共找到3條詞條名為陳漢林的結果 展開
- 浙江大學地球科學學院院長
- 湖北大學商學院副教授
- 富川瑤族自治縣科技局黨組成員、副局長

1.陳竹新,雷永良,賈東,陳漢林等. 構造變形物理模擬與構造建模技術及應用. 科學出版社,2019
2.Yang Shufeng, Chen Hanlin, Li Zhilong, Li yinqi, Yu Xin, Early Permian Tarim Large Igneous Province in Northwest China, Zhejiang University Press and Elsevier, 2017.
3.李正祥,陳漢林,章鳳奇,孟立豐. Tectonic of the South China Block:Interpreting the rock record (教材),科學出版社,2014.
4.魏國齊,李本亮,陳漢林,王良書,肖安成等. 中國中西部前陸盆地構造特徵研究(專著),北京:石油工業出版社,2008 .
5.楊樹鋒,陳漢林,程曉敢,肖安成,陳建軍,范銘濤,田多文. 祁連山北緣沖斷帶構造特徵及油氣前景評價(專著),北京;科學出版社,2007.
8.賈承造,王良書,魏國齊,陳漢林,賈東,郭召傑,肖安成,楊樹鋒. 塔里木盆地板塊構造與大陸動力學(專著). 北京:石油工業出版社,2004.
9.賈承造,魏國齊,肖安成,賈東,陳漢林,楊樹鋒,高增海. 塔里木盆地中新生代構造特徵與油氣(專著). 北京:石油工業出版社, 2004.
10.賈承造,楊樹鋒,陳漢林,魏國齊. 特提斯北緣盆地群構造地質與天然氣(專著),北京:石油工業出版社,2001.
1.Xu Xi, Andrew V. Zuza, Yin An, Lin Xiubin, Chen Hanlin*, Yang Shufeng. Permian plume-strengthened Tarim lithosphere controls the Cenozoic deformation pattern of the Himalayan-Tibetan orogen. Geology, 2020, https://doi.org/10.1130/G47961.1.
2.Chen Hanlin*, Zhu Min*, Chen Shenqiang, Xiao ancheng, Jia Dong, Yang Guang. Basin-orogen patterns and the late Triassic foreland basin conversion process in the western Yangtze Block, China. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 2020,194, DI 10.1016/j.jseaes.2020.104311.
3.Wang Bonuo, Gong Junfeng*, Zuza Andrew, Liu Rui, Bian Shuang, Tian Yihong, Yang Xiaoping, Zhang Deguo, Chen Hanlin. Aeolian sand dunes alongside the Yarlung River in southern Tibet: A provenance perspective, Geological Journal DI 10.1002/gj.4058, 2020.
4.Zhang Chenyu, Wu Lei*, Chen Wuke, Zhang Yongshu, Xiao Ancheng, Zhang Junyong, Chen Siyuan, Chen Hanlin. Early Cretaceous foreland-like Northeastern Qaidam Basin, Tibetan Plateau and its tectonic implications: Insights from sedimentary investigations, detrital zircon U-Pb analyses and seismic profiling. Paleogeopraphy, Paleoclimatology, Paleoecology, 2020. DI 10.1016/j.palaeo.2020.109912.
5.Chen Hanlin, Xia Qunke, Xu Yixian. Preface to the special issue on 'Circum-Tibetan Plateau Basin and Orogen System: Tectonics, geodynamics and resources. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences,2020,198, DI 10.1016/j.jseaes. 2020.104431.
6.Suhail Hakro Ahmed, Yang Rong*, ChenHanlin*, RaoGang, The impact of river capture on the landscape development of the Dadu River drainage basin, eastern Tibetan plateau. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences,2020,198, DI 10.1016/j.jseaes.2020.104377.
7.Bian Shuang, GongJunfeng*, Zuza Andrew V, Yang Rong, Tian Yuntao, Ji Jianqing, Chen Hanlin, Xu Qinqin, Chen Lin, Lin Xiubin, Cheng Xiaogan, TuJiyao, Yu Xiangjiang. Late Pliocene onset of the Cona rift, eastern Himalaya, confirms eastward propagation of extension in Himalayan-Tibetan orogen. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 2020, 544, DI 10.1016/j.epsl.2020.116383.
