共找到50條詞條名為劉海燕的結果 展開





1989—1995 南開大學醫學院七年制臨床醫學;
1995—2000 美國田納西大學健康科學中心。
1995—2000 教學助理, 美國田納西大學醫學中心病理系;
1996—2000 博士生研究助理, 美國St. Jude 兒童研究醫院免疫系;
2000—2002.9博士后研究助理, 美國St. Jude 兒童研究醫院免疫系;
2002.9—2005.9研究助理, 美國內華達大學醫學院微生物及免疫系;
2008.2- 蘇州大學醫學部基礎醫學與生物科學學院特聘教授。




諾貝爾獎獲得者Peter Doherty 實驗室進行博士后研究期間發現CD4T細胞幫助對CD8T細胞記憶反應有著至關重要的作用。與其它幾篇科學和自然雜誌的論文同時刊出,成為2002-03年免疫學的一個重大成果。在腫瘤免疫方面,對抗CD40和白介素2聯合腫瘤治療中免疫細胞的功能進行了深入的研究,成果發表在Nature Medicine,對臨床免疫治療有重大指導意義。SCI收錄11篇,他引256次。
Haiyan Liuand Dario Vignali Differential CD3z phosphorylation is not required for the induction of T cell antagonism by altered peptide ligands. Journal of Immunology, 1999, 163: 599 (影響因子 7.0);
Haiyan Liu, Michelle Rhodes, David Wiest, and Dario Vignali On the dynamics of TCR:CD3 complex surface expression and down-modulation. Immunity (cover story), 2000, 13(5): 665 (影響因子 18.9,並且為雜誌封面內容 博士畢業論文);
Nicole L. La Gruta, Haiyan Liu, Smaroula Dilioglou, Michele Rhodes, David L. Wiest, Dario A. A. Vignali Architectural changes in the TCR:CD3 complex induced by MHC:peptide ligation. Journal of Immunology, 2004, 172:3662-3669 (影響因子7.0);
Haiyan Liu, Samita Andreansky, Gabriela Diaz, Twala Hogg, and Peter Doherty Reduced functional capacity of CD8+ T cells expanded by post-exposure vaccination of g-herpesvirus-infected CD4-deficient mice. Journal of Immunology, 2002, 168: 3477(影響因子7.0);
Haiyan Liu, Samita Andreansky, Gabriela Diaz, Stephen Turner, Dominic Wodarz, and Peter Doherty Measurement of long-term virus-specific CD8+ T cell memory in mice challenged with unrelated pathogens. Journal of Virology, 2003, 77(14): 7756 (影響因子5.2);
Gabriele Belz, Haiyan Liu, Samita Andreansky, Peter Doherty, Philip Stevenson Absence of a functional defect in CD8+ T cells during primary MHV68 infection of I-Ab-/- mice. Journal of General Virology, 2003, 84:337(影響因子3.2);
Samita Andreansky, Haiyan Liu, Heiko Adler, Ulrich H. Koszinowski, Stacey Efstathiou, and Peter Doherty The limits of protection by "memory" T cells in Ig-/- mice persistently infected with a g-herpesvirus. PNAS, 2004, 101(7):2017-2022(影響因子10.2);
Samita Andreansky, Haiyan Liu, Stephen Turner, Jonathan A. McCullers, Roland Lang, Robert Rutschmann, Peter C. Doherty, Peter J. Murray, Arthur W. Nienhuis and Ted S. Strom WASP-mice exhibit defective immune responses to influenza A virus, Streptococcus pneumoniae, and Mycobacterium bovis BCG. Exp. Hematol. 2005 33(4): 443-451(影響因子4.0);
Ted S. Strom, Stephen Turner, Samita Andreansky, Haiyan Liu, Peter Doherty, Deo Kumar Srivastava, John Cunningham, Arthur W. Nienhuis Defects in T-cell mediated immunity to influenza virus in murine Wiskott-Aldrich Syndrome are corrected by oncoretroviral vector mediated gene transfer into repopulating hematopoietic cells. Blood, 2003, 102(9): 3108-16(影響因子10.1);
Haiyan Liu, Vanessa Berner (co-first author), Qing Zhou, Kory Alderson, Kai Sun, Jonathan M. Weiss, Lisbeth A. Welniak, Bruce R. Blazar, Robert Wiltrout, Doug Redelman and William J. Murphy Interferon-gamma mediated CD4+ T cell apoptosis and impaired secondary anti-tumor responses after successful initial immunotherapy. Nature Medicine, 2007, 13(3):354-60 (影響因子 28.9);
Kai Sun, Lisbeth A. Welniak, Angela Panoskaltsis-Mortari, Matthew O'Shaughnessy, Haiyan Liu, Isabel Barao, William Riordan, Raquel Sitcheran, Christian Wysocki, Jonathan S. Serody, Bruce R. Blazar, Thomas J. Sayers, and William J. Murphy Inhibition of acute graft-versus-host disease with retention of graft-versus-tumor effects by the proteasome inhibitor bortezomib. PNAS 2004 101(21): 8120-8125. (影響因子10.2)。


2000-2002 St. Jude 兒童研究醫院博士后獎金。