共找到6條詞條名為曹欣的結果 展開
中國科學院上海生命科學研究院 生物化學與分子生物學專業 碩士
中國科學院上海生命科學研究院 生物化學與分子生物學專業 博士
(1) Xin Cao(#), Xiao-xia Ma(#), Yu-jia Xue, Yan Zeng, Xian-yu Zhang, Ying Lu,Jiang-long Du, Peng Ma, Qiu-yan Chang, Lin-jie Li, Xue-yan Zhou, Kui-zhengCai(*), Damian Kovalovsky, Zhong-ren Ma(*), PLZF play as an indirect facilitatorof thymic retention for the innate-like T-cells to aquire innate-likefunctions,Cell Death Dis. 2018;9(10):1044.(#第一作者,中科院分區大類2區,2017 IF=5.638)
(2) Xin Cao(#), Yu-jia Xue (#), Jiang-long Du,Qiang Xu, Xue-Cai Yang, Yan Zeng, Bo-bo Wang, Hai-zhen Wang, Jing Liu,Kui-zheng Cai(*), Zhong-ren Ma(*), Induction and Suppression of InnateAntiviral Responses by Hepatitis A Virus,Front Microbiol. 2018;9:1865.(#第一作者,中科院分區大類2區,2017IF=4.019)
(3) Xiao-xia Ma(#), Li-na Ma(#), Qiu-yanChang, Peng Ma, Lin-jie Li, Yue-ying Wang, Zhong-ren Ma(*), Xin Cao(*), Type IInterferon Induced and Antagonized by Foot-and-Mouth Disease Virus,FrontMicrobiol. 2018;9:1862. (*通訊作者,中科院分區大類2區,2017 IF=4.019)
(4)Xiao-xia Ma(#), Peng Ma, Qiu-yan Chang, Lin-jie Li, Xiao-kai Zhou, De-rongZhang, Ming-sheng Li, Xin Cao(*), Zhong-ren Ma(*), The analyses ofrelationships among nucleotide, synonymous codon and amino acid usages for E2gene of bovine viral diarrhea virus,Gene. 2018;660:62-67.(*通訊作者,中科院分區大類3區,2017IF=2.498)
(5) Xin Cao(#), Xiao-xia Ma(#), Jiang-long Du, Yan Zeng, Xian-yu Zhang, Ying Lu,Yu-jia Xue, Peng Ma, Qiu-yan Chang, Lin-jie Li, Xue-yan Zhou, Kui-zheng Cai(*),Damian Kovalovsky, Zhong-ren Ma(*), Reciprocal suppression between Zbtb1expression and IL‐7Rα signalling during T‐cell development,J Cell Mol Med.2018; 22(8):4012-4015.(#第一作者,中科院分區大類2區,2017 IF=4.302)
(6)Xiao-xia Ma(#), Xin Cao(#), Peng Ma, Qiu-yan Chang, Lin-jie Li, Xiao-kai Zhou,De-rong Zhang, Ming-sheng Li, Zhong-ren Ma(*), Comparative genomic analysis fornucleotide, codon, and amino acid usage patterns of mycoplasmas,J BasicMicrobiol. 2018;58(5):425-439.(#第一作者,中科院分區大類4區,2017 IF=1.580)
(7)Xiao-xia Ma(#), Peng Ma(#), Qiu-yan Chang, Zhen-bin Liu, De-rong Zhang,Xiao-kai Zhou, Zhong-ren Ma(*), Xin Cao(*), Adaptation of Borrelia burgdorferito its natural hosts by synonymous codon and amino acid usage,J BasicMicrobiol. 2018;58(5):414-424.(*通訊作者,中科院分區大類4區,2017 IF=1.580)
(8)Jian-hua Zhou, Yi-ning Wang, Qiu-yan Chang, Peng Ma, Yong-hao Hu(*), XinCao(*), Type III Interferons in Viral Infection and Antiviral Immunity,CellPhysiol Biochem. 2018;51:173–185.(*通訊作者)
(9) Xin Cao(#), Qiang Xu, Xue-Mei Wan, Xue-Cai Yang, Xiao-Ye Jia, Xu-JiaXue,Jiang-Long Du, Kui-Zheng Cai(*), Isolation, identification, and in vitropredatoryactivity of nematophagous fungus Arthrobotrys musiformis and itsinteractionwith nematodes using scanning electron microscopy,Biocontrol Science andTechnology. 2018;28(1): 94-104.(#第一作者, 中科院分區大類4區,2017IF=0.918)
