

泰國混血美女歌手Palmy在第四張個人專輯《palmy 5》中與Erlend Oye合作的一首清新對唱。


《palmy 5》發行於2011年12月7日,共收錄了《ROCKSTAR SYNDROME》、《SHY BOY》、《CRUSH》、《BUTTERFLY》等10首歌曲。“5”象徵著Palmy與歌迷久違的5年時間,Palmy發行第三張專輯后經歷過巡演、領獎乃至音樂團隊的人事更迭,之後陸陸續續只出版過一些精選和合輯,這樣沉寂了5年後重新出發,發表了這一張個人正式第4張專輯。

Erlend Oye簡介

挪威兩人民謠組合Kings Of Convenience成員之一。與組合另一成員Eirik Glambek Boe相識於10歲時一次地理測驗,16歲時與其他兩個朋友組建“森林”樂隊,后解散。二人樂隊在1999年夏天組成,經過一年的磨合,推出處女同名專輯《Kings Of Convenience》,以清新完美的二人聲部征服了聽眾,被NME推崇美譽為「新民謠運動英雄」。


P:He remembers feeling something between them walking close
He wondered, should he make a move but the chance would never come
When she left and he thought it was all until one day
He found out she had had a crush on him but dare to say
E:I guess, I should have trid to make her mine
But all that I could do was make her smile
I guess that there were things I did not see
For not believing this happening to me
P:She would call him talk for hour never say a world
He could never quite find out just what he felt for her
I guess he thought until they met again their love could wait
But when he found out he had a crush on her, it was too late
E:I guess, I should have trid to make her mine
But all that I could do was make her smile
I guess I should have known how this would end
And now, I'm stuck with yet another friend