共找到3條詞條名為藝術英語的結果 展開



《藝術英語》是武漢大學出版社出版的圖書,作者是朱賓忠 鄧中傑。





Chapter 1 Music 音樂
Unit 1 Classical Chinese Music 中國古典音樂
Unit 2 Classical Western Music 西洋古典音樂
Unit 3 Folk Songs 民歌
Unit 4 Pop Songs 流行歌曲
Unit 5 Pop Singers 流行歌手
Chapter 2 Dance 跳舞
Unit 1 Ballet 芭蕾舞
Unit 2 Folk Dance 土風舞
Unit 3 Street Dance 街舞
Unit 4 Social Dance 交誼舞
Unit 5 Famous Dancers 著名舞蹈家
Chapter 3 Paintings 繪畫
Unit 1 Water Colors 水彩畫
Unit 2 Oil Paintings 油畫
Unit 3 Chinese Painting 中國畫
Unit 4 Western Painting 西洋畫
Unit 5 Art Gallery 美術館
Chapter 4 Movie 電影
Unit 1 Horror Films 恐怖電影
Unit 2 Romances 愛情電影
Unit 3 Cartoons 動畫電影
Unit 4 Movie Festivals and Awards 電影節與電影獎
Unit 5 Film Stars 電影明星
Chapter 5 TV 電視
Unit 1 National Geographical Channel 國家地理頻道
Unit 2 Animal World 動物世界
Unit 3 Election Debates 選舉辯論
Unit 4 TV Series 電視連續劇
Unit 5 TV Commercials 電視廣告
Chapter 6 Photography 攝影
Unit 1 Equipment 儀器設備
Unit 2 Landscapes 風景
Unit 3 Portrait 人物照
Unit 4 Photo Shows 攝影展
Unit 5 History of Photography 攝影歷史
Chapter 7 Architecture 建築
Unit 1 Classica0 Western Architecture 西方經典建築
Unit 2 Traditiona0 Chinese Architecture 中國傳統建築
Unit 3 Modern Architecture 現代建築
Unit 4 Landmark Architecture 標誌性建築
Unit 5 Famous Architects 著名建築師
Chapter 8 Decoration and design 裝飾與設計
Unit 1 Interior Decoration 室內裝飾
Unit 2 Exterior Decoration 室外裝飾
Unit 3 Window Curtain Design 窗帘設計
Unit 4 Jewelry Design 珠寶設計
Unit 5 Package Design 包裝設計
Chapter 9 Advertisement 廣告
Unit 1 Ad Media 廣告媒體
Unit 2 Ads Spokespeople 廣告代言人
Unit 3 Ad Agencies 廣告公司
Unit 4 Impressive Ads 令人印象深刻的廣告
Unit 5 Impact of Ads 廣告的影響
Chapter 10 Literature 文學
Unit 1 Novels 長篇小說
Unit 2 Short Stories 短篇小說
Unit 3 Poetry 詩歌
Unit 4 Drama 戲劇
Unit 5 Biography 傳記
Chapter 11 Gardening 園藝
Unit 1 Garden Layout 花園布局
Unit 2 Trees 樹木
Unit 3 Flowers 花卉
Unit 4 Planting 栽種
Unit 5 Garden Tools and Facilities 園藝工具和設施
Chapter 12 Sculpture 雕塑
Unit 1 Greek Sculpture 希臘雕塑
Unit 2 European Sculpture 歐洲雕塑
Unit 3 Sculpture Garden 雕塑園
Unit 4 Street Sculpture 街頭雕塑
Unit 5 Famous Sculptors 雕塑大師




Unit 1 About the Arts
Part One Reading and Translating
Reading A: What Are the Arts?
Reading B: The Butterfly Effect in the Arts World
Part Two Listening and Speaking
Part Three Real Life Writing: Postcard and Notice
Unit 2 Music
Part One Reading and Translating
Reading A: How a Piano Works?
Reading B: Music in Our Lives
Part Two Listening and Speaking
Part Three Real Life Writing: Small Ad and Journal
Unit 3 Dancing
Part One Reading and Translating
Reading A: The Basic Waltz Is So Easy
Reading B: Dancing Is Good for Health
Part Two Listening and Speaking
Part Three Real Life Writing: Fax and Invitation
Unit 4 Fine Arts
Part One Reading and Translating
Reading A: Stages of Child Art
Reading B: Process of Oil Painting
Part Two Listening and Speaking
Part Three Real Life Writing: Note and E-mail
Unit 5 Performance
Part One Reading and Translating
Reading A: Real Life Is the Best Teacher
Reading B: Stories of Mei Lanfang
Part Two Listening and Speaking
Part Three Real Life Writing: Resume
Unit 6 Animation
Part One Reading and Translating
Reading A: Traditional and Computer Animation
Reading B: Three-dimensional Animation
Part Two Listening and Speaking
Part Three Real Life Writing: Business Card; How to Use and Maintain a Product
Unit 7 Photography
Part One Reading and Translating
Reading A: Digital Cameras Are Fantastic
Reading B: Focus on the 2005 PIPF
Part Two Listening and Speaking
Part Three Real Life Writing: Greeting Card and Private Letter
Unit 8 Movies and Television
Part One Reading and Translating
Reading A: Movies and Television
Reading B: 78th Oscar Nominations
Part Two Listening and Speaking
Part Three Real Life Writing:Brief Introduction to a Company/Product; Business Letter