8.Paridiguli Busuke, Xie Huiwen, Cheng Xiaogan, Wu Chao, Zhang Yuqing, Xu Zhenping, Lin Xiubin, Chen Hanlin*. Deformation features and tectonic transfer of the Gumubiezi Fault in the northwestern margin of Tarim Basin, NW China. Petroleum Exploration and Development. 2020, 47(4), DI 10.1016/S1876-3804(20)60090-8.
帕日地古麗·布蘇克,謝會文,程曉敢,吳超,張欲清,徐振平,林秀斌,陳漢林. 塔里木盆地西北緣古木別孜斷裂變形特徵和構造轉換. 石油勘探與開發,2020,47(4):703-712.
9.Rao Gang*, He Chuanqi, Chen Hanlin, Yang Xiaoping, Shi Xuhua, Chen Peng, Hu Jianmin, Yao Qi, Yang Cijian. Use of small unmanned aerial vehicle (sUAV)-acquired topography for identifying and characterizing active normal faults along the Seerteng Shan, North China. Geomorphology, 2020,359:DI 10.1016/j.geomorph.2020.107168.
10.Chen Shenqiang, Chen Hanlin*. Late Cenozoic Activity of the Tashkurgan Normal Fault and Implications for the Origin of the Kongur Shan Extensional System, Eastern Pamir. Journal of Earth Science, 2020, 31, DI 10.1007/s12583-020-1282-1.
11.Bao Xuewei*, Song Xiaodong*, Eaton David W, Xu Yixian, Chen Hanlin. Episodic Lithospheric deformation in Eastern Tibet inferred from seismic anisotropy. Geophysical Research Letters, 2020, 47(3), DI 10.1029/2019GL085721.
12.Bian Shuang, Gong Junfeng*, Chen Lin, Zuza, Andrew, Chen Hanlin, Lin Xiubin, Cheng Xiaogan, Yang Rong. Diachronous uplift in intra-continental orogeny: 2D thermo-mechanical modeling of the India-Asia collision, Tectonophysics, 2020, 775, DI 10.1016/j.tecto.2019.228310.
13.Zhang Yao, Dilek Yildirim, Zhang Fengqi*, Chen Hanlin, Zhu Chentao, Hao Xuefeng. Structural architecture and tectonic evolution of the Cenozoic Zhanhua Sag along the Tan-Lu Fault Zone in the eastern North China: Reconciliation of tectonic models on the origin of the Bohai Bay Basin. Tectonophysics, 2020, 775, DI 10.1016/j.tecto.2019.228303.
14.An Kaixuan, Lin Xiubin*, Wu Lei, Yang Rong, Chen Hanlin, Cheng Xiaogan, Xia Qunke, Zhang Fengqi, Ding Weiwei, Gao Shibao, Li Chunyang, Zhang Yao. An immediate response to the Indian-Eurasian collision along the northeastern Tibetan Plateau: Evidence from apatite fission track analysis in the Kuantan Shan-Hei Shan. Tectonophysics, 2020, 774, DI 10.1016/j.tecto.2019.228278.
15.Zhang Fengqi*, Wu Hongxiang, Dilek Yildirim, Zhang Wei, Zhu Kongyang, Chen Hanlin. Guadalupian (Permian) onset of subduction zone volcanism and geodynamic turnover from passive- to active-margin tectonics in southeast China. Geological Society of America Bulletin, 2020, 132(1-2), DI 10.1130/B32014.1.
16.Yang Rong*, Hakro Ahmed Suhail, Loraine Gourbet, Sean D. Willett, Maria Giuditta Fellin, Lin Xiubin, Gong Junfeng, Wei Xiaocun, Colin Maden, Jiao Ruohong, Chen Hanlin. Early Pleistocene drainage pattern changes in Eastern Tibet: Constraints from provenance analysis, thermochronometry, and numerical modeling. Earth and Planetary Science Letters,2020, 531, DI 10.1016/j.epsl.2019.115955.
17.黃佳輪,安凱旋*,陳漢林,吳磊. 野外礫石統計方法的應用與對比. 浙江大學學報(理學版),2020,47(5):601-614.
