她徠在1993年10月開始擔當模特兒並被MTV選中出演新的日間劇場《Singled Out》而踏上電視電影演藝生涯。該劇成為了MTV最熱門的節目並為詹妮打開了演員的大門,還有就是她個人的MTV短喜劇秀《詹妮·麥卡錫秀》。她隨後參演了《棒籃小子》、《驚聲尖叫3》、《戀愛刺客》等電影。著名喜劇明星金·凱瑞是她的男友。

Jenny McCarthy

Jenny McCarthy
另外,麥卡錫還是暢銷書《LOUDER THAN WORDS》、《MOTHER WAR Jenny McCarthy RIORS: A Nation of Parents Healing Autism Against All Odd》的作者。
徠薩米大冒險 Sammy's Adventures: The Secret Passage (2010)

Jenny McCarthy
休·海夫納:花花公子、激進主義者與反叛分子 Hugh Hefner: Playboy, Activist and Rebel (2009)
烏龍保鏢 Witless Protection (2008)
Rollin (2007)
法蘭克福香腸 Wieners (2007)
約翰·塔克必死 John Tucker Must Die (2006)
瑞秋·蕊秀 Rachael Ray (2006)

壞女孩指南The Bad Girl's Guide (2005)
What Hollywood Taught Us About Sex (2005)
Party @ the Palms (2005)
骯髒愛情 Dirty Love (2005)
The Brady Bunch 35th Anniversary Reunion Special: Still Brady After All These Years (2004)
鬼馬太空船 Tripping the Rift (2004)
VH1 Big in 04 (2004)
Making 'Scary Movie 3' (2004)
Playboy's 50th Anniversary Celebration (2003)
DVD Exclusive Awards (2003)

珊諾斯基姐妹花 Hope & Faith (2003)
好漢兩個半 Two and a Half Men (2003)
驚聲尖笑3 Scary Movie 3 (2003)
艾倫·德詹尼絲秀 Ellen: The Ellen DeGeneres Show (2003) (7 episodes, 2005-2009)
Centerfold Babylon (2003)
America's Best Beaches (2002)
完美的你 The Perfect You (2002)
Less Than Perfect (2002)
Playboy: The Ultimate Pamela Anderson (2002)
World's Best Beaches (2002)
Thank Heaven (2001)

驚聲尖叫3 Scream 3 (2000)
巨蟒 Python (2000)
Behind the 'Scream' (2000)
Playmates: Bustin' Out (2000)
Playmates of the Year: The 90's (1999)
Diamonds (1999)
MTV Uncensored (1999)
Playboy: Celebrities (1998)
Babes of Baywatch (1998)
棒球 BASEketball (1998)
A Taste of Playboy: Personalities Volume 1 (1998)
Playboy: Blondes, Brunettes, Redheads (1998)
MTV Europe Music Awards 1998 (1998)
Playboy: Jenny McCarthy - The PlayboyYears (1997)
A Day in the Life of Jenny McCarthy (1997)
The Jenny McCarthy Show (1997)
觀點 The View (1997)
Jenny (1997)
Playboy: The Best of Jenny McCarthy (1996)

Jenny McCarthy
你不在後丹佛事 Things to Do in Denver When You're Dead (1995)
Wrestlemania XI (1995)
Singled Out (1995) (1995-1997)
Playboy Video Centerfold: Playmate of the Year Jenny McCarthy (1994)
Playboy Video Playmate Calendar 1995 (1994)
Wet & Wild: The Locker Room (1994)
Playboy: College Girls (1993)
"The Big Breakfast" (1992)
海灘救護隊 Baywatch (1989)
羅傑斯與凱茜·李脫口秀 Live with Regis and Kathie Lee (1989)
Entertainment Tonight (1981) (9 episodes, 2006-2010)
2005 American Music Awards

Jenny McCarthy

Jenny McCarthy
金酸梅獎 最差銀幕搭檔(提名) 烏龍保鏢 (2008)
金酸梅獎 最差女配角(提名) 烏龍保鏢 (2008)
金酸梅獎 最差女配角(提名) 戀愛刺客 (2006)
金酸梅獎 最差女主角 骯髒愛情 (2005)
金酸梅獎 最差編劇 骯髒愛情 (2005)
金酸梅獎 最差銀幕搭檔(提名) 骯髒愛情 (2005)
金酸梅獎 最差女配角(提名) 球球向前沖(1998)
Golden Apple Awards Golden Apple 她需要交納雙倍稅款