主講《高等數學》《彈性力學》和《數值分析》等課程。主要從事計算數學、計算機數值模擬和工程模擬的研究。曾獲得"山東省省屬高校優秀青年人才"、"國際華人計算力學傑出青年科學家獎"、"杜慶華工程計算方法優秀青年學者獎 "、和"中國年度大學生人物提名"等榮譽稱號。
時間 | 院校 | 專業 | 學位 |
2007.9-2010.7 | 山東理工大學 | 應用數學專業 | 碩士 |
2010.9 | 河海大學 | 工程力學系 | 博士 |
2012.10-2013.10: 美國杜克大學(Duke University), 材料工程系, 國家公派出國聯合培養博士生
2011.7-2011.11:香港城市大學,土木與建築工程系, 助理研究員
● 計算力學演演算法和軟體, 包括徑向基函數無網格法、邊界元法、非線性矩陣計算、彈性力學和熱傳導反問題、薄體與塗層結構問題、壓電材料、流體力學的無網格數值模擬;
● 快速計算方法(Fast Multipole Method,FMM)和大規模工程計算;
● 位錯理論, 位錯應力場的數值模擬。
Gu Y., Chen W., Zhang C.Z. Stress analysis for thinmultilayered coating systems using a sinh transformed boundary element method. International Journal of Solids and Structures,2013 (SCI/EI, 影響因子1.857)
Gu Y., Chen W., Zhang C.Z. Singular boundary method forsolving plane strain elastostatic problems. InternationalJournal of Solids and Structures, 2011, 48(18): 2549-2556. (SCI/EI, 影響因子 1.857)
Gu Y., Chen W., He X.Q. Singularboundary method for steady-state heat conduction in three dimensional generalanisotropic media. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2012, 55(17-18): 4837-4848. (SCI/EI, 影響因子 2.407)
Gu Y., Chen W., Zhang J.Y.Investigation on near-boundary solutions by singular boundary method. EngineeringAnalysis with Boundary Elements, 2012, 36(8): 1173-1182. (SCI/EI, 影響因子 1.451)
Gu Y., Chen W., Infinite domainpotential problems by a new formulation of singular boundary method. AppliedMathematical Modelling, 2013, 37(4): 1638–1651. (SCI/EI, 影響因子 1.579)
Gu Y., Chen W., Zhang C.Z. The sinhtransformation for evaluating nearly singular boundary element integrals overhigh-order geometry elements. Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, 2013, 37(2): 301-308 (SCI/EI,影響因子 1.451)
Gu Y., Chen W., He X.Q. Domain-DecompositionSingular Boundary Method for Stress Analysis in Multi-Layered ElasticMaterials. Computers Materials & Continua, 2012, 29(2): 129-154. (SCI/EI,影響因子 0.972)
谷岩, 陳文. 改進的奇異邊界法模擬三維位勢問題. 力學學報, 2012, 44(2): 351-360 (EI)
谷岩,張耀明, 李功勝. 精確幾何單元下彈性薄體結構問題的邊界元法分析. 計算物理, 2011, 28(3): 397-403 (EI)
谷岩,張耀明, 李平. 位勢問題直接邊界元法中的邊界層效應. 山東理工大學學報(自然科學版),2010, 24(3): 28-32
Chen W., Gu Y. An improvedformulation of singular boundary method. Advancesin Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 2012, 4(5): 543-558. (SCI/EI, 影響因子 0.75)
Zhang Y.M., Gu Y., ChenJ.T. Stress analysis for multilayered coating systems using semi-analytical BEMwith geometric non-linearities. Computational Mechanics, 2011, Vol.47(5): 493-504 (SCI/EI, 影響因子 2.065)
Zhang Y.M., Gu Y., ChenJ.T. Internal stress analysis for single and multilayered coating systems usingthe boundary element method. Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements,2011, Vol. 35(4): 708-717(SCI/EI, 影響因子 1.451)
