



1. 組合結構構件抗震性能試驗研究
1) 鋼-新型混凝土材料柱腳抗震性能
2) 鋼-新型混凝土材料樑柱節點抗震性能
3) 鋼管混凝土構件抗剪承載能力
2. 鋼結構抗震性能試驗研究
1) 高層鋼結構樑柱節點抗震性能
2) 鋼結構節點抗震加固
3) 帶阻尼耗能元件的鋼支撐框架抗震性能
3. 非線性有限元數值模擬研究
1) 鋼結構構件數值模擬
2) 組合結構構件數值模擬
3) 阻尼耗能元件數值模擬


1.Cui Y, Nagae T, Nakashima M, Hysteretic Behavior and Strength Capacity of Shallowly Embedded Steel Column Bases, Journal of structural engineering, ASCE,(SCI收錄)
2. Cui Y, Nakashima M, Hysteretic Behavior of Shallowly Embedded Steel Column Bases with SFRCC Slab, Journal of earthquake engineering and structural dynamics(SCI收錄)
3. Cui Y, Nakashima M, Application of Headed Studs in Steel Fiber Reinforced Cementitious Composite Slab of Steel Beam-Column Connection, Journal of earthquake engineering and engineering vibration, (SCI收錄)
4. Cui Y, Asada H, Kishiki S, Yamada S, Ultimate Strength of the Gusset Plate Connection with Fillet Welds, Journal of Constructional Steel Research. (SCI收錄)
5. Tai T, Toko H, Cui Y, Song S, Nakashima M, Development of Steel Beam-to-Column Connections Using SFRCC Floor Slabs as Exterior Diaphragms, Journal of structural and construction engineering(EI收錄)
6. Cui Y, Tai T, Hitaka T, and Nakashima M, Use of SFRCC in Shallowly Embedded Steel Column Bases, Journal of structural engineering, AIJ, Vol. 55B. , March, 2009.
7. Yamamoto R, Uemura T, Cui Y, Suita K, and Nakashima M, Test on Exterior Column Bases and Strength and Stiffness Evaluation (Hysteretic behavior and strength capacity of shallow-embedded steel column bases Part 3), Journal of Structural and Construction Engineering(EI收錄)
8. 錢稼茹, 崔瑤, 方小丹. 鋼管混凝土柱受剪承載力試驗. 土木工程學報(EI收錄)