共找到6條詞條名為So in love的結果 展開

So in love


《so in love》是Kim Jeong-woon演唱的一首歌曲。韓劇《哈佛愛情故事》片尾曲。全曲全長3分59秒。



  
,, &   春夏秋冬夢
      閃亮星夢
They keep whispering 她們正竊竊私語著
I’m so in love with you 我如此愛你
Spring,summer ,fall & winter love 春夏秋冬的愛情
It is breezing to my heart 像微風一樣徐徐吹入我心中
And it keeps telling 告訴著我
I’ll make you rainbow smile 因為我你露出了彩虹般的微笑
I remember when we were angels 我記得當時我們都是天使
When we dreamed about us 我們夢見了彼此
All my days were happy 每一天都充滿了微笑
Just like a snow Christmas 就如雪中聖誕
I wish I’d have them always.我願永遠擁有這段時光
Every step I make writes a story 我的每個腳步都寫成了詩篇
It is full of the heart 滿溢心中
Feeling love of my life 感受著生命中的真愛
And missing friends of my time 想念著我過往的摯友
I wish I’d have them all. 我願完全擁有
Spring,summer,fall & winter days 春夏秋冬的日子裡
we've been sharing all the hearts 我們分享著彼此的心情
Love shines in my eyes 我的眼睛裏閃耀著愛
Love just won’t fade away 愛永遠不會消失
I remember when we were angels 我記得當時我們都是天使
When we dreamed about us 我們夢見了彼此
All my days were happy 每一天都充滿了微笑
Just like a snow Christmas 就如雪中聖誕
I wish I’d have them always..我願永遠擁有這段時光
Every step I make writes a story 我的每個腳步都寫成了詩篇
It is full of the heart 滿溢心中
Feeling love of my life感受著生命中的真愛
And missing friends of my time 想念著我過往的摯友
I wish I’d have them all..我願完全擁有
If you'd all the way show me the world 如果你一直向我展示那個世界
where I will stay in love 在那裏我被愛包圍著
All my days will be white 我的生命都變成了白色
Just like a snowy Christmas 就如雪中聖誕
You’re just all I need 你就是我需要的一切