一位神秘老婦人找到Paul Talbot醫生,承諾向他透露永葆青春的秘訣。Paul和妻子June跟隨老婦來到非洲,觀看了使用蘭花花粉和松果腺分泌物進行的一場神秘儀式。June獨自回到美國,為了保持青春,開始殺人尋找松果腺分泌物...
A mysterious old woman approaches Dr. Paul Talbot (Phillip Terry) and promises to reveal to him the secret of eternal youth. Following her to Africa, he and his wife June Talbot (Coleen Gray) witness the secret ceremony that utilizes orchid pollen and a victim's pineal gland secretions. June returns to the United States alone and proceeds to keep herself young by killing people for their pineal secretions. She becomes enamored with a man half her actual age, and kills his fiance to maintain her youthful appearance. Eventually the cops come to investigate the murders and June kills herself by leaping from a window.

Coleen Gray ... June TalbotGrant Williams ... Neil FosterPhillip Terry ... Dr. Paul TalbotGloria Talbott ... Sally HowardJohn Van Dreelen ... Bertram GarvayEstelle Hemsley ... Old MallaKim Hamilton ... Young MallaArthur Batanides ... Jerry Lando