

魯宏偉 華中科技大學計算機學院教授,工學博士,主持與某研究院合作項目5項、校教學改革項目1項、其他各類橫向項目10餘項。


1983.9-1990.6 華中理工大學數學系,理學學士、理學碩士
1993.2-1995.6 華中理工大學機械學院,工學博士




1990.6-1993.2 同濟醫科大學基礎醫學部數學教研室
1995.8- 華中科技大學計算機學院


Xiao Ma, Hongwei Lu, Zaobin Gan* and Yao Ma. Improving Recommendation Accuracy withClustering-based Social Regularization. Proceedings of the 16th Asia-PacificWeb Conference (APWeb), 5-7 Sept 2014, Changsha, China. Accepted
Yao Ma, Hongwei Lu, Zaobin Gan* and Xiao Ma. TrustDiscounting and Trust Fusion in Online Social Networks. Proceedings of the 16thAsia-Pacific Web Conference (APWeb), 5-7 Sept 2014, Changsha, China. Accepted
Yao Ma, Hongwei Lu, Zaobin Gan* and Yizhu Zhao. TrustInference Path Search Combining Community Detection and Ant Colony Optimization.F. Li et al. (Eds.): WA IM 2014, LNCS 8485, pp. 687–698, 2014
Yao Ma, Hongwei Lu, Zaobin Gan*. Discovery of the OptimalTrust Inference Path for Online Social Networks. IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems,Vol. E97-D, No. 4, pp.673-684, 2014
Yao Ma, Hongwei Lu and Zaobin Gan*. Trust Inference PathSearch with Minimum Uncertainty for E-commerce. In: Proceedings of the 10thConferenceon Web Information Systems and Applications. November 1-3,2013. Yangzhou,China. IEEE CPS,pp. 133-137, 2013
Zaobin Gan, Na Li, Yao Ma and Hongwei Lu*. Trust NetworkVisualization Based on Force-Directed Layout. In: Proceedings of the 10thConferenceon Web Information Systems and Applications. November 1-3,2013. Yangzhou,China. IEEE CPS,pp. 199-204,2013
Yao Ma, Hongwei Lu and Zaobin Gan*. An Improved DirectTrust Evaluation Algorithm for the Context-Aware Trust Model. In: Proceedingsof the 2013 Seventh International Conference on Innovative Mobile and Internet Services in Ubiquitous Computing (IMIS). July 3-5,2013. Taichung, Taiwan. IEEE CPS, pp.196 -201, 2013
Yao Ma, Hongwei Lu, Zaobin Gan*. QoC-AwareAccess Control Based on Fuzzy Inference for Pervasive Computing Environments. In: Proceedings of the 8thInternational Conference on Grid and Pervasive Computing, May 9-11, 2013, Seoul, Korea, Springer Berlin Heidelberg.LNCS 7861, 501-508, 2013
甘早斌, 朱春喜, 馬堯, 魯宏偉*. 基於遺傳演演算法的關聯議題併發談判. 軟體學報, 第23卷, 第11期, 2987-2999頁, 2012
教 材:
趙貽竹, 魯宏偉, 徐有青, 甘早斌. 物聯網系統安全與應用(物聯網工程與技術規劃教材). 北京: 電子工業出版社, 2014
甘早斌, 李開, 魯宏偉. 物聯網識別技術及應用(普通高等教育“物聯網工程專業”規劃教材). 北京: 清華大學出版社, 2014
魯宏偉, 汪厚祥。多媒體計算機技術(第4版).北京: 電子工業出版社, 2011

