wacken open air

wacken open air

Wacken Open Air (簡稱WOA)是德國極受歡迎的大型露天音樂節,以有大量不同風格的重金屬樂隊的參與而在世界享有盛名,同時也是全球最大的金屬音樂節。


Wacken Open Air (W:O:A) is a popular German music festival focusing on various forms of extreme metal and heavy metal. It takes place annually in the small town of Wacken in Schleswig-Holstein, northern Germany. With 70,000 festival visitors, and including personnel a total of over 72,000 attendees in 2007, it attracts all kinds of metal music fans, such as fans of black metal, death metal, power metal, thrash metal, gothic metal and also folk metal, from around the world.
The festival was first held in 1990 as a small event for local German bands. By 1998 the event had become the major festival on the European metal calendar and one of the most important in the world and included over 70 bands from all over Europe, North America and Australia. W:O:A is usually held at the beginning of August and lasts three days, during which the festival-goers camp on several large camping grounds surrounding the actual festival area. The 70 or more bands perform across four separate stages over the course of the event.
Wacken Open Air (簡稱WOA)是德國非常受歡迎的音樂節,以有大量不同風格的極端金屬和重金屬樂隊的參與著稱。音樂節每年在德國北部Schleswig-Holstein的Wacken小鎮舉行。2007年,有70000人次參與,包括樂隊、工作人員等等共有超過72,000參與這個盛會。吸引來自全世界各地的各類型的金屬迷,例如黑金、死金、力量金屬、鞭笞金屬、歌特金屬以及民謠金屬等。
到目前Wacken Open Air屬於全球最大的搖滾音樂節,一年一度在德國北部小鎮Wacken舉行,時長一般為三天,在每年的7月至8月的某三天,演出形式為露天表演;wacken音樂節不同於其他形式的搖滾音樂節,wacken是歷史上真正意義的金屬音樂節;每次音樂節期間有夜晚的篝火,點燃整個小鎮,夜裡有樂隊演出,有徹夜狂歡的歌迷,帳篷隨處可見。是真正意義上的音樂和快樂的融合。
中國的搖滾樂手早期只有崔健和杭蓋樂隊受邀參加過。但隨著中國金屬樂隊逐漸被歐美所關注,夜叉樂隊、窒息樂隊、墮天樂隊也都收到演出邀請。相信以後前往Wacken Open Air展示中國金屬樂的中國樂隊會越來越多。
值得一提的是,在中國教育出版社出版的英語教材,初中三年級下冊中提到了open air由此可見open air的地位及影響。