共找到25條詞條名為劉曄的結果 展開
主持國家自然科學基金基金2項,在Regional Studies、Population Space and Place、Urban Studies、Cities、Urban Geography、Environment and Planning A、Annals of Regional Science、Papers in Regional Science、Habitat International、Land Use Policy、International Journal for Equity in Health、地理學報、城市規劃、地理研究、地理科學等SSCI及地理學權 威期刊上發表論文40餘篇,其中在SSCI/SCI國際期刊上發表論文28篇。曾獲國際區域研究協會(Regional Studies Association)年度會議最佳論文獎、中國城市地理優秀論文一等獎、中國人文地理學術年會青年優秀論文獎、中國城市地理學術年會優秀青年論文獎等多個獎項。廣東省“珠江人才計劃”引進創新創業團隊項目核心成員。SSCI國際期刊Applied Spatial Analysis and Policy副主編,並擔任二十多個國際期刊的審稿專家
08/2010 - 10/2013,博士(Ph.D.),地理與資源管理學系,香港中文大學(導師:沈建法教授)
09/2008 - 06/2010,理學碩士,地理科學與規劃學院,中山大學(導師:李志剛教授)
09/2004 - 06/2008,理學學士,地理科學與規劃學院,中山大學
09/2017 -,中山大學地理科學與規劃學院,教授,博士生導師
01/2017 -08/2017,中山大學地理科學與規劃學院,副教授(百人計劃人才引進)
02/2016 - 12/2016,英國University of St Andrews地理與可持續發展學系,研究員
01/2015 - 01/2016,香港中文大學深圳研究院助理研究員(兼任)
11/2014 - 01/2016,香港中文大學地理與資源管理學系,博士后,副研究員
11/2013 - 10/2014,加拿大University of Lethbridge地理系,博士后
08/2010 - 09/2013,香港中文大學地理與資源管理學系,教學助理
國際期刊Applied Spatial Analysis and Policy(SSCI)副主編
應邀作為Annals of Regional Science, Applied Spatial Analysis and Policy, Asian Geographers, Cities, Environment and Planning A, Growth and Change, Habitat International, Housing Studies, Inquiry, International Journal for Equity in Health, Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, Journal of Transport Geography, Journal of Urban Affairs, Land Use Policy, Papers in Regional Science, Population and Environment, Population Space and Place, Regional Studies, Urban Forestry and Urban Greening, Urban Policy and Research, Small Business Economics, Urban Studies等國際期刊的審稿人。
中國地理學會人口地理專業委員會委員(2018 -)
國家自然科學基金通信評審專家(2016 -)
Google Scholar總被引次數:551,H-index:13
29. Desheng Xue*, Huaikuan Liu, Wenjiong Guo,Ye Liu. Comprehensiveness and Locality: Website Marketing of World City Governments in the Era of Globalisation. (2019)Chinese Geographical Science, 29(1): 86-99 (SCI)
28. Rong Wu, Zhigang Li,Ye Liu, Xu Huang*, Yuqi Liu.Neighborhood governance in post-reform urban China: Place attachmentimpact on civic engagement in Guangzhou. (2019)Land Use Policy, 81: 472-482 (SSCI)
27. Yuqi Liu, Fangzhu Zhang,Ye Liu*, Zhigang Li, Fulong Wu. Economic disadvantages and migrants' subjective well‐being in China: The mediating effects of relative deprivation and neighbourhood deprivation.Popululation Space and Place. (2018). e2173. DOI: 10.1002/psp.2173(SSCI)
26. David McCollum,Ye Liu*, Allan Findlay, Zhiqiang Feng, Glenna Nightingale.Determinants of occupational mobility: the importance of place of work. (2018)RegionalStudies. DOI: 10.1080/00343404.2018.1424993(SSCI)
25. Ruoyu Wang, Desheng Xue,Ye Liu*, Hongsheng Chen, Yingzhi Qiu. The relationship between urbanization and depression in China: The mediating role of neighborhood social capital. (2018)International Journal for Equity in Health,17:105 (SSCI)
