




2011.08 ~ 2017.07,清華大學,博士
2013.10 ~ 2016.12,荷蘭代爾夫特理工大學,博士(公派聯培)
2007.09 ~ 2011.07,北京林業大學,學士


2017.07 ~ 2019.09,清華大學機械工程系,博士后




1. Li C, Jia T, Xu Q, Ji L, Pan Y. (2019). Brain-computer interface channel-selection strategy based on analysis of event-related desynchronization topography in stroke patients. Journal of Healthcare Engineering, 2019:1-12.
2. Li W, Li C, Xu Q, Ji L. (2019). Effects of Focal Vibration over Upper Limb Muscles on the Activation of Sensorimotor Cortex Network: An EEG Study. Journal of Healthcare Engineering, 2019(2):1-7.
3. Li W, Li C, Xiang Y, Ji L, Hu H, Liu Y. (2019). Study of the activation in sensorimotor cortex and topological properties of functional brain network following focal vibration in healthy subjects and subacute stroke patients: an EEG Study. Brain research, 1722, 146338.
4. Li W, Li C, Xu Q, Guan X, Ji L. (2019). Influence of focal vibration over Achilles tendon on the activation of sensorimotor cortex in healthy subjects and subacute stroke patients. Neuroreport, Volume 2019
5. Jia T, Li C, Guan X, Ji L. (2019). Enhancing engagement during robot-assisted rehabilitation integrated with motor imagery task. 2019 International Conference on Intelligent Medicine and Health, Ningbo, China.
6. Li C, Jia T, Ji L. (2018). Investigation of the Effects of Game Difficulty on the Engagement Level of Patient with Brain Injuries during Rehabilitation Exercise. Proceedings of 2018 10th International Conference on Signal Processing Systems, Singapore.
7. Li, C., Rusák, Z., Horváth, I., Kooijman, A., & Ji, L. (2017). Implementation and validation of engagement monitoring in an engagement enhancing rehabilitation system. IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems & Rehabilitation Engineering. 25(6), 726-738.
8. Liu, Y., Li, C., Ji, L., Bi, S., Zhang, X., Huo, J., & Ji, R. (2017). Development and Implementation of an End-Effector Upper Limb Rehabilitation Robot for Hemiplegic Patients with Line and Circle Tracking Training. Journal of Healthcare Engineering, 2017.
9. Li, C. (2016). Cyber-physical solution for an engagement enhancing rehabilitation system.
10. Li, C., Rusák, Z., Horváth, I., & Ji, L. (2016). Validation of the reasoning of an entry-level cyber-physical stroke rehabilitation system equipped with engagement enhancing capabilities. Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 56, 185–199.
11. Li, C., Rusák, Z., Horváth, I., &Ji, L. (2016). Development of engagement evaluation method and learning mechanism in an engagement enhancing rehabilitation system. Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 51, 182-190.
12. Li, C., Rusák, Z., Horváth, I., & Ji, L. (2014). Influence of complementing a robotic upper limb rehabilitation system with video games on the engagement of the participants. International Journal of Rehabilitation Research, 37(4), 334-342.
13. Li, C., Rusák, Z., Hou, Y., Young, C., & Ji, L. (2014). Upper limb motor rehabilitation integrated with video games focusing on training fingers’ fine movements. International Journal of Robotics and Automation, 29(4).
14. Li, C., Rusák, Z., Horváth, I., Ji, L., & Hou, Y. (2014). Current status of robotic stroke rehabilitation and opportunities for a cyber-physically assisted upper limb stroke rehabilitation. Proceedings of TMCE 2014, May 19-23, Budapest, Hungary.
15. Li, C., Liu, E., & Ji, L. (2013). Mechanical structure improvement of an upper limb rehabilitation robot: Based on an equivalent kinematic model. Journal of Mechanics in Medicine and Biology, 13(06), 1340021.
16. Li, C., Sui J., & Ji L. (2013). Lower limb rehabilitation robots: A review. In Proceedings of the World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering May 26-31, 2012, Beijing, China, Springer, Berlin Heidelberg, 2042-2045.

