1.科技成果獎(作為主要參加人):(1)內蒙古自治區科技進步一等獎“遙感在內蒙古草場資源調查中的應用研究”,1987年;(2)林業部科技進步一等獎、國家科技進步三等獎“三北防護林公共實驗區遙感綜合調查”,1990年/ 1991年;(3)天津市科技進步二等獎“現代化草坪草卷生產與建植”,1998年。
1. Chen W, Liu H, Wu R, Gao YB, Card S, Ren AZ. The advantages of endophyte-infected over uninfected tall fescue in the growth and pathogen resistance are counteracted by elevated CO2. Scientific Reports, 2017, DOI:10.1038/s41598-017-07183-y
2. Gao SB, Mo LD, Zhang LH, Zhang JL, Wu JB, Wang JL, Zhao NX, Gao YB. Phenotypic plasticity vs. local adaptation in quantitative traits differences of Stipa grandis in semiarid steppe, China, Scientific Reports, 2018, 8: 3148.
3. Li JP, Zheng ZR, Xie HT, Zhao NX, Gao YB. Heterogeneous microcommunities and ecosystem multifunctionality in seminatural grasslands under three management modes. Ecology and Evolution 2017, 7: 14-25
4. Li JP, Zheng ZR, Xie HT, Zhao NX, Gao YB. Increased soil nutrition and decreased light intensity drive species loss after eight years grassland enclosures. Scientific Reports, 2017, 7: 44525
5. Li X, Zhou Y, Mace W, Qin JH, Liu H, Chen W, Ren AZ, Gao YB. Endophyte species influence the biomass production of the native grass Achnatherum sibiricum (L.) Keng under high nitrogen availability. Ecology & Evolution, 2016, 6(23):8595-8606.
6. Li X, Zhou Y, Zhu MJ, Qin JH, Ren AZ, Gao YB. Stroma-bearing endophyte and its potential horizontal transmission ability in Achnatherum sibiricum. Mycologia, 2015, 107: 21-31.
7. Liu H, Chen W, Wu M, Wu R, Zhou Y, Gao YB, Ren AZ. Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus inoculation reduces the drought-resistance advantage of endophyte-infected versus endophyte-free Leymus chinensis. Mycorrhiza, 2017, 27: 791-799.
8. Qin JH, Gao Y, Liu H, Zhou Y, Ren AZ, Gao YB. Effect of endophyte infection and clipping treatment on resistance and tolerance of Achnatherum sibiricum. Frontiers in Microbiology, 2017, 7:1988. doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2016.01988.
9. Wang XY, Qin JH, Chen W, Zhou Y, Ren AZ, Gao YB. Pathogen resistant advantage of endophyte-infected over endophyte-free Leymus chinensis is strengthened by pre-drought treatment. European Journal of Plant Pathology. 2016, 144: 477-486.
10. Wu LJ, Ren AZ, Jing YH, Zhou Y, Wang XY, Qin JH, Gao YB. Endophytic benefit on competition of the host is neutralized by increasing ratios of infected plants. Acta Oecologica, 2016, 70: 112-120
11. Zhao NX, Zhang LH, Zhao TT, Mo LD, Zhang JL, Gao YB, Wang JL. Trait differentiation among Stipa krylovii populations in the Inner Mongolia Steppe region. Flora, 2016, 233: 90-98.
12. Zhou Y, Li X, Gao Y, Liu H, Gao YB, van der Heijden MGA, Ren AZ. Plant endophytes and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi alter plant competition. Functional Ecology, 2018, 32:1168-1179.
13. Zhou Y, Li X, Qin JH, Liu H, Chen W, Niu Y, Ren AZ, Gao YB. Effects of simultaneous infections of endophytic fungi and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi on the growth of their shared host grass Achnatherum sibiricum under varying N and P supply. Fungal Ecology, 2016, 20: 56-65.
14. 陳薇,劉慧,姜楠,周勇,任安芝,高玉葆. 不同CO2濃度和氮素處理下內生真菌感染對高羊茅的生理生態影響. 南開大學學報,2015, 48(4): 43-52.
15. 高韶勃,劉磊,王宇坤,李靜鵬,趙念席,高玉葆.不同利用方式下內蒙古典型草原群落物種相互關係的年際變化.生態學報,2017, 37(19): 6562-6570.
16. 高遠,李隔萍,施宏,劉慧,任安芝,高玉葆. 感染內生真菌的羽茅對大針茅的化感作用. 生態學報,2017, 37( 4) : 1063-1073.
17. 賈彤,任安芝,魏茂英,尹立佳,高玉葆. 不同傳播方式的內生真菌感染對羽茅的影響. 植物生態學報,2015, 39(1): 72-80
18. 李隔萍,高遠,劉磊,李夏,任安芝,高玉葆.內生真菌對氮添加羽茅根際土壤特性和微生物群落的影響.生態學報,2017, 37(13): 4299-4308
19. 李靜鵬, 鄭志榮, 趙念席, 高玉葆. 刈割、圍封、放牧三種利用方式下草原生態系統的多功能性與植物物種多樣性之間的關係[J]. 植物生態學報, 2016, 40(8): 735-747.
20. 劉慧,陳薇,周勇,李夏,任安芝,高玉葆. 內生真菌和叢枝菌根真菌對羊草生長的影響。植物生態學報,2015, 39(5): 477-485.
21. 劉磊,辛曉靜,王宇坤,曲耀冰,楊雪,李隔萍,趙念席,高玉葆.不同鄰居物種的基因型多樣性對冷蒿生長的影響.生態學報,2017, 37(19): 6544-6551
22. 牛毅,高遠,李隔萍,任安芝,高玉葆. 內生真菌對羽茅抗病性的影響。植物生態學報,2016, 40(9): 925-932.
23. 秦俊華,任安芝,高玉葆. 噴施茉莉酮酸甲酯及感染內生真菌對羽茅生長的影響. 應用生態學報,2015, 26(4): 1145-1152.
24. 申俊芳,任慧琴,辛曉靜,徐冰,高玉葆,趙念席. 羊草基因型多樣性能增強種群對干擾的響應. 生態學報,2015,35(23): 7682-7689.
25. 申俊芳,辛曉靜,趙念席,高玉葆. 羊草基因型數目對地下動物及微生物群落的影響. 生態學雜誌,2016, 35(5): 1226-1232..
26. 辛曉靜,劉磊,申俊芳,趙念席,高玉葆.羊草基因型數目與氮添加對土壤微生物群落的交互影響.生態學報,2016,36(13): 3923-3932.
27. 徐冰,任慧琴,趙念席,阮維斌,高玉葆. 四種草原植物根際土壤線蟲群落特徵. 生態學雜誌,2015,34(1): 175-181.
28. 許譯天, 何夢婷, 楊敬一, 黎冰芷, 王宇坤, 趙念席, 高玉葆. 基因型數目對溚草生長表現的影響. 生態學雜誌,2017,36(9):2489-2493
29. 楊雪, 申俊芳, 趙念席, 高玉葆. 不同基因型羊草數量性狀的可塑性及遺傳分化. 植物生態學報,2017, 41 (3): 359–368.