18.陳漢林*,黃偉康,李勇,章鳳奇,吳鴻翔,楊志林,黃少英,楊樹鋒. 塔里木盆地西北緣震旦系沉積物源分析及對盆地屬性的制約. 石油實驗地質,2020,42(5):756-766.
19. 陳新偉,陳漢林*,林秀斌,程曉敢,聶梅. 南西天山晚新生代沉積序列磁組構特徵及其構造意義. 地質學報,2020,94(6):1675-1688.
20.辛文,陳漢林*,安凱旋,張欲清,楊樹鋒,程曉敢,林秀斌. 基於離散元數值模擬的西南天山山前沖斷帶構造變形控制因素研究. 地質學報,2020,94(6):1704-1715.
21. 余宏甸,陳漢林*,程曉敢,張欲清,辛文,林秀斌,楊少梅. 南天山褶皺沖斷帶西段變形空間差異性及控制因素. 地質學報,2020,94(6):1689-1703.
22.曹玉萍,陳漢林*,林秀斌,程曉敢,楊蓉,吳磊,石許華. 先存薄弱帶對帕米爾弧形構造帶形成的影響:來自構造物理模擬實驗的制約. 地質學報,2020,94(6):1752-1762.
23.龍毅,陳漢林*,程曉敢,林秀斌,張耀,成亞. 淺部滑脫層沿走向的厚度與性質差異對變形影響的物理模擬研究:對烏什和庫車褶皺沖斷帶的啟示. 地質學報,2020,94(6):1763-1779.
24.吳鴻翔,黃偉康,勵音騏,林秀斌,陳漢林,程曉敢,章鳳奇*. 塔里木地塊西北緣震旦系發現二疊紀基性岩床侵入事件. 地質學報,2020,94(6):1869-1882.
25.Chen Hanlin, Lin Xiubin*, Cheng Xiaogan, Yang Shufeng, Zhang Fengqi, Wu Lei, Ding Weiwei, Li Yinqi, Hu Bo, Huang Weikang, Chen Yaguang. The Late Neoproterozoic sedimentary sequences in the Yutang section southwest Tarim Basin and their tectonic implications and hydrocarbon perspective: Insight from basinology, Precambrian Research, 2019, 334, DI 10.1016/j.precamres. 2019.105432.
26.Zhang Fengqi*, Dilek Yildirim, Cheng Xiaogan, Wu Hongxiang, Lin Xiubin, Chen Hanlin*. Late Neoproterozoic-early Paleozoic seismic structure-stratigraphy of the SW Tarim Block (China), its passive margin evolution and the Tarim-Rodinia breakup. Precambrian Research, 2019, 334, DI 10.1016/j.precamres.2019.105456.
27.Chen Xinwei, Chen Hanlin*, Edward R. Sobel, Lin Xiubin, Cheng Xiaogan, Yan Jiakai, Yang Shaomei. Convergence of the Pamir and the South Tian Shan in the late Cenozoic: insights from provenance analysis in the Wuheshalu Section at the convergence area. Lithosphere, 11(4):507-523.
28. Zhang Yao, Yang Shaomei, Chen Hanlin, Yildirim Dilek, Cheng Xiaogan, Lin Xiubin, Wang Chunyang, Zhu Tianxing. The effect of overburden thickness on deformation mechanisms in the Keping fold-thrust belt, southwestern Chinese Tian Shan Mountains: Insights from analogue modeling. Tectonophysics, 2019, 753:79-92.
29.Tian Yihong, Gong Junfeng*, Chen Hanlin, Guo Lishuang, Xu Qinqin, Chen Lin, Lin Xiubin, Cheng Xiaogan, Yang Rong, Zhao Lei. Early Cretaceous bimodal magmatism in the eastern Tethyan Himalayas, Tibet: Indicative of records on precursory continental rifting and initial breakup of eastern Gondwana. Lithos, 2019, 324: 699-715.
30.Wu Lei*, Lin Xiubin, Eric Cowgill, Xiao Ancheng, Cheng Xiaogan, Chen Hanlin, Zhao Haifeng, Shen Ya, Yang Shufeng. Middle Miocene reorganization of the Altyn Tagh fault system, northern Tibetan Plateau. GSA Bulletin, 2019, online, https://doi.org/10.1130/B31875.1.
