sien aspin sien
主要從事神經科學方面的研究包括腦發育、腦衰老、老年性痴獃和神經幹細胞的研究;已發表有關文章近40篇,並獲得國家教委、衛生部及廣東省科委等自然科學獎、科技進步獎等多項獎項。2000年至2008年赴美國印地安那大學醫學院從事神經科學方面的研究。前6年主要從事腦缺血后神經元死亡機制的研究, 已發表有關文章10 多篇。其中多篇文章發表在影響因子較高的雜誌上如The Journal of Neuroscience, Neuroscience, The Journal of Neuroscience Research等;后兩年主要從事腦發育的研究。回國后,將結合形態學、分子生物學和電生理技術,繼續開展腦發育、神經可塑性與腦損傷等研究。
2008.10 -現在
Research Associate, Indiana University, USA
2001.12 - 2004.08
教授, 中山大學醫學院人體解剖學系
1995.12 –2001.12
1989.11 –1995.12
1982.12 –1989.12
1991.07 –1993.1
Indian University, USA,博士后
1996.9 -2000.5
1984.12 -1987.7
1978.3 -1982.12
1. M. B. Pritz and Y.-W. Ruan. PAX6 Immunoreactivity in the Diencephalon and Midbrain of Alligator during early Development. Brain Behav Evol 2009;73:1–15
2. Yi-Wen Ruan, Zhigang Lei, Yuan Fan, Bende Zou, Zao C. Xu. Diversity and fluctuation of spine morphology in CA1 pyramidal neurons after transient global ischemia. J Neurosc Res. 2009 Jan;87(1):61-8 (Corresponding author).
3. Yuchun zhang, Ping Deng, Yiwen Ruan and Z.C. Xu. Dopamine D1-like receptors depress excitatory synaptic transmissions in striatal neurons after transient forebrain ischemia. Strok, 2008, 39:2370-2374.
4. Xubao Liu, Qian Chen, Chenzhong Kuang, Meiyu Zhang, Yiwen Ruan, Zao C. Xu, Zhenzhen Wang and Yan Chen. A 4.3 kb Smad7 promoter is able to specify gene expression during mouse development, Biochim Biophys Acta. 1769 (2007) 149–152.
5. Y-W. Ruan, B. Zou, Y. Fan, Y. Li, N. Lin, Z.C. Xu. Morphological heterogeneity of CA1 pyramidal neurons in response to ischemia. J Neurosci Res. 2007, 85: 193-204 (corresponding author).
6. S. Wang, Z. Yao, J. Wang, Y. Ai, D. Li, Y. Zhang, J. Mao, H. Gu, Y. Ruan and J. Mao. Evidence for a distinct group of nestin-immunoreactive neurons within the basal forebrain of adult rats. Neurosci. 2006, 140: 191-201.
7. Zhigang Lei, Yiwen Ruan, Angela N. Yang, Zao C. Xu. NMDA Receptor Mediated Dendritic Plasticity in Cortical Culture After Oxygen-glucose Deprivation. Neurosci Lett. 2006, 407: 224-229.
8. Y-W. Ruan, B. Zou, Y. Fan, Y. Li, N. Lin, Y.-S. Zeng, T-M. Gao, Z. Yao and Z.C. Xu. Dendritic plasticity of CA1 pyramidal neurons after transient global ischemia. Neurosci.2006, 140: 191-201.
9. Yuan Fan, Bende zou, Yiwen Ruan, Zhiping Pang and Zao C. Xu. In Vivo demonstration of a late depolarizing postsynaptic potential in CA1 pyramidal neurons. J Neurophysiol. 2005, 93: 1326-1335.
10. Yi Wen Ruan, Guang Yi Ling, Jin Lu Zhang and Zao C. Xu. Apoptosis in the adult striatum after transient forebrain ischemia and the effects of ischemic severity. Brain Res. 2003, 982 (2): 228-40.
11. Byung Oh Kim, Ying Liu, Yi Wen Ruan, Zao C. Xu, Laurel Schntz and Johnny J He. Neuropathology in transgenic mice expressing human immunodeficiency virus type 1 Tat protein under the regulation of the astrocyte-specific glial fibrillary acidic protein promoter and doxycycline. Am J Pathol. 2003, 162 (5): 1693-1707.
12. Zhi-Ping Pang, Ping Deng, Yi-wen Ruan and Zao C. Xu. Depression of fast excitatory synaptic transmission in large aspiny neurons of neostriatum after transient forebrain ischemia. J Neurosci. 2002, 22(24): 10948-10957.
13. Hui Bin Sun, Yiwen Ruan, Zao C. Xu, and Hiroki Yokota. Involvement of Calcium-Independent Receptor for a-Latrotoxin in Brain Ischemia. Mol Brain Res. 2002, 104: 246-249.
14. Ruan Yiwen, Winnie W.Y. Li, Desmonb W.L. Lam, and D.T. Yew. The c-fos Immunoreactivities in the developing and adult rat cerebella. Cell. & Mol Biol Res. 1995, 41(2): 111-115.