共找到2條詞條名為安全電子交易協議的結果 展開



安全電子交易協議(secure Electronic Transaction簡稱SET)由威士VISA)國際組織、萬事達(MasterCard)國際組織創建,結合IBM、Microsoft、Netscope、GTE等公司制定的電子商務中安全電子交易的一個國際標準。安全電子交易協議SET是一種應用於網際網路(Internet)環境下,以信用卡為基礎的安全電子交付協議,它給出了一套電子交易的過程規範。通過SET協議可以實現電子商務交易中的加密、認證、密鑰管理機制等,保證了在網際網路上使用信用卡進行在線購物的安全。





              .              ,           -.                 .        ,            .        ,             .       ,          .
     :  ,  ,    gateway (essentially a bank). The cardholder shares the order information with the merchant but not with the payment gateway. He shares the payment information with the bank but not with the merchant. A set dual signature accomplishes this partial sharing of information while allowing all parties to confirm that they are handling the same transaction. The method is simple: each party receives the hash of the withheld information. The cardholder signs the hashes of both the order information and the payment information. Each party can confirm that the hashes in their possession agrees with the hash signed by the cardholder. In addition, the cardholder and merchant compute equivalent hashes for the payment gateway to compare. He confirms their agreement on the details withheld from him.
All parties are protected. Merchants do not normally have access to credit card numbers. Moreover, the mere possession of credit card details does not enable a criminal to make a SET purchase; he needs the cardholder’s signature key and a secret number that the cardholder receives upon registration. The criminal would have better luck with traditional frauds, such as ordering by telephone. It is a pity that other features of SET (presumably demanded by merchants) weaken these properties. A merchant can be authorized to receive credit card numbers and has the option of accepting payments given a credit card number alone.
SET is a family of protocols. The five main ones are cardholder registration, merchant registration, purchase request, payment authorization, and payment capture. There are many minor protocols, for example to handle errors. SET is enormously more complicated than SSL, which merely negotiates session keys between the cardholder’s and merchant’s Internet service providers. Because of this complexity, much of which is unnecessary, the protocol is hardly used. However, SET contains many features of interest:
The model is unusual. In the registration protocols, the initiator possesses no digital proof of identity. Instead, he authenticates himself by filing a registration form whose format is not specified. Authentication takes place outside the protocol, when the cardholder’s bank examines the completed form.
The dual signature is a novel construction. The partial sharing of information among three peers leads to unusual protocol goals.
SET uses several types of digital envelope. A digital envelope consists of two parts: one, encrypted using a public key, contains a fresh symmetric key K and identifying information; the other, encrypted using K, conveys the full message text. Digital envelopes keep public-key encryption to a minimum, but the many symmetric keys complicate the reasoning. Most verified protocols distribute just one or two secrets.


SET支付系統主要由持卡人(CardHolder)、商家(Merchant)、發卡行(Issuing Bank)、收單行(Acquiring Bank)、支付網關(Payment Gateway)、認證中心(Certificate Authority)等六個部分組成。對應地,基於SET協議的網上購物系統至少包括電子錢包軟體、商家軟體、支付網關軟體和簽發證書軟體。

