

AppWizard 是用類別名稱和源程序名產生 Windows 應用程序的一個工作嚮導,整裝了程序並作成嚮導的程序產生器。


當你想要製作一些程序的時候,你便會用到 AppWizard並能了解到它用途的廣泛性。不要把 AppWizard 和一個應用程序所產生的所有程序源碼和產生器所生成的源程序弄混。AppWizard 生成的源碼是在功能性應用程序框架里基礎類別的最低限度要求。AppWizard 將幫助你很快地開始一個新的應用程序。
高級開發者可以建立訂製的 AppWizards。微軟公司已經為使用者透漏了它的後台程序源碼以供程序員使用。你可以根據你編程的需要重新設計一個新的設計規劃以建立一個特別的自動化程序模型。
Visual C++ Wizards that Help You Begin Your Program
Visual C++ provides wizards that work in conjunction with the MFC application framework and the Active Template Library to create starter programs for you. Other wizards help you add functionality to your Visual C++ programs.
Some Visual C++ Wizards That Help You Begin Your Program
MFC AppWizard Generates a complete suite of source files and resource files based on classes from the MFC library. The are two versions of this wizard, one that helps you create an MFC executable program and one that helps you create an MFC DLL. By selecting options in AppWizard, you can customize the starter files that AppWizard generates. Once you have completed the steps in AppWizard, Visual C++ creates a functional starter application for Windows from the starter files, without any further work on your part.
MFC ActiveX ControlWizard This wizard helps you create an ActiveX (formerly OLE) control. Once you have completed the steps in ControlWizard, Visual C++ creates all the files necessary to create an ActiveX control, including source and header files, resource files, a module-definition file, a project file, an object description language file, and so on. You can then use ClassWizard to define your control’s events, properties, and methods, some of which have been preimplemented in the MFC library.
The ISAPI Extension Wizard This wizard helps you create an Internet Server API Extension or Filter. Once you have completed the steps of this wizard, Visual C++ creates all the files necessary to create an Internet Server or Filter DLL.
The ATL COM AppWizard Walks you through the tasks associated with creating an Active Template Library (ATL) application. Depending on the Wizard options you choose, these applications can be very small and efficient.
Custom AppWizard When you create a Custom AppWizard you can create your own project type and add it to the list of types available when you create projects. It creates the starter source files for the new AppWizard type, and allows you to modify or add dialog boxes to your AppWizard. Custom AppWizards are useful for creating generic application project types that can repetitively generate common functionality—application types that can be used over and over again.
Other Wizard Topics
ClassWizard Like a programmer’s assistant, ClassWizard makes it easier for you to do certain routine tasks such as creating new classes, defining message handlers, overriding virtual functions, and gathering data from controls in a dialog box, form view, or record view. ClassWizard also makes it easy to add properties, methods, and events to automation objects. ClassWizard works with programs that use the Microsoft Foundation Class Library (MFC) or the Active Template Library (ATL).
WizardBar A tool that simplifies routine tasks such as defining message handlers, overriding MFC virtual functions, and navigating in an implementation (.CPP) file. Like ClassWizard, WizardBar works works with programs that use the Microsoft Foundation Class Library (MFC) or the Active Template Library (ATL).
The Add-in Wizard Helps you create add-ins designed to automate tasks. Add-ins are in-process COM components (DLLs) written in Visual C++ or Visual Basic.
Other Wizards Click here for a list of the wizards for all the development packages you have installed.