




2013.05 – 目前 蘇州大學醫學部生理學與神經生物學系,主任、教授、博導、東吳學者;蘇州大學神經科學研究所PI
2009.06 –2013.05 蘇州大學醫學部神經生物學系,教授、東吳學者
2007.08 –2009.06 美國聖路易斯華盛頓大學醫學院疼痛研究中心,博士后
2005.08 - 2007.07 新加坡國立大學/國家神經科學研究所,助理研究員
2002.09 - 2007.07 南京醫科大學藥理學系(NUS聯合培養博士生),醫學博士
1997.09 - 2002.06 南京醫科大學臨床醫學系,醫學學士



6.江蘇省高校自然科學基金, 09KJB180008,主持,已結題
7. 東吳學者計劃資助,主持,在研


1.Guo Q, Jiang YJ, Jin H, Jiang XH, Gu B, Zhang YM, Wang JG, Qin ZH, Tao J*. Modulation of A-type K+ channels by the short-chain cobrotoxin through the protein kinase C-delta isoform decreases membrane excitability in dorsal root ganglion neurons. Biochem Pharmacol2013, 85(9):1352-62.
2.Zhang Y, Jiang X, Snutch TP, Tao J*. Modulation of low-voltage-activated T-type Ca²⁺channels. Biochim Biophys Acta2013, 1828(7):1550-9.
3.Zhang Y, Jiang D, Zhang Y, Jiang X, Wang F, Tao J*. Neuromedin U type 1 receptor stimulation of A-type K+ current requires the βγ subunits of Go protein, protein kinase A, and extracellular signal-regulated kinase 1/2 (ERK1/2) in sensory neurons. J Biol Chem2012, 287(22):18562-72.
4.Zhang Y, Zhang J, Jiang D, Zhang D, Qian Z, Liu C, Tao J*. Inhibition of T-type Ca²⁺channels by endostatin attenuates human glioblastoma cell proliferation and migration. Br J Pharmacol2012, 166(4):1247-60.
5.Zhang L, Zhang Y, Jiang D, Reid PF, Jiang X, Qin Z, Tao J*.Alpha-cobratoxin inhibits T-type calcium currents through muscarinic M4 receptor and Gο-protein βγ subunits-dependent protein kinase A pathway in dorsal root ganglion neurons. Neuropharmacology2012, 62(2):1062-72.
6.Zhang Y, Zhang L, Wang F, Zhang Y, Wang J, Qin Z, Jiang X, Tao J*. Activation of M3 muscarinic receptors inhibits T-type Cachannel currents via pertussis toxin-sensitive novel protein kinase C pathway in small dorsal root ganglion neurons. Cell Signal2011, 23: 1057-1067.
7.Wang F, Zhang Y, Jiang X, Zhang Y, Zhang L, Gong S, Liu C, Zhou L, Tao J*. Neuromedin U inhibits T-type Cachannel currents and decreases membrane excitability in small dorsal root ganglia neurons in mice. Cell Calcium2011, 49, 12-22.
8.Xu G, Wang F, Jiang X, Tao J*.Aquaporin 1, a potential therapeutic target for migraine with aura. Molecular Pain2010, 6, 68-76. (Highly Accessed)
9.Zhang Y, Jiang D, Zhang J, Wang F, Jiang X, Tao J*. Activation of neuromedin U type 1 receptor inhibits L-type Cachannel currents via phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase-dependent protein kinase C epsilon pathway in mouse hippocampal neurons. Cell Signal2010, 22, 1660-1668.
10. Tao J*, Zhang Y, Huang H, Jiang X.Activation of corticotropin-releasing factor 2 receptor inhibits Purkinje neuron P-type calcium currents via Gα-dependent PKC eposilon pathway. Cell Signal2009, 21, 1436-1443.
11. Tao J, Hildebrand ME, Liao P, Liang MC, Tan G, Li S, Snutch TP, Soong TW. Activation of corticotropin-releasing factor receptor 1 selectively inhibits Ca3.2 T-type calcium channels. Mol Pharmacol2008,73,1596-1609.
12. Tao J, Zhang Y, Li S, Sun W, Soong TW. Tyrosine kinase-independentinhibition bygenistein on spermatogenic T-type calcium channels attenuates mouse sperm motility and acrosome reaction. Cell Calcium2009, 45, 133-143.
13.Zhang Y, Tao J*, Huang H, Ding G, Cheng Y, Sun W. Effects of celecoxib on voltage-gated calcium channels inratpheochromocytomacells. Pharmacol Res2007,56,267-274.
14. Tao J, Zhang Y, Soong TW, Li S. Expression of urocortin 2 and its inhibitory effects on intracellular Cavia L-type voltage-gated calcium channels in ratpheochromocytomacells. Neuropsychopharmacology2006, 31, 2600-2609.
15. Tao J, Xu H, Yang C, Liu CN, Li S. Effect of Urocortin on L-type calcium currents in adult rat ventricular myocytes. Pharmacol Res2004, 50, 471-476.

