

金超,2009年畢業於華南理工大學,獲得工學博士學位。2009.11-2011.5年在美國南卡羅來納州立大學由美國工程院院士Kenneth Reifsnider教授領導的SOFC Center從事博士后研究。2011年8月加入蘇州大學能源學院,任副教授。承擔和參與國家自然科學金面上項目、科技部863項目、美國國防部項目等5項,在Adv Mater,Electrochem.Commun, J. Membr. Sci,Int. J. Hydrogen Energy, J. Power Sources,J. Electrochem Soc等雜誌發表論文30餘篇。


2. 水蒸汽、CO2的高溫電解
3. 鋰-空氣電池


1. 國家自然科學基金“直接碳固體氧化物燃料電池的陽極高溫反應機理研究(20976063)”。已結題,第二完成人
2. 國家863高科技項目“直接使用天然氣的錐管串接式固體氧化物燃料電池堆(2007AA05Z136)”。已結題,主要完成人
3. 美國國防部“Bi-Electrode Supported Solid Oxide Fuel Cell System: Phase II”項目。主要研究者




1.Chenghao Yang+, Zhibin Yang+, Chao Jin+(並列第一作者), Guoliang Xiao, Fanglin Chen, Minfang Han, Sulfur-tolerant redox-reversible anode material for direct hydrocarbon solid oxide fuel cells.Advanced Materials24 (2012) 1439-1443.
2. Chao Jin, Zhibin Yang, Honghe Zheng, Chenghao Yang, Fanglin Chen, La0.6Sr1.4MnO4layered perovskite anode material for intermediate temperature solid oxide fuel cells.Electrochemistry Communications14(2012) 75-77
3. Chao Jin, Chenghao Yang, Honghe Zheng, Fanglin Chen, Intermediate temperature solid oxide fuel cells with Cu1.3Mn1.7O4internal reforming layer.Journal of Power Sources201 (2012) 66-71
4.Ruimin Xing, Yarong Wang, Shanhu Liu, Chao Jin*(通訊作者). Preparation and characterization of La0.75Sr0.25Cr0.5Mn0.5O3?δ–yttria stabilized zirconia cathode supported solid oxide electrolysis cells for hydrogen generation.Journal of Power Sources208 (2012) 276-281.
5. Yan Xie, Yarong Wang, Chao Jin*(通訊作者). Preparation and electrochemical properties of La1.0Sr1.0FeO4+δ–SDC composite cathode for intermediate temperature solid oxide fuel cells.Rare Metal Materials and Engineering41(S2) (2012) 536-540
6. Chao Jin, Chenghao Yang, Fanglin Chen. Characteristics of the hydrogen electrode in high temperature steam electrolysis process.Journal of the Electrochemical Society158 (2011) B1217-B1223
7. Chao Jin, Chenghao Yang, Fanglin Chen. Novel Micro-tubular High Temperature Solid Oxide Electrolysis Cells.ECS Transactions35 (2011)
8. Chao Jin, Chenghao Yang, Fei Zhao, Daan Cui, Fanglin Chen. La0.75Sr0.25Cr0.5Mn0.5O3as hydrogen electrode for solid oxide electrolysis cells.International Journal of Hydrogen Energy36 (2011) 3340-3346.
9. Chao Jin, Jiang Liu, Jing Sui. Sintering behavioral and electrochemical performances of LSM-BSB composite cathode for intermediate temperature SOFCs.Journal of Electroceramics26 (2011) 74-77.
10. Chao Jin, Chenghao Yang, Fanglin Chen.Effects on microstructure of NiO–YSZ anode support fabricated by phase-inversion method.Journal of Membrane Science363 (2010) 250-255.
11. Chao Jin, Chenghao Yang, Fei Zhao, Adam Coffin, Fanglin Chen.Direct–methane solid oxide fuel cells with Cu1.3Mn1.7O4spinel internal reforming layer.Electrochemistry Communications42 (2010) 1450-1452.
12. Chao Jin, Jiang Liu. Preparation of Ba1.2Sr0.8CoO4+δK2NiF4-type structure oxide and cathoidc behavioral of Ba1.2Sr0.8CoO4+δ-GDC composite cathode for intermediate temperature solid oxide fuel cells.Journal of Alloys and Compounds474 (2009) 573-577.
13. Chao Jin,Jiang Liu, Lianhe Li, Yaohui Bai. Electrochemical properties analysis of tubular NiO-YSZ anode-supported SOFCs fabricated by the phase-inversion method.Journal of Membrane Science341 (2009) 233-237.
14. Chao Jin, Jiang Liu, Weimin Guo, Yaohui Zhang. Electrochemical characteristics of an La0.6Sr0.4Co0.2Fe0.8O3-La0.8Sr0.2MnO3multi-layer composite cathode for intermediate-temperature solid oxide fuel cells.Journal of Power Sources183 (2008) 506-511.
15. Chao Jin, Jiang Liu, Yaohui Zhang, Jing Sui, Weimin Guo. Characterization and electrochemical performances of Ba2-xSrxFeO4+δas a novel cathode material for intermediate-temperature solid oxide fuel cells.Journal of Power Sources182 (2008) 482-488.
16. JLu, WSLi, LZhou, QMHuang, XHYang. Synthesis and characterization of butan-1-of modified toluene diisocyanate trimer. 102(5) (2006) 4958-4962.

專 利

1. Chenghao Yang, Chao Jin, Fanglin Chen. Method to Fabricate High performance Tubular Solid Oxide Fuel Cells, US 20110177234A1
2. 金超, 劉江, 李連和, 多孔陶瓷支撐體的製備方法, 授權號ZL 200810029152.9
3. 金超, 李偉善, 低遊離高相容性甲苯二異氰酸酯三聚體及其製備方法與應用, 申請號 CN 200510034131.2