

Judy Collins是美國六七十年代相當出名的民謠歌手,嗓音之美後無來者。Amazing Grace歌曲的名字翻譯過來叫“奇異恩典”。是一種源自心底的頌讚,聽了能感動得幾乎讓人落淚。不想過多談論這首無伴奏歌曲的絕美程度,不是偷懶,實在是文字難以企及。Judy Collins朱蒂·考林斯,是美國60年代民謠舞台偉大的女歌手之一。



演唱者朱蒂·考林斯(Judy Collins)
A bright tomorrow in my heart,
It shines for you and me
We work each day and make our way
A better world to see
The future shines for all of us
As vast as earth and sky
It calls to us it gives us hope
And makes our spirits fly
The road ahead is clear and wide
Bright shining as the sun
We work and play and live each day
To make our new day come
We lift our voices up as one
Tomorrow's song to sing
We work and play and live each day
A future bright and free