中電傳媒股份有限公司是中國電力報社的全資子公司,是中國電力報社貫徹國家新聞體制改革和大力發展文化產業的政策精神、依法註冊成立的股份制公司,註冊資本5000萬。主要從事《中國電力報徠》、《中國電業》、《中國發電》、《That's Beijing》、中國電力新聞網、中國電力網路電視台、《電力快訊》的發行、廣告代理和新媒體產品、信息產品、電力資料庫等業務的開發與經營。還有影視節目製作、發行和銷售;展覽展示、會議承辦,代理書畫、圖書出版、計算機排版及印刷、教育培訓、諮詢與文化交流等業務,營業額1億元。
中電傳媒股份有限公司(China ZhongDian Media Co., Ltd,簡稱中電傳媒,中文名稱由原電監會副主席邵秉仁先生題寫。
To carry out the policy of the reform of Chinese News Press system and of the development of cultural industry, China ZhongDian Media Co. Ltd. is a company that was accordingly registered by the Chinese Electronic Power News Press. It mainly looks after the publicaiton of China Electric Power Newspaper, China Electric Power Industry, Made in China, China Electric Power News Network, Electric Power Internet Television, and Electric Power Express, together with the development and management of advertising agents, new media products, information products, and electric power data base, etc.. The company also deals with businesses such as production, distribution and sales of films and TV programmes, exhibitions, conferences, publicaiton of books, computer layout and printing, education and training, consulting and cultural exchange.
Its English magazine Made in China was registered in the United States. It is a financial magazine, emphasizing on made-in-China products. Its target readers are the producers, dealers, and marketers who are linked with made-in-China products all over the world, as well as chambers of commerce and purchasing associations. Its aim is to become the showcase for Chinese enterprises, to introduce and pormote Chinese products, to develop Chinese trade, and to provide a business platform for Chinese businesses. It is upmost goal is to become a crucial window into exporting made-in-China products, Chinese brands and Chinese culture, to serve Chinese economy, and to build a bridge for the international business world.