共找到2條詞條名為EAR的結果 展開
- 文件擴展名
- 英語單詞
● 1. the sense organ for hearing and equilibrium
● 2. good hearing;"he had a keen ear""a good ear for pitch"
● 3. the externally visible cartilaginous structure of the external ear
● 4. attention to what is said;"he tried to get her ear"
● 5. fruiting spike of a cereal plant especially corn
● 計算機= Effective Address Register,有效地址寄存器; = Electronic Analog Resolver, 電子模擬解算器; = Electronic Audio Recognition, 電子聲音識別; = Electronic Aural Responder, 電子音響(信號)應答器; = Engineering Analysis Report, 工程分析報告
編輯 語音
ear ring 耳飾 ; 泰銀銀耳環
GOLDEN EAR 金耳朵 ; 無損音樂播放器
Misplaced ear 移位耳
outer ear 外耳 ; 翻譯
Ear muffle 耳罩
Ear health 支持護耳模式 ; 護耳模式 ; 撐持護耳標準樣式 ; 支撐護耳形式
Ear Massage 耳穴按摩 ; 耳部按摩 ; 耳穴按摩法
mouse ear 老鼠耳 ; 當地人也稱它為老鼠耳 ; 也稱它為耗子耳
green ear 綠耳
編輯 語音
"No, " he whispered in her ear .
One, you have to learn how to use your ear .
I fixed her hair like they do in the circus with the bright blanket across her back and a flower behind her ear.
我像馬戲團里那樣把她的頭髮固定好,她背上裹著一條明亮的毯子,耳朵後面插著一朵花 。