(10)Peng Tan(#), Lian He, Jun Cui, Chen Qian, Xin Cao, Meng Lin, Qingyuan Zhu,Yinyin Li, Changsheng Xing, Xiao Yu, Helen Y. Wang(*), Rong-Fu Wang(*), Assembly of the WHIP-TRIM14-PPP6C Mitochondrial Complex Promotes RIG-I-MediatedAntiviral Signaling,Molecular Cell. 2017; 68(2): 293-307 (中科院分區大類1區,2017 IF=14.248)
(11)Xiao-xia Ma(#), Qiu-yan Chang(#), Peng Ma(#), Lin-jie Li, Xiao-kai Zhou,De-rong Zhang, Ming-sheng Li, Xin Cao(*), Zhong-ren Ma(*), Analyses ofnucleotide, codon and amino acids usages between peste des petits ruminantsvirusand rinderpest virus,Gene. 2017;637: 115-123(*通訊作者,中科院分區大類3區,2017 IF=2.498)
(12)Kui-Zheng Cai(#), Feng-Hui Wang(#), Bo-bo Wang, Jun-Lin Liu, Kang-Ying Wang,Qiang Xu, Yu-Jia Xue, Fan Wang, Chao Zhang, Wen-Xiu Fang, Bin Cai, Yan-Qiu Liu, Xin Cao(*), Zhong-Ren Ma(*), In vitro predatoryactivity of Arthrobotrys oligospora and after passing through gastrointestinaltract of small ruminants on infective larvae of trichostrongylides,ExpParasitol. 2017;177:104-111.(*通訊作者, 中科院分區大類4區,2017IF=1.821)
(13)Kui Zheng Cai, Bo Bo Wang, Qiang Xu, Jun Lin Liu, Kang Ying Wang, Yu Jia Xue,Hai Yan Zhang, Hai Yu Wang, Xin Cao(*), Zhong Ren Ma(*), In vitro and in vivo studies of nematophagous fungi Arthrobotrysmusiformis and Arthrobotrys robusta against the larvae of thetrichostrongylides,Acta Parasitologica. 2017;62(3):666–674.(*通訊作者, 中科院分區大類4區,2017 IF=1.039)
(14)Bo-Bo Wang, Feng-Hui Wang, Qiang Xu, Kang-Ying Wang, Yu-Jia Xue, Rui Ren,Jia-Qing Zeng, Yang Liu, Hai-Yan Zhang, Hai-Yu Wang, Bin Cai, Kui-Zheng Cai(*), Xin Cao(*), In vitro and in vivo studies of the native isolates ofnematophagous fungi from China against the larvae of trichostrongylides,JBasic Microbiol. 2017;57(3):265-275.(*通訊作者,中科院分區大類4區,2017 IF=1.580)
(15)Feng-Hui Wang, Qiang Xu, Bo-bo Wang, Kang-Ying Wang, Yu-Jia Xue, Bin Cai, FengWang, Yan-qiu Liu, Kui-zheng Cai(*), Xin Cao(*), Isolation, identification andcharacterisation of the nematophagous fungus Arthrobotrys thaumasia(Monacrosporium thaumasium) from China,BiocontrolScienceand Technology. 2017;27(3):378–392(*通訊作者, 中科院分區大類4區,2017IF=0.918)
(16)Xian-Yu Zhang(#),Ying Lu, Xin Cao,TaoZhen,Damian Kovalovsky(*), Zbtb1 prevents default myeloid differentiation of lymphoid-primed multipotentprogenitors,Oncotarget. 2016;7(37):58768-58778.
(17) Xin Cao(#),Ying Lu(#),Xian-Yu Zhang,Damian Kovalovsky(*), Zbtb1 Safeguards GenomeIntegrity and Prevents p53-Mediated Apoptosis in Proliferating LymphoidProgenitors,J Immunol. 2016;197(4):1199-211.(#第一作者, 中科院分區大類2區,2017IF=4.539)
(18)Ying Lu(#), Xin Cao(#), Xian-Yu Zhang, Damian Kovalovsky(*). PLZF Controls theDevelopment of Fetal-Derived IL-17+Vγ6+ γδ T Cells.J Immunol.2015;195(9):4273-81.(#第一作者, 中科院分區大類2區,2017IF=4.539).