MELAB(Michigan English Language Assessment Battery,密歇根英語考試)是由美國密歇根大學(University of Michigan)和英國劍橋大學(University of Cambridge)聯合舉辦的國際性英語水平測試,是托福/雅思的替代考試。
劍橋大學為英國公立研究型大學,成立於1209年,是英語世界第二古老的大學。劍橋大學是世界10大學府之一,其世界排名為:U.S. News第2(2012/13);QS第3(2013/14);英國《泰晤士英國大學排名》全英排名第1(2014)。
密歇根大學為美國公立綜合型大學,成立於1817年,是美國前十的綜合型公立大學之一,譽為“公立常春藤”,冠以“西部哈佛”,與加州大學伯克利分校(UC-Berkeley)和威斯康星大學麥迪遜分校(UW-Madison)並稱美國公立大學三強。密歇根大學享有世界盛譽,全球排名為:U.S. News第17(2012/13),QS第22(2013/14)。密歇根大學無論在校地大小、校園建築、學術地位,還是在教學資源、師資和學生素質上,都是美國大學的翹楚。
部分 | 時間 | 描述 | 題數 | 分數分佈 |
寫作 | 30分鐘 | 2 個題目,擇1寫作。 | 1 | 0-97 |
聽力 (選擇填空) | 35-40 分鐘 | 第一部分:播放一個短問題或陳述,從3個答案中擇一回答。 | 18 | 0-100 |
第二部分:播放一段對話,從3個答案中擇一回答。 | 22 | |||
第三部分:播放4段會話,每段附若干問題,每個問題有3個答案,擇一回答。 | 20 | |||
語法 完形填空 辭彙 閱讀 (選擇填空) | 80分鐘 | 語法/Grammar:每個句子有一空白處,從所附4個單詞或片語中擇一填空。 | 32 | 0-100 |
完形填空/Cloze:2段短文,每段中有若干空白處,從所附4個單詞或片語中完形填空。 | 24 | |||
辭彙/Vocabulary:每個句子有一空白處,從所附4個單詞或片語中擇一填空。 | 31 | |||
閱讀/Reading:4段閱讀文章,每段附若干理解問題,每個問題有4個答案,擇一回答。 | 23 | |||
口語 | 10-15 分鐘 | 考生與一名考官進行面對面會話。 -第一部分:開場白/opening warm-up -第二(主要)部分:延伸會話/extended discourse from examinee -第三部分:結束/winding down the conversation | 1-4(+或-) | |
時長 | 2小時35-45分鐘 | 總分是寫作、聽力、選擇填空(語法、完形填空、辭彙、閱讀)三部分的平均分 |
1. 考試形式符合中國學生的英語學習/考試習慣:語法/完形填空/辭彙部分,與國內大中學生英語的學習形式和考試習慣一致,容易得分。
2. 考試形式/內容有很多相對容易掌握之處:
考題篇幅短些:閱讀文章篇幅較短,字數較少,易於理解。考題數量少 些:僅一篇作文,數量和時間均少一半,便於專註寫作。
3. 考試時長相對較短,容易集中精力考出好成績。
4. 口試形式貼近真實語境:考官與考生面對面的對話形式,符合人們口語表達的自然規律,考生時間壓力小,便於正常發揮。
5. 避免計算機技術問題:沒有打字速度和準確率的障礙,考試過程沒有雜訊干擾,利於考試。
6. 考試費用較為優惠。
7. 考試服務更加人性化:CaMLA Test Center/考試中心負責報名,組織考試,對於考生來說考試過程更為方便周到。
MELAB | 托福 iBT | 托福 PBT | 雅思 |
94+ | 117+ | 660+ | 9 |
92-93 | 111-116 | 640-657 | 8.5 |
87-91 | 105-110 | 620-637 | 8 |
84-87 | 100-104 | 600-617 | 7.5 |
82-83 | 92-99 | 580-597 | 7 |
78-81 | 83-91 | 560-577 | 6.5 |
76-77 | 76-82 | 540-557 | 6 |
73-75 | 68-75 | 520-537 | 5.5 |
69-72 | 61-67 | 500-517 | 5 |
65-68 | 54-60 | 480-497 | |
61-64 | 48-53 | 460-477 | 4.5 |
59-60 | 41-47 | 440-457 | 4 |
55-58 | 36-40 | 420-437 | |
54 | 32-35 | 400-417 | |
50-51 | 26-31 | 380-397 | 3.5 |
49 | 22-25 | 360-377 | 3 |
Country | Organization | City | State/Provine |
United States | Maryville College | Maryville | TN |
United States | Northern Michigan University | Marquette | MI |
United States | Excelsior College | Albany | NY |
United States | Boston College | Chesnut Hill | MA |
United States | Brown University | Providence | RI |
United States | Butler University | Indianapolis | IN |
United States | California Lutheran University | Thousand Oaks | CA |
United States | Calvin College | Grand Rapids | MI |
United States | Capella University | Minneapolis | MN |
United States | Carleton College | Northfield | MN |
United States | Carroll University | Waukesha | WI |
United States | Central Connecticut State University | New Britain | CT |
United States | Central Michigan University | Mt. Pleasant | MI |
United States | College of Idaho | Caldwell | ID |
United States | College of New Jersey (TCNJ) | Ewing | NJ |
United States | Colorado School of English | Denver | CO |
United States | Columbia University | New York | NY |
United States | Columbus State Community College | Columbus | OH |
United States | Columbus State University | Columbus | GA |
United States | Concordia University | Ann Arbor | MI |
United States | Concordia University | Portland | OR |
United States | Connecticut College | New London | CT |
United States | Consulate General of Canada in New York | New York | NY |
United States | Cornell University | Ithaca | NY |
United States | Davis & Elkins College | Elkins | WV |
United States | Dayton University | Dayton | OH |
United States | Daytona State College | Daytona Beach | FL |
United States | Dean College | Franklin | MA |
United States | Delta College | University Center | MI |
United States | Detroit Catholic Central High School | Novi | MI |
United States | Dickinson College | Carlisle | PA |
United States | D’Youville College | Buffalo | NY |
United States | Eastern Illinois University | Charleston | IL |
United States | Eastern Michigan University | Ypsilanti | MI |
United States | Eckerd College | St. Petersburg | FL |
United States | Edison High School | Minneapolis | MN |
United States | Elmhurst College | Elmhurst | IL |
United States | ELS Language Centers | St. Petersburg | FL |
