姓 名: 謝松光
性 別: 男
職 稱: 研究員
學 歷: 研究生
2001年6-9月美國Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University訪問學者;
2001- 2005年日本東京大學海洋研究所工作,歷任助理研究員和日本學術振興會外國人特別研究員;
2006年元月入選中國科學院“百人計劃”,任職水生生物研究所魚類環境生物學學科組組長, 責任研究員。
1.Gong W., Li H., Xie S., Liu J., Murphy B.R., Xie S.. 2009. Two spawning stocks of icefish Neosalanx taihuensis revealed from annual reproductive cycle analyses. Fisheries Science.
2.Gong W., Wu L., Liu J., Xie S., Li Z., Murphy B.R., Xie S.. 2009. Variation in reproductive traits between two populations of Neosalanx taihuensis Chen above and below the Three Gorges Dam. Journal of Freshwater Ecology
3. He, W., Li, Z., Liu, J., Li, Y., Murphy, B. R., and Xie, S. 2008. Validation of a method of estimating age, modelling growth, and describing the age composition of Coilia mystus from the Yangtze Estuary, China. – ICES Journal of Marine Science,
4.Xie S., Li Z., Liu J., Xie S., Wang H. & Murphy B.R. 2007. Fisheries of the Yangtze River Show Immediate Impacts of the Three Gorges Dam. Fisherie
5. Xie S. & Watanabe Y. 2007. Transport-determined early growth and development of jack mackerel Trachurus japonicus juveniles immigrating into Sagami Bay, Japan. Marine and Freshwater Research
6. Li, Y., Xie S., Li Z., Gong W. & He W. 2007. Gonad development of anadromous fish Coilia ectenes (Engraulidae) in lower reach of Yangtze River, China. Fisheries Science
7. Xie S., Li Z., Cui Y. & Murphy B. 2005. Distribution, feeding and body condition of four small fish species in the near-shore and central areas of Liangzi Lake, China. Environmental Biology of Fishes,
8. Xie S., Watanabe Y., Saruwatari T., Masuda R., Yamashita Y., Sassa C. & Konishi Y. 2005. Growth and morphological development of sagittal otoliths of larval and early juvenile Trachurus japonicus (Temminck et Schlegel). Journal of Fish Biology
9. Xie S. & Watanabe Y. 2005. Hatch date-dependent differences in early growth and development recorded in the otolith microstructure of Trachurus japonicus (Temminck et Schlegel). Journal of Fish Biology,
10. Xie S., Yang H., Zhou Y. & Zhang F. 2004. Effects of body size and water temperature on maximum food consumption of Juvenile Sebastodes fuscescens (houttuyn). Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology
11. Xie S., Cui Y. & Li Z. 2001. Dietary-morphological relationships of fishes in Liangzi Lake, China. Journal of Fish Biology. (SCI)
12. Xie S., Cui Y. & Li Z. 2001. Small fish communities in two regions of the Liangzi Lake, China, with or without submersed macrophytes. Journal Applied Ichthyology . (SCI)
13. Xie S., Cui Y., Zhang T. & Li Z. 2000. Seasonal patterns in feeding ecology of three small fishes in the Biandantang Lake, China. Journal of Fish Biology (SCI)
14. Xie S., Cui Y., Zhang T., Fang R. & Li Z. 2000. The spatial pattern of the small fish assemblage in the Biandantang Lake - a small shallow lake along the middle reach of the Yangtze River, China. Environmental Biology of Fishes (SCI)