角色 | 演員 |
Honeywell | 金·凱特羅爾 |
Balbricker | Nancy Parsons |
Brian Schwartz | Scott Colomby |
Tommy | 懷特·奈特 |
Meat | Tony Ganios |
Wendy | Kaki Hunter |
Coach Brakett | Boyd Gaines |
Coach Warren | Doug McGrath |
Cherry Forever | Susan Clark |
Ted Jarvis | Art Hindle |
We follow a bunch of high school kids through a period in their puberty.Their lives mainly consist of watching the girls in the shower and making life a living hell for their teachers and for each other. The movie is packed with practical jokes and eccentric characters, like Pee Wee with the short dick (which he measures every morning) who met up for sex with the school "mattress" Wendy already wearing a rubber, or the fat teaching bitch Beulah Balbricker who is determined on making life a living hell for the boys. The name "Porky's" is the name of a striptease bar the boys get thrown out of and humiliated in in the beginning of the movie. They have their minds set on revenge, but that's not easy as the owner's brother is sheriff. Only by forgetting their internal differences can they defeat Porky and his gang. 皮爾是個害羞內向的男孩,常被同學嘲笑!為了扳回顏面,皮爾誇口替同學介紹女友,還特別的在墳場行歡,想趁機戲弄同學!沒想到:此女子早已和同學串通詐死,嚇得皮爾驚慌失措地在墳場裸奔!而皮爾的母親是學校老師,指導同學劇團表演莎翁名著:「羅密歐與茱麗葉」,但遭到佛雷牧師以戲劇對白低俗有辱上帝之而百般阻擾;雙方你來我往的惡作劇,搞得學校天翻地覆…