United States | Emory University | Atlanta | GA |
United States | Ferris State University | Big Rapids | MI |
United States | Fisher College | Boston | MA |
United States | Florida National University | Hialeah | FL |
United States | Florida State University | Tallahassee | FL |
United States | Georgetown University | Washington | DC |
United States | Gettysburg College | Gettysburg | PA |
United States | Glen Oaks Community College | Centreville | MI |
United States | Hamline University | St. Paul | MN |
United States | Harvard University | Cambridge | MA |
United States | Haverford College | Haverford | PA |
United States | Jamestown College | Jamestown | ND |
United States | Johnson and Wales University | Providence | RI |
United States | Kalamazoo College | Kalamazoo | MI |
United States | Kalamazoo Valley Community College | Kalamazoo | MI |
United States | Kansas State University | Manhattan | KS |
United States | Kapiolani Community College | Honolulu | HI |
United States | Kaplan English Program | Los Angeles | CA |
United States | Kellogg Community College | Battle Creek | MI |
United States | Kennesaw State University | Kennesaw | GA |
United States | Kent State University | Kent | OH |
United States | Kettering University | Flint | MI |
United States | Los Angeles City College | Los Angeles | CA |
United States | Loyola University Chicago | Chicago | IL |
United States | Lyndon University | Lyndonville | VT |
United States | Messiah College | Mechanicsburg | PA |
United States | Metropolitan State University | St. Paul | MN |
United States | Metropolitan State University | Minneapolis | MN |
United States | Michigan State University | East Lansing | MI |
United States | Michigan Technological University | Houghton | MI |
United States | Middle Tennessee State University | Murfreesboro | TN |
United States | Middlebury College | Middlebury | VT |
United States | New York University | New York | NY |
United States | Nova Southeastern University | Ft. Lauderdale | FL |
United States | Oakland University | Rochester | MI |
United States | Ohio State University | Columbus | OH |
United States | Qunnipiac University | Hamden | CT |
United States | Redstone College | Broomfield | CO |
United States | Regis University | Denver | CO |
United States | Roosevelt University | Chicago | IL |
United States | Rutgers University: Camden | Camden | NJ |
United States | Sacred Heart University | Fairfield | CT |
United States | Saginaw Valley State University | University Center | MI |
United States | Schoolcraft College | Livonia | MI |
United States | Seattle Central Community College | Seattle | WA |
United States | Seattle University | Seattle | WA |
United States | Stony Brook University: Graduate | Stony Brook | NY |
United States | Stony Brook University: Undergraduate | Stony Brook | NY |
United States | Tennessee State University | Nashville | TN |
United States | Tennessee Tech University | Cookeville | TN |
United States | The University of Tennessee | Knoxville | TN |
United States | The Universtiy of Texas at Austin-Music | Austin | TX |
United States | University of Bridgeport | Bridgeport | CT |
United States | University of California | Bakersfield | CA |
United States | University of Chicago | Chicago | IL |
United States | University of Cincinnati | Cincinnati | OH |
United States | University of Connecticut | Storrs | CT |
United States | University of Detroit Mercy | Detroit | MI |
United States | University of Detroit Mercy-ug | Detroit | MI |
United States | University of Findlay | Findlay | OH |
United States | University of Florida | Gainesville | FL |
United States | University of Hartford | West Hartford | CT |
United States | University of Idaho | ID | |
United States | University of Illinois at Chicago | Chicago | IL |
United States | University of Louisville | Louisville | KY |
United States | University of Massachusetts | Boston | MA |
United States | University of Michigan – Dearborn | Dearborn | MI |
United States | University of Michigan – Flint | Flint | MI |
United States | University of Montana | Missoula | MT |
United States | University of Nebraska - Lincoln | Lincoln | NE |
United States | University of Nebraska at Omaha | Omaha | NE |
United States | University of Nevada, Las Vegas | Las Vegas | NV |
