共找到43條詞條名為林海的結果 展開
- 音樂家
- 三亞市崖州區委書記
- 主持人
- 老舍創作的散文
- 海口市瓊山區舊州鎮鎮委書記
- 蘇醒的大地三部曲之一
- 畫家
- 山東農業大學教授
- 安徽省退役軍人事務廳廳長、黨組書記
- A8音樂集團CEO
- 中國男導演
- 福建福州市檢察院檢委會委員、反貪局政委
- 地名
- 林漢濤
- 漢語詞語
- 咸陽團市委書記、黨組書記
- 溫州醫科大學附屬第一醫院疼痛科林海
- 成都金牛區委常委、組織部部長
- 岳陽樓區東茅嶺街道辦事處主任
- 北京科技大學教授
- 中國農業大學經濟管理學院講師
- 著名歌星、主持人
- 成都師範學院教師
- 烈士
- 著名TTT培訓導師
- 浙江省餘姚市副市長
- 江蘇高校區域法治發展協同創新中心研究人員
- 廣東銀監局副局長
- 天津財經大學商學院教師
- 成都市第九人民醫院副主任醫師
- 北京理工大學宇航學院飛行器工程系教授
- 金沙縣人民政府副縣長
- 嘉興市自然資源和規劃局副局長
- 臨川一中美術教師
- 宜賓市二醫院醫師
- 勞模林海
- 福建省農業廳農業專家
- 華僑大學講師
- 佳木斯鐵路運輸檢察院檢察員
- 大連工業大學教授
- 鎮江市統計局黨組書記、局長
- 資深活動策劃人、藝人經理人。
- 資深經紀人
The Awakening Land:THE TREES
by Conrad Richter
Conrad Michael Richter (October 13 1890-October 30 1968) was a Pulitzer Prize-winning American novelist whose lyrical work focuses on life along the American frontier.
目錄 [隱藏]
1 Early life
2 Literary output
3 Selected works
4 References
[編輯]Early life
Born in Pine Grove, Schuylkill County, Pennsylvania, he took a job as editor of a local weekly newspaper, the Patton Pennsylvania Courier, when he was just nineteen. In 1911 he moved to Cleveland, Ohio and became the private secretary to a wealthy manufacturing family. He subsequently founded a juvenile magazine before moving to Albuquerque, New Mexico, for his health in 1928.
[編輯]Literary output
Some of his works, including The Sea of Grass and The Light in the Forest, were later turned into films. The Town, the third installment of his Awakening Land trilogy, was awarded the Pulitzer Prize for Fiction in 1951.
His 1960 The Waters of Kronos, an autobiographical novel, received the National Book Award.
Some of his novels [The Trees (Raan), The Fields (Shiwaar), The Town (Gaav) and The Light in the Forest (Jangalaateel Prakash)] have been translated into Marathi by G. A. Kulkarni, for a project initiated by USIS in India to bring fine American writing into Indian languages.
[編輯]Selected works
Smoke over the Prairie (1935)
The Sea of Grass (1937)
The Trees (1940)
The Fields (1946)
The Town (1950)
The Light in the Forest (1953)
The Waters of Kronos (1960)