共找到3條詞條名為走遍美國的結果 展開







preface序 introduction前言 Learners'Guide自學指導 EPISODE1 "46Linden street"林登大街46號EPISODE2 "The blind date"介紹會面 EPISODE3 "Grandpa,sTrunk" 祖父的行李箱 EPISODE4 "A Piece of Cake "輕而易舉 EPISODE5 "The Right magic"釣魚秘訣 EPISODE6 "Thanksgiving"感恩節 EPISODE7 "Man's Besf Friend"人類最好的朋友 EPISODE8 "You're Going to be fine"早日康復 EPISODE9 "It's up to you"由你決定EPISODE10 "Smell the flowers"忙裡偷閒EPISODE11 "A Place of our own"自己的房子 EPISODE12 "You 're Tops "你是高手 EPISODE13 "A Real stewart "真正的STEWART家後代 EPISODE14 "Playing Ganes"做遊戲 EPISODE15 "Second Honeymoon"二度蜜月 EPISODE16 "Full of surprises"意外驚喜 EPISODE17 "Photo Finish"大功告成 EPISODE18 "Making a Difference"當仁不讓 EPISODE19 "I DO"我願意 EPISODE20 "Q uality Time"黃金時間 EPISODE21 "A big fish in a little pond"小池塘里的大魚 EPISODE22 "Career choices"職業選擇 EPISODE23 "The community Center"社區中心 EPISODE24 "Parting friends"告別朋友 EPISODE25 "Country Music"鄉間音樂 EPISODE26 "Opening night"首展之夜


ACT 1 Harry Bennett is walking on a street in downtown Manhattan holding some flowers He takes out piece of paper From his pocket It reads,"Susan stewart,83 Wooster street, phone #555-9470,8:00 P.M."He stops and asks a street vendor for directions. Harry: Excuse me Can you help me? Vendor: sure what do you want? Harry: Where is 83 Wooster street ? Vendor: That's easy [He points down the street] Walk to the corner Then make a left turn 1 . Then walk two blocks to the traffic light Make another left to Wooster . Harry: Thank you to the corner and then a left? 2 Vendor: yeah. 3 A left Hot dog? Only seventy---five cents Harry: No, Thank you I have a dinner date 4 Harry still can't find his way .He dials susan's telephone number from a pay phone. 5 Harry: 555---9470……and it's busy……Try again 555---9470……And it's still busy [He walks into a grocery store to Ask for directions 6 ] Excuse me, ma, am, I'm looking for 83 Wooster street . Woman: yes, Wooster street is two blocks, and 83 is to the right about two houses . Harry: Thank, you thank you! Woman: you're welcome . After a few minutes , Harry arrives at Susan 's apartment on Wooster street he rings the buzzer . Susan: [at the intercom 7 ]who is it? Harry: Harry Bennett is this Susan? Susan: yes, it ,is, come up, I'm on the top floor 8 Susan: [She opens the door ] Hello, Harry it's nice to eet you . Harry: Nice to meet you, Susan [he hands her the flowers ] sorry I'm late the traffic the parking 9 I was lost . Susan: What pretty flowers! Thank you oh ,please come in don't worry about being late .it's fine excuse the mess 10 I jest moved here OH, I'd like you to meet my sister-in law 11 Marilyn Marilyn Stewart,this is Harry Bennett . Harry: Pleased to meet you . Marilyn: Nice to meet you Harry . …… NOTES: 1. Make a left Turn=Turn to left 向左轉。 Make another left Wooster 再向左轉就到了Wooster街 2To the corner and then a left?英美人在問清路線之後習慣於把聽到的話簡地重複一遍以確認自己沒聽錯。 3.Yeah:yes,前者是非正式用語。 4.Date:指異性間戀愛而進行的約會,事務性約會叫作Appointment.雙方互不認識,由人介紹的第一次約會稱做Blind date。 5.Pay phone: a public phone 公用電話。 6.Ask for directions: ask the way 問路 7.Intercom:為了公寓樓內住戶的安全,施工單位在安裝了單元門的大門后,再安裝一套樓內電子通話及控制系統,住戶可通過電鈴控制大門的開關並與來訪者交談,這個控制系統就叫作intercom. 8. i'm on the top floor=My apartment is on the top floor 我的住房在頂樓。 9.The traffic The parking Harry 急於解釋遲到的原因,來不及細說。The traffic 指的是:the traffic was so heavy that I couldn't drive fast 交通太擁擠車開不快,The parking 指的是:it took me quite some time to find a place for parking 花了好長時間才找到停車的地方。人們常開玩笑說,在美國的大城市找停車場花的時間往往比開車所花的時間還多。 10. Excuse the mess.如果你的屋子很不整潔,可以說,escuse the mess如果是覺得東西裝得很亂,就說,What a mess! 把什麼東西或地方弄得凌亂不堪,可以說Make a mess of 如,the campers have made a mess of the clean woodland 野營者們把乾淨的林地搞得亂七八糟,Make a mess of 也可用於比喻的意思,如He has made a mess of his job.他把工作搞糟了。 11.Sister-in-law:嫂嫂,小姑或弟媳,複數為sis-ters-in-law,與之相對的brother-in-law和brothers-in-law,婆婆和岳母都叫Mother-in-law,公公和岳父都叫Father-in-law.公公和婆婆、岳父和岳母合稱parents-in-law.親家則用in-laws來表示。