United States | University of New Hampshire | Durham | NH |
United States | University of New Haven | West Haven | CT |
United States | University of New Mexico | Albuquerque | NM |
United States | University of New York at Stony Brook | Stony Brook | NY |
United States | University of Northern Iowa | Cedar Falls | IA |
United States | University of Pennsylvania | Philadelphia | PA |
United States | University of Phoenix | Phoenix | AZ |
United States | University of Rhode Island | Kingston | RI |
United States | University of South Florida | Tampa | FL |
United States | University of St. Thomas | St. Paul | MN |
United States | University of Texas at Austin | Austin | TX |
United States | University of Toledo | Toledo | OH |
United States | University of Virginia | Charlottesville | VA |
United States | Utah State University | Logan | UT |
United States | Utah Valley State College | Orem | UT |
United States | Utah Valley University | Orem | UT |
United States | Utica College | Utica | NY |
United States | Valparaiso University | Valparaiso | IN |
United States | Virginia Commonwealth University | Richmond | VA |
United States | Volunteer State Community College | Gallatin | TN |
United States | Wake Forest University | Charlotte | NC |
United States | Walden University | Minneapolis | MN |
United States | Walla Walla University | College Place | WA |
United States | Walsh College | Troy | MI |
United States | Warren Wilson College | Asheville | NC |
United States | Washington State University | Pullman | WA |
United States | Washington University | St. Louis | MO |
United States | Washtenaw Community College | Ann Arbor | MI |
United States | Wayne State University | Detroit | MI |
United States | Weatherford College | Weatherford | TX |
United States | Western Carolina University | Cullowhee | NC |
United States | Western Connecticut State University | Danbury | CT |
United States | Western Michigan University | Kalamazoo | MI |
United States | Western New England College | Springfield | MA |
United States | Western Washington University | Bellingham | WA |
United States | Westwood College | ||
United States | Wilkes University | Wilkes-Barre | PA |
United States | Winona State University | Winona | MN |
United States | Winthrop University | Rock Hill | SC |
United States | Yale University | New Haven | CT |
country | organization | city | state /province |
Canada | Athabasca University | Athabasca | AB |
Canada | Athabasca University | Calgary | AB |
Canada | Athabasca University | Edmonton | AB |
Canada | Canadian University College | Lacombe | AB |
Canada | Concordia University College of Alberta | Edmonton | AB |
Canada | Keyano College | Fort McMurray | AB |
Canada | Mount Royal University | Calgary | AB |
Canada | Northern Alberta Institute of Technology | Edmonton | AB |
Canada | Red Deer College | Red Deer | AB |
Canada | St. Mary’s University College | Calgary | AB |
Canada | Taylor College and Seminary | Edmonton | AB |
Canada | University of Alberta | Edmonton | AB |
Canada | University of Alberta - School of Dentistry | Edmonton | AB |
Canada | University of Alberta Augustana Campus | Camrose | AB |
Canada | University of Calgary | Calgary | AB |
Canada | University of Lethbridge | Lethbridge | AB |
Canada | Ashton College | Vancouver | BC |
Canada | College of Pharmacists of British Columbia | Vancouver | BC |
Canada | College of Physical Therapists of British Columbia | Vancouver | BC |
Canada | Columbia College | Vancouver | BC |
Canada | Emily Carr University of Art + Design | Vancouver | BC |
Canada | University of the Fraser Valley | Abbotsford | BC |
Canada | The Art Institute of Vancouver | Vancouver | BC |
Canada | Thompson Rivers University | Kamloops | BC |
Canada | University College of the Fraser Valley | Abbotsford | BC |
Canada | University of British Columbia | Vancouver | BC |
Canada | University of Victoria | Victoria | BC |
Canada | Winnipeg Technical College | Winnipeg | Manitoba |
Canada | Assiniboine Community College | Brandon | MB |
Canada | Brandon University | Brandon | MB |
Canada | Manitoba Pharmaceutical Association | Winnipeg | MB |
Canada | Red River College of Applied Arts, Science and Technology | Winnipeg | MB |