31.Wu Lei*, Veronica Prush, Lin Xiubin, Xiao Ancheng, Zhang Li, Chen Ninghua, Yang Rong, Chen Hanlin. Quantifying wind erosion during the late Quaternary in the Qaidam Basin, Central Asia. Geophysical Research Letters, 2019, 46, 6378-6387. https://doi.org/10.1029/2019GL082992
32.陳漢林*,陳亞光,陳沈強,林秀斌,楊蓉,程曉敢,李康. 地球學報,帕米爾弧形構造帶的構造過程與地貌特徵, 2019, (01):55-75.
33. 程曉敢,吳鴻翔,李勇,陳漢林,章鳳奇,師駿. 西昆崙山前印支運動期構造對後期構造和沉積的影響. 新疆石油地質,2019,40(1):27-33.
34.楊樹鋒,陳漢林*,龔根輝,張耀,孟立豐. 下揚子地區早古生代晚期前陸盆地沉積特徵與盆山過程. 地球科學,2019,44(05):1494-1510.
35.Chen Xinwei,Chen Hanlin,Lin Xiubin*,Cheng Xiaogan, Yang Rong, Ding Weiwei, Gong Junfeng, Wu Lei, Zhang Fengqi, Chen Shenqiang, Zhang Yao, Yan Jiakai. Arcuate Pamir in the Paleogene? Insights from a review of stratigraphy and sedimentology of the basin fills in the foreland of NE Chinese Pamir, western Tarim Basin. Earth-Science Reviews, 2018, 180:1-16.
36.An Kaixuan, Lin Xiubin*, Wu Lei, Cheng Xiaogan, Chen Hanlin, Ding Weiwei, Zhang Fengqi, Gong Junfeng, Yang Rong, Zhu Kongyang, Li Chunyang, Zhang Yao, Gao Shibao. Reorganization of sediment dispersal in the Jiuxi Basin at similar to 17 Ma and its implications for uplift of the NE Tibetan Plateau. Paleogeopraphy, Paleoclimatology, Paleoecology, 2018, 511: 558-576.
37.Sun Mingdao*, Chen Hanlin, Luke A Milan, Simon A. Wilde, Fred Jourdan, Xu Yigang. Continental Arc and Back-Arc Migration in Eastern NE China: New Constraints on Cretaceous Paleo-Pacific Subduction and Rollback. Tectonics, 2018, 37(10): 3893-3915.
38.Tian Yihong, Gong Junfeng*, Chen Hanlin, Guo Lishuang, Xu Qinqin, Chen Lin, Lin Xiubin, Cheng Xiaogan,Yang Rong, Zhao Lei, Yang Shufeng. Early Cretaceous bimodal magmatism in the eastern Tethyan Himalayas, Tibet: Indicative of records on precursory continental rifting and initial breakup of eastern Gondwana. Lithos, 2018, 324, DI 10.1016/j.lithos.2018.12.001
39.Wei Xiaochun*, Zheng Hongbo*, Wang Ping, Tada Ryuji, Peter D. Clift, Fred Jourdan, Luo Chao, Chen Hanlin. Miocene Volcaniclastic Sequence Within the Xiyu Formation from Source to Sink: Implications for Drainage Development and Tectonic Evolution in Eastern Pamir, NW Tibetan Plateau. Tectonics, 2018, 37(9): 3261-3284.
40.Sun Mingdao*, Xu Yigang, Chen Hanlin. Subaqueous volcanism in the Paleo-Pacific Ocean based on Jurassic basaltic tuff and pillow basalt in the Raohe Complex, NE China. Science China- Earth Sciences. 2018, 61(8): 1042-1056. DOI: 10.1007/s11430-017-9154-0
孫明道*,徐義剛,陳漢林. 中國東北饒河雜岩中的侏羅紀玄武質凝灰岩及枕狀玄 武岩: 對古太平洋水下火山活動的啟示. 中國科學: 地球科學,2018,48: 1016–1032.
41.Zhu Min*, Chen Hanlin, Yu Long, Zhou Jing, Yang Shufeng. Provenance of the Early Triassic in the southwestern Sichuan Basin, Upper Yangtze, and its implications for tectonic evolution. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 2018, 55(1): 70-83.