24. Xu Huang,Ye Liu, Desheng Xue*, Zhigang Li, Zhilei Shi.The effects of social ties on rural-urban migrants' intention to settle in cities in China. (2018)Cities. DOI:10.1016/j.cities.2018.06.023(SSCI)
23. Rong Wu, Xu Huang, Zhigang Li*,Ye Liu, Yuqi Liu. Deciphering the meaning and mechanism of migrants' and locals' neighborhood attachment in Chinese cities: Evidence from Guangzhou. (2018)Cities. DOI: 10.1016/j.cities.2018.09.006 (SSCI)
22. Haitao Ma*, Fangfang Zhang,Ye Liu.Transnational elites enhance the connectivity of Chinese cities in the world city network. (2018)Environment and Planning A. DOI:10.1177/0308518X18761395 (SSCI)
21. Ruoyu Wang, Desheng Xue,Ye Liu*, Penghua Liu, Hongsheng Chen. The relationship between air pollution and depression in China: is neighbourhood social capital protective? (2018)International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 15(6): 1160 (SSCI)
20. Zhenjun Zhu, Zhigang Li, Hongsheng Chen*,Ye Liu, Jun Zeng.Subjective well-being in China: how much does commuting matter?(2018)Transportation. DOI:10.1007/s11116-017-9848-1 (SSCI)
19.Ye Liu*, Wei Xu, Jianfa Shen and Guixin Wang. Market expansion, state intervention and wage differentials between economic sectors in China: A multilevel analysis. (2017)Urban Studies, 54(11): 2631-2651(SSCI)
18.Ye Liu,Jianfa Shen*. Modeling Skilled and Less-Skilled Interregional Migration in China, 2000-2005. (2017)Population Space and Place, 23(4): 1-17 (SSCI)
17.Ye Liu*,Jianfa Shen, Wei Xu and Guixin Wang. From School to University to Work: Migration of Highly Educated Youths in China. (2017)Annals of Regional Science, 59(3): 651-676(SSCI)
16.Ye Liu*and Wei Xu. Destination choices of permanent and temporary migrants in China, 1985-2005. (2017)Population, Space and Place, 23(1): 1-17(SSCI)
15.Hongsheng Chen,Ye Liu*, Zhigang Li and Desheng Xue.Urbanization, economic development and health: evidence from China’s labor-force dynamic survey. (2017)International Journal for Equity in Health, 16(207): 1-8(SSCI)
14.Hongsheng Chen,Ye Liu*, Zhenjun Zhu and Zhigang Li. Does where you live matter to your health? Investigating factors that influence the self-rated health of urban and rural Chinese residents: Evidence drawn from Chinese General Social Survey data. (2017)Health and Quality of Life Outcomes, 15: 78 (SSCI)
13.Zhenjun Zhu, Zhigang Li,Ye Liuand Hongsheng Chen*.Theimpactofurbancharacteristicsandresidents’incomeoncommutinginChina. (2017)Transportation Research Part D, 57: 474-483.(SSCI)
12.Yuqi Liu, Fangzhu Zhang,Ye Liu*, Fulong Wu and Zhigang Li.The effect of neighbourhood social ties on migrants' subjective wellbeing in Chinese cities. (2017)Habitat International, 66: 86-94. (SSCI)
11.Yuqi Liu, Fangzhu Zhang, Fulong Wu,Ye Liuand Zhigang Li*. The subjective wellbeing of migrants in urban China: The impacts of social and physical environment. (2017)Cities, 60: 333-342. (SSCI)
