Inside Your Heaven

Inside Your Heaven

《Inside Your Heaven》是由2005年《美國偶像》冠軍Carrie Underwood所演唱的一首歌曲,這首歌在發行第一周就擠下了天后Mariah Carey的經典之作《We Belong Together》獲得美國Billboard榜的冠軍,成為第十三首空降冠單。憑藉這首歌,Carrie Underwood獲得了當年Billboard Music Awards年度最暢銷單曲和年度最暢銷鄉村單曲。


全美熱門單曲榜的冠軍由電視節目“美國偶像”最新一季(第四季)的冠軍得主Carrie Underwood所獲得,她所演唱的“Inside Your Heaven”本周不但是Billboard熱門單曲榜冠軍,同時也成為2005年到目前為止美國地區所有發行單曲中銷售量最高的一張作品,並且在鄉村單曲榜上也奪得冠軍。


I've been down
Now I'm blessed
I felt a revelation coming around
I guess its right, it's so amazing
Everytime I see you I'm alive
You're all I've got
You lift me up
The sun and the moonlight
All my dreams are in your eyes
I wanna be inside your heaven
Take me to the place you cry from
Where the storm blows your way
I wanna be the earth that holds you
Every bit of air you're breathin' in
A soothin' wind
I wanna be inside your heaven
When we touch, when we love
The stars light up
The wrong becomes undone
Naturally, my soul surrenders
The sun and the moonlight
All my dreams are in your eyes
And I wanna be inside your heaven
Take me to the place you cry from
Where the storm blows you away
And I wanna be the earth that holds you
Every bit of air you're breathing in
A soothing wind
I wanna be inside your heaven
When minutes turn to days and years
If mountains fall, I'll still be here
Holdin you until the day I die
And I wanna be inside your heaven
Take me to the place you cry from
Where the storm blows you away
I wanna be inside your heaven
Take me to the place you cry from
Where the storm blows you away
I wanna be the earth that holds you
Every bit of air you're breathin' in
A soothin' wind
I wanna be inside your heaven
Oh yes I do
I wanna be inside your heaven