xmcrypt admin 得到密碼:0401080c0b .
"admin" [tab鍵] "0401080c0b"
SERVER.TAB 是伺服器的全局配置選項。用我的域名g r e e n . o r g來作一個例子,修改以下內容:
RootDomain to "g r e e n . o r g"
SmtpServerDomain to "mail. g r e e n . o r g"
POP3Domain to "mail.g r e e n . o r g"
HeloDomain to "mail.g r e e n . o r g"
PostMaster to "p o s t m a s t e r @ g r e e n . o r g"
ErrorsAdmin to "p o s t m a s t e r @ g r e e n . o r g"
ctrlclnt -s -u -p
ctrlclnt -s localhost -u admin -p admin domainlist
ctrlclnt -s localhost -u admin -p admin domaindel "xmailserver.test"
ctrlclnt -s localhost -u catfish -p testpassword userlist
"xmailserver.test" "xmailuser" "xmail" "U"
ctrlclnt -s localhost -u catfish -p testpassword aliaslist
"xmailserver.test" "root" "xmailuser"
"xmailserver.test" "postmaster" "xmailuser"
ctrlclnt -s localhost -u admin -p admin domainadd g r e e n . o r g
就添加了一個g r e e n . o r g的域名
ctrlclnt -s localhost -u admin -p admin useradd g r e e n . o r g username password U
添加一個username用戶,密碼是password到該g r e e n . o r g域名
XMail V1.23 For Windows
XMail V1.23 For Linux