共找到12條詞條名為黃志斌的結果 展開
近幾年主持國家教育部留學回國基金1項,江蘇省高校自然科學研究基金1項,江蘇省重點實驗室開放基金1項。2005年以來,在國內外核心化學期刊ACS Comb. Sci. Synlett,Tetrahedron Lett.,New J. Chem. 等國內外學術期刊上正式發表論文十多篇。主編的教材《綜合化學實驗》2011年被評為江蘇省精品教材。
1. Efficient One-Pot Three-Component Synthesis of Fused Pyridine Derivatives in Ionic Liquid,Huang, Z. B.; Hu, Y.; Zhou, Y.; Shi, D. Q.ACS Comb. Sci.,2011, 13, 45-49.
2.Synthesis and Optical Properties of cis-Dibenzothiazolyl- dibenzo-24-crown-8, Han, D. J.;Huang,Z. B.; Ji, S. J.J. Heterocyclic Chem.,2011, 48, 1393-1397.
3. Synthesis and Optical Properties of 2,13-Dibenzothiazol -2’-yldibenzo[b, k]-18-crown-6,Huang,Z. B.; Kim,S. H.;Shi,D. Q.; Chang,S. H.Chinese J. Chem.2008, 26(6), 1096-1100.
4. Synthesis, characterization and binding properties of novel penta-crown ethers,Huang,Z. B.; Kim,S. H.; Chang,S. H.Synlett.,2006, (Issu11),1707-1710.
5. The synthesis of unique structures of tetra-crown ethers through Michael addition,Huang,Z. B.;Kang,T. J.; Chang,S. H.Tetrahedron Lett.,2005,46,3461-3464.
6. Synthesis and characterization of novel ionophores of double-armed penta-crown ethers,Huang,Z. B.; Chang,S. H.Tetrahedron Lett.,2005,46,5351-5355.
7.Synthesis of unique ionophores of penta-crown ethers,Huang,Z. B.; Chang,S. H.Synlett.,2005, (Issu14),2257-2259.
8.Synthesis, characterization and complexation behavior investigations of novel starburst like tris-crown ethers,Huang,Z. B.; Kang,T. J.; Chang,S. H.New J. Chem.,2005,29,1616-1620.