42.陳漢林,李康,李勇,吳鴻翔,程曉敢,曾昌民, 師駿, 張欲清. 西昆崙山前沖斷帶的分段變形特徵及控制因素. 岩石學學報,2018,34(7):1933-1942.
43.陳漢林, 陳亞光, 陳沈強, 林秀斌, 楊 蓉, 程曉敢, 李 康. 帕米爾弧形構造帶的構造過程與地貌特徵. 地球學報,2018,9:1-21.
44.Yang Shufeng, Chen Hanlin, Li Zhilong, Li yinqi, Yu Xin, Early Permian Tarim Large Igneous Province in Northwest China (Monograph), Zhejiang University Press and Elsevier, 2017
45.Zhang Fengqi*, Dilek Yildirim, Chen Hanlin*, Yang Shufeng, Meng Qian. Structural architecture and stratigraphic record of Late Mesozoic sedimentary basins in NE China: Tectonic archives of the Late Cretaceous continental margin evolution in East Asia, Earth-Science Reviews. 2017, 171:598-620.
46.Zhang Fengqi*, Dilek Yildirim, Chen Hanlin*, Yang Shufeng, Meng Qian. Late Cretaceous tectonic switch from a Western Pacific- to an Andean-Type continental margin evolution in East Asia, and a foreland basin development in NE China. Terra Nova, 2017, 1-8.
47.Zhu Min*, Chen Hanlin, Zhou Jing, Yang Shufeng. Provenance change from the Middle to Late Triassic of the southwestern Sichuan basin, Southwest China: Constraints from the sedimentary record and its tectonic significance. Tectonophysics, 2017,700:92-107.
48.Cheng Xiaogan*, Chen Hanlin, Lin Xiubin, Wu Lei, Gong Junfeng. Geometry and kinematic evolution of the Hotan-Tiklik segment of the Western Kunlun thrust belt: constrained by structural analyses and apatite fission track thermochronology. The Journal of Geology , 2017, 125:65-82.
49.Zhao Xueqin*, Chen Hanlin, Zhang Fengqi, Sun Mingdao, Yang Jianguo, Tan Baode. Characteristics, structural styles and tectonic implications of Mesozoic-Cenozoic faults in the eastern Heilongjiang basins (NE China). Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 2017,146:196-210.
50.Lin Xiubin*, Wyrwoll Karl-Heinz, Chen Hanlin*, Cheng Xiaogan. On the timing and forcing mechanism of a mid-Miocene arid climate transition at the NE margins of the Tibetan Plateau: stratigraphic and sedimentologic evidence from the Sikouzi section. International Journal of Earth Sciences, 2016, 105: 1039-1049.
51.Wang Cong, Cheng Xiaogan*, Chen Hanlin, Li Kang, Fan Xiaogen, Wang Chunyang. From folding to transpressional faulting: the Cenozoic Fusha structural belt in front of the Western Kunlun Orogen, northwestern Tibetan Plateau. International Journal of Earth Sciences, 2016, 105(5):1621-1636.
52.Wang Chunyang, Cheng Xiaogan*, Chen Hanlin, Ding Weiwei, Lin Xiubin, Wu Lei, Li Kang, Shi Jun, Li Yong. The effect of foreland palaeo-uplift on deformation mechanism in the Wupoer fold-and-thrust belt, NE Pamir: Constraints from analogue modelling, Journal of Geodynamics, 2016, 100:115-129.
53.Chen Xinwei, Chen, Hanlin*, Cheng Xiaogan, Shen Zhongyue, Lin Xiubin. Sedimentology and magnetostratigraphy of the Tierekesazi Cenozoic section in the foreland region of south West Tian Shan in Western China. Tectonophysics, 2015, 654:156-172.
54.Wang Fang, Chen, Hanlin*, Batt Geoffrey E., Lin Xiubin, Gong Junfeng, Gong Genhui, Meng Lifeng, Yang Shufeng, Jourdan Fred. Tectonothermal history of the NE Jiangshan-Shaoxing suture zone: Evidence from Ar40/Ar39 and fission-track thermochronology in the Chencai region. Precambrian Research, 2015, 264:192-203.