10.Yuqi Liu*, Fulong Wu,Ye Liuand Zhigang Li. Changing neighbourhood cohesion under the impact from redevelopment: A case study of Guangzhou, China. (2017)Urban Geography, 38(2): 266-290. (SSCI)
9.Jianfa Shen* andYe Liu. A comparative analysis of skilled and less-skilled interregional migration in China, 2000-2005. (2016)Habitat International, 57(1): 1-10. (SSCI)
8.Chuankai Yang, Wei Xu*,Ye Liuand Yuemin Ning. (2016) Staying in the countryside or moving to the city: The multilevel determinants of Chinese peasants’ migration intention.The China Review, 16(3): 41-68. (SSCI)
7.Xuefeng Niu, Wei Xu*,Ye Liu,Guixin Wang, and Kurt Klein. Job-search channels of migrant workers in Chinese large cities: A case study of Shanghai. (2016)The China Review, 16(3): 69-91. (SSCI)
6.Ye Liu, Zhigang Li*, Yuqi Liu and Hongsheng Chen. Growth of rural migrant enclaves in Guangzhou, China: Agency, everyday practice and social mobility. (2015)Urban Studies, 52(16): 3086-3105. (SSCI)
5.Ye Liu*and Jianfa Shen. Jobs or amenities? Location Choices of Interprovincial Skilled Migrants in China, 2000-2005. (2014)Population, Space and Place, 20(7): 592-605. (SSCI)
4.Ye Liu*and Jianfa Shen. Spatial Patterns and Determinants of Skilled Internal Migration in China, 2000-2005. (2014)Papers in Regional Science, 93(4): 749-771. (SSCI)
3.Ye Liu*, John Stillwell, Jianfa Shen and Konstantinos Daras. Interprovincial migration, regional development and state policy in China, 1985-2010. (2014)Applied Spatial Analysis and Policy, 7(1): 47-70. (SSCI)
2.Ye Liu*, Zhigang Li and Werner Breitung. (2012) The Social Networks of New-Generation Migrants in China's Urbanized Villages: A Case Study of Guangzhou.Habitat International, 36(1): 192-200. (SSCI)
1.Yuqi Liu,Ye Liuand Zhigang Li*. (2012) Citizenization of Native Villagers after Urbanized Village Redevelopment: A Case Study of Liede, Guangzhou.China City Planning Review, 21(4): 16-23.
16. 吳蓉,黃旭,劉曄,李志剛*.廣州城市居民地方依戀測度與機理,地理學報,2019,74(2):1-15.
15. 陳宏勝,王興平*,劉曄,李志剛. 家庭視角的流動人口城市定居意願及其影響機制——基於中國8個城市的實證分析,熱帶地理,2019
14. 劉義,劉於琪*,劉曄,李志剛,邱嬰芝. 鄰里環境對流動人口主觀幸福感的影響——基於廣州的實證,地理科學進展,2018, 37(7):986-998.
13. 王若宇,劉曄*,薛德升.2000-2010年中國地區人才優勢度與經濟發展的空間特徵及耦合協調度分析,熱帶地理,2018,38(2):1-12.
12. 劉於琪,劉曄*,李志剛。居民歸屬感、鄰里交往和社區參與的機制分析——以廣州市城中村改造為例,城市規劃,2017,41(9):38-47.
11. 楊傳開*,劉曄,徐偉,寧越敏。中國農村居民進城定居的意願及影響因素——基於CGSS2010的分析,地理研究,2017,36(12):2369-2382.
10. 陳宏勝,王興平,劉曄,李志剛*.“理性”與“感性”之間:上海流動人口遷居意願研究,現代城市研究,2017,(7):100-106.
6.劉曄*,沈建法,劉於琪。西方高端人才跨國流動研究述評,人文地理,2013,28(2): 7-12.
5.劉曄,劉於琪,李志剛*.“后城中村”時代村民的市民化研究——以廣州獵德為例,城市規劃,2012,36(7): 81-86.
4.李志剛*,劉曄。中國城市“新移民”社會網路與空間分異,地理學報,2011,66(6): 785-795.
3. 李志剛*,劉曄,陳宏勝。中國城市“新移民”的鄉緣社區:特徵,機制和空間性——以廣州“湖北村”為例,地理研究,2011,30(10): 1910-1920.
2. 劉曄*,李志剛.20世紀90年代以來封閉社區國內外研究述評,人文地理,2010,25(3): 10-15.
1. 劉曄*,李志剛,吳縛龍. 1980年以來歐美國家應對城市社會分化問題的社會與空間政策述評,城市規劃學刊,2009,(6):72-78.
