



閆東明,1978年12生,現任浙江大學求是青年學者、教授、博士生導師,國家優秀青年科學基金獲得者,浙江省傑出青年基金獲得者。2006年畢業於大連理工大學防災減災工程與防護工程專業,獲工學博士學位。2007年1月至2011年2月在美國Missouri University of Science and Technology從事博士后研究。2011年3月成為浙江大學建築工程學院土木系教師。近年來發表學術論文70餘篇,參與撰寫英文學術專著1部(負責其中一章)。已主持完成國家自然科學(青年)基金項目1項,參與完成國家自然科學基金重點項目1項、面上項目2項。目前主持國家自然科學基金項目1項,主持其他省部級等科研項目7項,參與國家科技支撐計劃項目1項。獲得教育部科技進步獎一等獎1項。兼任6個國際期刊特約審稿人和10多個國內期刊特邀審稿人;擔任國家自然科學基金委和山東省自然科學基金委項目通訊評議人。


1. 新型土木工程材料與結構;
2. 混凝土材料動態力學性能。


1. Danying Gao, Dongming Yan and Xiangyu Li. Flexural properties of GGBFS concrete incorporating with steel fiber and polypropylene fiber at elevated temperature. Fire and Materials. Accepted.
2. Danying Gao, Dongming Yan and Xiangyu Li. Splitting properties of GGBFS concrete incorporating with steel fiber and polypropylene fiber at elevated temperature. Fire Safety Journal. 2012, 54: 67-73.
3. Dongming Yan, Signo Reis, Xing Tao, Genda Chen, Bichard Brow and Mike Koenigstein. Effect of chemically reactive enamel coating on bonding strength at steel/mortar interface. Construction and Building Materials. 2012, 28: 512–518.
4. Dongming Yan, Ping Xu and Gao Lin. Dynamic properties of concrete under severe environmental condition. Journal of Wuhan University of Technology-Materials Science Edition. 2010, 25(5): 877-882, 2010.
5. Dongming Yan, Wenjian Wang, Genda Chen and Bryan A. Hartnagel. Condition assessment of Bill Emerson Memorial Cable-stayed Bridge under postulated design earthquake. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, 2010, 2172: 159-167.
6. Dongming Yan, Gao Lin and Genda Chen. Dynamic properties of plain concrete in triaxial stress states. ACI Materials Journal, 2009, 106(1): 89-94.
7. Dongming Yan and Gao Lin. Influence of initial static stress on dynamic properties of concrete, Cement and Concrete Composites, 2008, 30: 327-333.
8. Gao Lin, Dongming Yan, Ying Yuan. Response of concrete to elevated-amplitude cyclic tension, ACI Materials Journal, 2007, 104(6): 561-566.
9. Dongming Yan and Gao Lin. Dynamic behavior of concrete in biaxial compression. Magazine of Concrete Research, 2007, 59(1): 45-52.
10. Dongming Yan and Gao Lin. Dynamic properties of concrete in direct tension. Cement and Concrete Research, 2006, 36(7): 1371-1378.