55.Chen Dongxu, Zhang Fengqi*, Chen Hanlin*, Dilek Yildirim, Yang Shufeng, Meng Qian, Yang Chengzhi. Structural architecture and tectonic evolution of the Fangzheng sedimentary basin (NE China), and implications for the kinematics of the Tan-Lu fault zone. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 2015, 106:34-48.
56.Sun Mingdao, Chen Hanlin*, Fengqi Zhang, Simon A. Wilde, A Minna, Lin Xiubin, Yang Shufeng. Cretaceous provenance change in the Hegang Basin and its connection with the Songliao Basin, NE China: evidence for lithospheric extension driven by palaeo-Pacific roll-back. Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 2015, 413:91-117.
57.Meng Lifeng*, Li Zhengxiang, Chen Hanlin, Li Xianhua, Zhu Chen. Detrital zircon U-Pb geochronology, Hf isotopes and geochemistry constraints on crustal growth and Mesozoic tectonics of southeastern China. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 2015, 105:286-299.
58.Li Dongxu, Yang Shufeng*, Chen Hanlin*, Cheng Xiaogan, Li Kang, Jin Xianglong, Li Zilong, Li Yinqi, Zou Siyuan. Late Carboniferous crustal uplift of the Tarim plate and its constraint on the evolution of Early Permian Tarim Large Igneous Province. Lithos, 2014, 204(1):36-46.
59.Wang Cunyang, Chen Hanlin*, Chen Xiaogan, Li Kang. Evaluating the role of syn-thrusting sedimentation and interaction with frictional detachment in the structural evolution of the SW Tarim basin, NW China: Insights from analogue modeling. Tectonophysics, 2013, 608:642-652.
60.Sun Mingdao, Chen Hanlin*, Zhang Fengqi, Wilde Simon A, Dong, Chuanwan, Yang, Shufeng. A 100 Ma bimodal composite dyke complex in the Jiamusi Block, NE China: An indication for lithospheric extension driven by Paleo-Pacific roll-back, Lithos, 2013, 162:317-330.
61.Tang Limei, Chen Hanlin*, Dong Chuanwan, Yang Shufeng, Shen Zhongyue, Cheng Xiaogan, Fu Lulu. Middle Triassic post-orogenic extension on Hainan Island: Chronology and geochemistry constraints of bimodal intrusive rocks. Science China-Earth Sciences,2013, 56(5):783-793.
62.唐立梅,陳漢林*,董傳萬,楊樹鋒,沈忠悅,程曉敢,付露露. 海南島中三疊世造山後伸展作用: 雙峰式侵入岩的年代學及地球化學制約. 中國科學: 地球科學,2013, 43: 433-445
63.Yang Shufeng, Chen Hanlin*, Li Zhilong, Li yinqi, Yu Xin, Meng Lifeng. Early Permian Tarim Large Igneous Province in northwest China. Science China-Earth Sciences,2013, 56(12):2015- 2026.
64.楊樹鋒,陳漢林*,厲子龍,勵音騏,余星,孟立豐. 塔里木早二疊世大火成岩省. 中國科學: 地球科學,2014,44: 187–199
65.A Minna, Zhang Fengqi*, Yang Shufeng, Chen Hanlin*, Batt Geoffrey E., Sun Mingdao, Meng Qian, Zhu Defeng, Cao Ruicheng, Li Jingsheng. Early Cretaceous provenance change in the southern Hailar Basin, northeastern China and its implication for basin evolution. Cretaceous Research, 2013, 40:21-42.
66.Zhang Fengqi,Chen Hanlin*,Yang Shufeng,Feng Zhiqiang,Wu Heyong,Geoffrey E. Batt,Zhao Xueqin,Sun Mingdao,A Minna,Wang Shihui,Yang Jianguo. Late Mesozoic-Cenozoic evolution of the Sanjiang Basin in NE China and its tectonic implications for the West Pacific continental margin. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 2012, 49: 287-299.
67.Meng Lifeng,Li Zhengxiang,Chen Hanlin,Li Xianhhua,Wang Xuance. Geochronological and geochemical results from Mesozoic basalts in southern SouthChina Block support the flat-slab subduction model. Lithos. 2012, 132-133:127–140.