1.Ye Liuand Yuqi Liu (2017). Rural migrants to the city. In A Orum, D Judd, M Cabeza, P Piew and B Roberts (Eds.) The Wiley Blackwell Encyclopedia of Urban and Regional Studies. Wiley: 1-5. (accepted for publication)
2.Ye Liu, Yuqi Liu, Jiaxuan Feng and Zhigang Li (2016). Emotional Well-being of Social Housing Residents in Guangzhou, China: How Does Neighborhood Context Matter? In D Wang and S He (Eds.) Mobility, Sociability and Well-being of Urban Living. Springer Berlin Heidelberg: 249-264.
3.Shuying Leng, Canfei He, Zhigang Li, Ying Wang, Fengkui Qian, Desheng Xue, Geng Lin,Ye Liuand Yuqi Liu (2017). Human Geography. In S Leng (Eds.) The Geographical Sciences during 1986—2015: From the Classics to the Frontiers. Singapore: Springer Singapore. 59-125.
4. 劉於琪,劉曄,李志剛。社會融合的歷程:從接納、融入到認同(2017).轉型期中國城市的社會融合。吳縛龍,寧越敏等著。北京:科學出版社: 15-24.
5. 劉於琪,李志剛,劉曄。城市新移民的定居意願(2017).轉型期中國城市的社會融合。吳縛龍,寧越敏等著。北京:科學出版社: 64-76.
中組部青年項目,100萬元,2018.01 – 2020.12
國家自然科學基金面上項目(41871140),城市微觀地理環境對流動人口幸福感的時空效應研究,57.5萬元,2019.01 - 2022.12
國家自然科學基金青年基金項目(41501151),1990年以來中國人才分佈的時空演變及對區域創新的影響機制研究,24萬元,2016.01- 2018.12
中山大學“百人計劃”引進人才科研啟動費,40萬元,2017.01 – 2018.12
中組部青年項目,100萬元,2018.01 – 2020.12
國家自然科學基金面上項目(41871140),城市微觀地理環境對流動人口幸福感的時空效應研究,57.5萬元,2019.01 - 2022.12
國家自然科學基金青年基金項目(41501151),1990年以來中國人才分佈的時空演變及對區域創新的影響機制研究,24萬元,2016.01- 2018.12
中山大學“百人計劃”引進人才科研啟動費,40萬元,2017.01 – 2018.12
英國經濟和社會研究委員會資助項目(ESRC),Centre for Population Change,2016.01~2018.12,526萬英鎊,研究員(項目主持為Jane Falkingham教授,Maria Evandrou教授和Elspeth Graham教授)
香港政府研究資助局資助項目(CUHK449013),A Comparative Analysis of Skilled and Unskilled Interregional Migration in China 2000-2005,2014.01~2016.06,51萬港元,博士后(項目主持為沈建法教授)
德國科學基金會(DFG)重點項目(BR 3546/1-2),Governability, Borders and Urban Citizenship: Investigating Practices and Impacts of Spatial Differentiation on the Governance of Mega-Urban Development in the PRD,2009.01~2011.12,9.8萬歐元,研究助理(項目主持為Werner Breitung教授)
英國經濟和社會研究委員會資助項目(ESRC),Centre for Population Change,2016.01~2018.12,526萬英鎊,研究員(項目主持為Jane Falkingham教授,Maria Evandrou教授和Elspeth Graham教授)
香港政府研究資助局資助項目(CUHK449013),A Comparative Analysis of Skilled and Unskilled Interregional Migration in China 2000-2005,2014.01~2016.06,51萬港元,博士后(項目主持為沈建法教授)
德國科學基金會(DFG)重點項目(BR 3546/1-2),Governability, Borders and Urban Citizenship: Investigating Practices and Impacts of Spatial Differentiation on the Governance of Mega-Urban Development in the PRD,2009.01~2011.12,9.8萬歐元,研究助理(項目主持為Werner Breitung教授)
2016年,The Regional Studies Association (RSA), Award for Best International Conference Paper
2013年,獲世界大學網路學術交流項目資助(Worldwide University Network Exchange Programme Award),赴英國利茲大學地理系進行四個月的學術交流