共找到5條詞條名為黃曉晨的結果 展開
- 金秋文化產業創始人
- 銀川市水產技術推廣服務中心獸醫
- 銀川市公安局交警支隊交警
- 青島電視台編輯
- 南昌大學生命科學學院講師
1、2014/11 - 2018/10,德國海德堡大學,生物學,博士
2、2011/09 - 2014/06,南昌大學,水生生物學,碩士
3、2007/09 - 2011/06,南昌大學,生物技術,學士
1、2019/06 - 至今,南昌大學生命科學學院
1、Huang XC, German DA, Koch MA. Temporal patterns of diversification in Brassicaceae demonstrate decoupling of rate shifts andmesopolyploidizationevents. Annals of botany, 2019
2、Huang XC#,SuJH#, Ouyang JX, Ouyang S, Zhou CH, Wu XP. Towards a global phylogeny of freshwater mussels (Bivalvia:Unionida): Species delimitation of Chinese taxa, mitochondrialphylogenomics, and diversification patterns. Molecular phylogenetics and evolution, 2019, 130: 45-59.
3、Huang XC#, Wu RW#, An CT#,XieGL,SuJH, Ouyang S, Zhou CH, Wu XP. Reclassification ofLamprotularochechouartiiasMargaritiferarochechouartiicomb.nov.(Bivalvia:Margaritiferidae) revealed by time-calibrated multi-locus phylogenetic analyses and mitochondrialphylogenomicsofUnionoida. Molecular phylogenetics and evolution, 2018, 120: 297-306.
4、Huang XC, Zhou CH, Ouyang S, Wu XP. The complete F-type mitochondrial genome of threatened Chinese freshwater musselSolenaiaoleivora(Bivalvia:Unionidae:Gonideinae). Mitochondrial DNA, 2015, 26(2): 263-264.
5、Huang XC, Rong J, Liu Y, Zhang MH, Wan Y, Ouyang S, Zhou CH, Wu XP. The complete maternally and paternally inherited mitochondrial genomes of the endangered freshwater musselSolenaiacarinatus(Bivalvia:Unionidae) and implications forUnionidaetaxonomy.PLoSOne, 2013