68.劉聃,陳漢林*,林秀斌,Karl-Heinz WYRWOLL,Geoffrey E BATT,程曉敢,李康,王芳. 南天山西部山前新生代晚期三期構造活動:來自烏魯克恰提剖面礫石統計的證據. 岩石學報,2012, 28( 08):2414-2422.
69.程曉敢,黃智斌,陳漢林*, 杜治利,李康,師駿. 西昆崙山前沖斷帶斷裂特徵及構造單元劃分. 岩石學報,2012, 28( 08) :2591-2601.
70.廖林,陳漢林,程曉敢,林秀斌,趙學欽,姚琪,周玉彬,白琰. 帕米爾東北緣新生代隆升活動:來自奧依塔格剖面礫石統計的證據, 地球科學, 2012,37(4):791-801.(EI收錄)
71.程曉敢,陳漢林*,師駿,廖林,杜治利,黃智斌. 西昆崙山前侏羅-白堊系分佈特徵及其控制因素,地球科學,2012,37(4):635-644.
72..程曉敢,雷剛林,陳漢林*,杜治利,廖林. 西昆崙山前甫沙—克里陽地區新生代變形特徵及油氣控制作用, 石油學報,2011,32(1):83-89.
73.Lin Xiubin*,Chen Hanlin* Wyrwoll Karl-Heinz. The Uplift history of the Haiyuan-Liupan Shan region northeast of the present Tibetan Plateau: Integrated constraint from stratigraphy and thermochronology, Journal of geology, 2011, 119(4): 372-393.
74.Zhang Fengqi, Chen Hanlin*, Yu Xing, Dong Chuanwan, Yang Shufeng, Pang Yanming, Geoffrey E. Batt.. Early Cretaceous volcanism in the northern Songliao Basin, NE China, and its geodynamic implication, Gondwana Research, 2011, 19: 163-176.
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● ● 楊樹鋒、陳漢林、厲子龍、勵音騏、余星,塔里木二疊紀大火成岩省與地幔柱,2016年浙江省自然科學二等獎
● ● 鍾建華、劉雲田、陳漢林、黃立功、郭澤清、趙密福、溫志峰、吳孔友、毛毳、王安東、尹成明,王冠民、高劍波,柴西第三系構造演化與油氣成藏研究,2011年教育部高等學校科技進步獎一等獎
● ● 陳漢林、程曉敢、沈曉華、鄭愛平、楊樹鋒,數字地球背景下的地學研究生綜合素質培養,2009年度浙江省教學成果二等獎
● ● 陳漢林、楊樹鋒、賈承造、張惠良、肖安成、程曉敢、魏國齊、壽建峰、沈揚、廖林、張榮虎、陸俊明、王少依,西昆崙山構造演化及對塔西南坳陷沉積和變形的控制 ,2009年度浙江省科技進步三等獎
● ● 楊樹鋒、賈承造、汪新、陳漢林、肖安成、魏國齊、程曉敢、李本亮,塔里木盆地周緣新生代構造變形研究,2006年獲高等學校自然科學獎一等獎
● ● 楊樹鋒、賈承造、汪新、陳漢林、肖安成、魏國齊、程曉敢、李本亮等,中國西部新生代沖斷帶的特徵與盆山耦合,2006年度浙江省科技進步二等獎
● ● 楊樹鋒、賈承造、肖安成、魏國齊、陳漢林、程曉敢、李本亮,庫車、阿瓦提中新生代前陸盆地演化與油氣,2003年獲浙江省科技進步獎三等獎
● ● 方大鈞、沈忠悅、陳漢林、殷蘇杭,蔣麗萍、王鵬岩等,塔里木盆地顯生宙古地磁研究,2001年度浙江省科技進步一等獎
● ● 楊樹鋒、陳漢林、賈承造、董傳萬、程曉敢、鄭愛平、汪新,塔里木盆地古生代火山作用與地質熱事件研究,2000年度浙江省科技進步獎二等獎
● ● 全國優秀科技工作者,2010
● ● 國務院學科評議組成員,2009-2018
● ● 浙江省151人才第一層次,2002
● ● 國家政府特殊津貼,2002
● ● 高等學校優秀青年教師科研獎勵計劃(教育部優秀青年教師獎),2001
● ● 2021年入選中國科學院院士增選初步候選人名單。