共找到11條詞條名為張德忠的結果 展開
2001.9~2005.6 蘭州大學資環院地理基地班本科生;
2005.9~2007.6 蘭州大學資源環境學院碩士研究生;
2007.9~2011.6 蘭州大學資源環境學院博士研究生;
2008.11~2009.6 美國明尼蘇達大學地質與地球物理系訪問學者
2011.7~今 蘭州大學資源環境學院講師
(1)ZHANG DeZhong, ZHANG PingZhong, SANG WenCui, et al. Implications of stalagmite density for past climate change: An example from stalagmite growth during the last deglaciation from Wanxiang Cave, western Loess Plateau. Chinese Science Bulletin, 2010, 55: 3936–3943
(4)H. Cheng, P. Z. Zhang, C. Spötl, R. L. Edwards, Y. J. Cai, D. Z. Zhang, W. C. Sang, M. Tan, and Z S An. The climatic cyclicity in semiarid-arid central Asia over the past 500,000 years. Geophysical Research Letters,VOL. 39, L01705, doi:10.1029/2011GL050202, 2012
(5)Pingzhong Zhang, Hai Cheng, R. Lawrence Edwards, Fahu Chen, Yongjin Wang, Xunlin Yang, Jian Liu, Ming Tan, Xianfeng Wang, Jinghua Liu, Chunlei An, Zhibo Dai, Jing Zhou, Dezhong Zhang, Jihong Jia, Liya Jin, Kathleen R. Johnson, et al. A Test of Climate, Sun, and Culture Relationships from an 1810-Year Chinese Cave Record. Science, 2008, 322: 940-942
安春雷, 張平中, 代志波, 張德忠, 楊勛林, K.R.Johnson. 中國黃土高原西緣甘肅萬象洞M IS 5石筍δ18O記錄與南方地區石筍記錄的對比研究. 第四紀研究, 2006, 26:985-990
LIU JingHua, ZHANG PingZhong, CHENG Hai, CHEN FaHu, YANG XunLin, ZHANG DeZhong, ZHOU Jing, JIA JiHong, AN ChunLei, SANG WenCui1 & Kathleen R. JOHNSON. Asian summer monsoon precipitation recorded by stalagmite oxygen isotopic composition in the westernLoess Plateau during AD1875~2003 and its linkage with ocean-atmosphere system. Chinese Science Bulletin, 2008, 53: 2041-2049
袁野, 白益軍, 桑文翠, 段武輝, 張德忠, 譚明, 張平中, 程海. 甘肅武都萬象洞石筍雙重光性微層特徵. 第四紀研究, 30(6): 1225~1226