故事大致是這樣的:一個退休的電影飛車特技男,駕駛著自己改裝過的防死車(death proof)游弋在公路上。他看上去是個和藹神秘的大叔,實際上是冷血變態的系列殺人狂。他的目標是一車年輕漂亮的女孩子們,作案方法是用自己的防死車把對方的車撞飛。某次他一下就把五個小妞撞死了。後來他又瞄上了一車小妞,卻沒想到對方是同行——飛車特技女,於是自己被玩死了。
昆汀電影裡面的男男女女,必然的是平均每句話一到兩個f*ck。在這部電影裡面,妞們之間不必叫名字,直接都是b-i-t-c-h。(想起某姐們說的,對不熟的女生,要叫美女;熟到不行的,要叫賤人。)年輕的那幫“外國女流氓”們喝酒磕葯,跳dirty dance;成熟的那幫生活相對健康,喜歡玩現實版極品飛車。所以這部電影是有教育意義的:珍愛生命,遠離酒精毒品,投入到或刺激或平庸的體育愛好中來吧!
看點一:性感美女butterfly的lap dance。據說這段舞蹈是演員的臨場發揮,果然是尤物來的。音樂是coasters的《Down in Mexico》——這首歌跳lap dance,天造地設。昆汀的審美應該代表著廣大直男的終極審美,他對性感的解讀應該算是教科書級別的——他的鏡頭,永遠是男人的眼光的著落點,順序都不會錯的。在昆汀的電影裡面,尤物的衣著永遠是簡單的——用最簡單來襯托最艷麗。
看點二:最後二十分鐘的飆車戲。昆汀特意請來了獲得最佳特技演員獎的zoe來飾演她自己——飛車特技女,於是一切看上去尤為真實刺激。當Zoe揮舞鐵棒跨著車門絕塵而去時,宛如古代騎著駿馬的大俠。她狡黠一笑:我們追上去搞死他,她從草地里鑽出來:我沒事啊——Zoe is a cat.
看點三:音樂。(這應該算是“聽點”)除了前面提到的《Down in Mexico》,片尾曲《chick habit》,也是經典。
《Down in Mexico》
Janet Jackson-Runaway
I've seen the world
Been to many places
Made lots of friends
Many different races
I've had such fun
Around the world it's true
African skies with Nairobi mood
I fell asleep in Tuscany and dreamed
The one thing missing was you
Runaway with me my love
Yeah yeah yeah yeah
The one thing missing was you
Runaway with me my love
Yeah yeah yeah yeah
I woke up with an Australian breeze
And danced the dance with Aborigines
Oh under the moon glow
Down in Mexico
I dreamed
One thing was missing that's you
Runaway with me my love
Yeah yeah yeah yeah
The one thing missing was you
Runaway with me my love
Yeah yeah yeah yeah
We'll sail the water of many colours
Won't need no compass
Love will guide our way
Don't need nobody
Long as we got each other
No need to hurry
We've got everyday
I want to share
The world with you you see
Springtime in Paris
Was so good to me
Oh this is for me and
Reality so please
Make all my wishes come true
Runaway with me my love
Yeah yeah yeah yeah
The one thing missing was you
And I just want to have a good time
And I just know we'll have a good time
Oh please come with me
And I just know we'll have a good time
It'll be fun walking in the rain in Spain
And I just know we'll have a good time
Oh didn't quiet hit the note
That wasn't such a good time
And I just know we'll have a good time
And I just know we'll have a good time
片尾曲《chick habit》
演唱 | April March |
所屬專輯 | Paris in April |
Chick Habit是Deathproof的片尾曲。該片即是最近炒得火熱的《刑房三部曲》之一。片子很一般,昆兄在節奏控制方面要向《越獄》的導演好好取經。女孩扎堆交談的鏡頭,即便是關於她們的私生活的吧,也還是令人感到冗長煩悶,昏昏欲睡。另外我很反感昆兄客串出演的做法。每次我看到他的臉,立馬想到“這是昆丁·塔倫蒂諾”而不是他應當扮演的那個角色(雖然一般都是小角色,但也有台詞啊,可他說台詞的那個彆扭……)。每次他和一大幫專業演員出現在同一個鏡頭裡,整個氣氛立刻就擰巴了。
不管怎麼說還是推薦一下Deathproof的原聲大碟。比Planet Terror(《刑房三部曲》的另外一部)強,不如《低俗小說》。後者的原聲之所以成功,在於每一首被選用的歌都簡明地點齣電影中每一個章節的主題,是典型的劇情與音樂相得益彰的例子。而Deathproof中所選的歌曲雖然也很懷舊,但是影片的節奏感不強,在某種意義上孤立了配樂。
Hang up the chick habit
Hang is up. Daddy.or you'll be alone in a quick
Hang up the chick habit
Hang is up. Daddy.or you'll never get another fix
I'm telling you it's not a trick
pay attention don't be thick
Or you're liable to get licked
You're gonna see the reason why when they're spitting in your eye
They'll be spitting in your eye
Hang up the chick habit
Hang is up. Daddy a girl's not tonic or a pill
Hang up the chick habit
Hang is up. Daddy you're just jumping for a spill
Oh, how your bubble's gonna burst
When you meet anothernurse she'll be driving in a heaese
You're gonna need a heap of glue
when they all catvh up with you
And they cut you up in two
Now your ears are ringing thr birds will stop their singing
Everything is turning gray
No candy in you till. no cutie left to thrill
You're alone on a Tuseday
Hang up the chick habit
Hang is up. Daddy.or you'll be alone in a quick
Hang up the chick habit
Hang is up. Daddy.or you'll never get another fix
I'm telling you it's not a trick
pay attention don't be thick
Or you're liable to get licked
You're gonna see the reason why when they're spitting in your eye
They'll be spitting in your eye
You're gonna see the reason why when they're spitting in your eye
They'll be spitting in your eye