Zhang Y.M., Gu Y., ChenJ.T. A non-lineartransformation applied to boundary layer effect and thin-body effect in BEM for2D potential problems. Journal of the Chinese Institute ofEngineers, 2011, Vol. 34(7): 905-916 (SCI/EI, 影響因子 0.295)
Zhang Y.M., Gu Y., Chen J.T. Boundary elementanalysis of 2D thin walled structures with high-order geometry elements usingtransformation. Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, 2011, 35(3):581-586. (SCI/EI, 影響因子 1.451)
Zhang Y.M., Gu Y., ChenJ.T. Boundary element analysis of thin structural problems in 2D elastostatics. Journalof Marine Science and Technology, 2011, Vol. 19 (4): 409-416 (SCI/EI, 影響因子 0.483)
Zhang Y.M., Gu Y., ChenJ.T. Boundary element analysis of the thermal behaviour in thin-coated cuttingtools. Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, 2010, 34(9):775-784. (SCI/EI, 影響因子 1.451)
Zhang Y.M., Gu Y. Aneffective method in BEM for potential problems of thin bodies. Journalof Marine Science and Technology, 2010, 18(1): 137-144. (SCI/EI, 影響因子 0.483)
Zhang Y.M., Gu Y., ChenJ.T. Analysis of 2D thin walled structures in BEM with high-order geometry elements using exactintegration. Computer Modeling inEngineering & Sciences,2009, 50(1): 1-20. (SCI/EI, 影響因子 1.123)
Zhang Y.M., Gu Y., ChenJ.T. Boundary layer effect in BEM with high order geometry elements usingtransformation. Computer Modeling inEngineering & Sciences, 2009, 45(3): 227-247. (SCI/EI, 影響因子 1.123)
Zhang Y.M., Gu Y., Zheng B. The evaluation of nearly singular integrals in thedirect regularized boundary element method. Wseas Transactions on Computers,2010, Vol. 9(6): 634-643. (EI)
張耀明, 谷岩, 陳正宗. 位勢邊界元法中的邊界層效應與薄體結構. 力學學報, 2010, 42(2): 219-227. (EI)
張耀明, 谷岩, 袁飛, 李功勝. 塗層結構中溫度場的邊界元解. 固體力學學報, 2011, 32(2): 133-141. (EI)
Htike H., Chen W., Gu Y., Yang J. Material PointMethod with RBF Interpolation. ComputerModeling in Engineering & Sciences, 2011, 72(4): 247-272. (SCI/EI, 影響因子 1.123)
Htike H., Chen W., Gu Y. Singularboundary method for heat conduction in layered materials . Computers Materials &Continua, 2011, 24(1): 1-14. (SCI/EI,影響因子 0.972)
ZhangY.M., Qu W.Z., Gu Y. Evaluation of Singular and NearlySingular Integrals in the BEM with Exact Geometrical Representation. Journal ofComputational Mathematics, 2013, 31(4): 355-369. (SCI/EI, 影響因子 0.851)
張耀明, 孫翠蓮, 谷岩. 邊界積分方程中近奇異積分計算的一種變數替換法. 力學學報, 2008, 40(2):207-214. (EI)
張耀明, 劉召顏, 谷岩, 李功勝. 二維彈性問題邊界元法中邊界層效應問題的變換法. 計算力學學報, 2010, 27(5): 775-780. (EI)![谷岩[廣州大學教授]](https://i1.twwiki.net/cover/w200/mf/e/mfec0ecd1a23068899214a4d3d5d3fcf3.jpg)
劉從建, 陳文, 王海濤, 谷岩. 自適應快速多極正則化無網格法求解大規模三維位勢問題. 應用數學和力學, 2013, 34(3): 259-271
Zhang Y.M., Liu Z.Y., Chen J.T., Gu Y.A novel boundary element approach for solving the anisotropic potentialproblems. Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, 2011; 35(11):1181-89 (SCI/EI, 影響因子 1.451)