Canada | University of Manitoba | Winnipeg | MB |
Canada | University of Manitoba and St. Paul’s College | Winnipeg | MB |
Canada | University of Winnipeg | Winnipeg | MB |
Canada | Mount Allison University | Sackville | NB |
Canada | New Brunswick Pharmaceutical Society | Moncton | NB |
Canada | St. Thomas University | Fredericton | NB |
Canada | College of the North Atlantic (CNA) | St. John’s | NL |
Canada | Acadia University Graduate Studies | Wolfville | NS |
Canada | Acadia University Undergrad | Wolfville | NS |
Canada | Dalhousie Agricultural Campus | Truro | NS |
Canada | Cape Breton University | Sydney | NS |
Canada | Dalhousie University | Halifax | NS |
Canada | Mount Saint Vincent University | Halifax | NS |
Canada | Nova Scotia College of Art and Design (NSCAD) | Halifax | NS |
Canada | Nova Scotia College of Pharmacists | Halifax | NS |
Canada | Nova Scotia Community College | NS | |
Canada | St. Francis Xavier University | Antigonish | NS |
Canada | St. Mary’s University | Halifax | NS |
Canada | University of King’s College | Halifax | NS |
Canada | Northwest Territories Regulatory Authority | Yellowknife | NT |
Canada | Huron College | Toronto | ON |
Canada | University of Toronto: Arts & Science | Toronto | ON |
Canada | University of Toronto: IHPME | Toronto | ON |
Canada | Algoma University | Sault Ste. Marie | ON |
Canada | Brescia University College | London | ON |
Canada | Brock University | Hamilton | ON |
Canada | Brock University | St. Catharines | ON |
Canada | Confederation College | Thunder Bay | ON |
Canada | Durham College | Oshawa | ON |
Canada | Fleming College | Cobourg | ON |
Canada | George Brown College | Toronto | ON |
Canada | Georgian College of Applied Arts and Technology | Barrie | ON |
Canada | Hansa College Canada Inc. | Toronto | ON |
Canada | Humber College | Toronto | ON |
Canada | Humber Institute of Technology and Advanced Learning | Toronto | ON |
Canada | Huntington University | Sudbury | ON |
Canada | Huron University College | London | ON |
Canada | King’s University College (University of Western Ontario) | London | ON |
Canada | Lakehead University | Thunder Bay | ON |
Canada | Laurentian University | Sudbury | ON |
Canada | Law Society of Upper Canada | Toronto | ON |
Canada | London Language Institute (TESOL Certificate Program) | London | ON |
Canada | McMaster University | Hamilton | ON |
Canada | Mohawk College | Hamilton | ON |
Canada | National Association of Pharmacy Regulatory Authorities | Ottawa | ON |
Canada | Nipissing University | North Bay | ON |
Canada | Ontario College of Pharmacists | Toronto | ON |
Canada | Ontario College of Social Workers and Social Service Workers | Toronto | ON |
Canada | Oxford College of Arts, Business & Technology | Scarborough | ON |
Canada | Queen’s University | Kingston | ON |
Canada | Redeemer University College | Ancaster | ON |
Canada | Ryerson University | Toronto | ON |
Canada | St. Clair College: Pharmacy Tech | Windsor | ON |
Canada | St. Jerome’s University | Waterloo | ON |
Canada | St. Lawrence College | Brockville | ON |
Canada | St. Paul University | Ottawa | ON |
Canada | University of Guelph Humber | Toronto | ON |
Canada | University of Guelph: Ontario Agricultural College | Guelph | ON |
Canada | University of Ottawa | Ottawa | ON |
Canada | University of Sudbury | Sudbury | ON |
Canada | University of Toronto Mississauga | Mississauga | ON |
Canada | University of Toronto Scarborough | Toronto | ON |
Canada | University of Toronto | Toronto | ON |
Canada | University of Waterloo | Waterloo | ON |
Canada | University of Western Ontario | London | ON |
Canada | University of Windsor | Windsor | ON |
Canada | Holland College | Charlottetown | PE |
Canada | The University of Prince Edward Island | Charlottetown | PE |
Canada | University of Regina | Regina | SK |
Canada | University of Saskatchewan | Saskatoon | SK |
United Kingdom | organization | city | state /province |
United Kingdom | Sheffield Hallam University | Sheffield | South Yorkshire |
United Kingdom | University of Central Lancashire | Preston | Lancashire |
United Kingdom | University of Glamorgan | Pontypridd | |
United Kingdom | Middlesex University | London | |
United Kingdom | Kingston University | Surrey | |
United Kingdom | London Consortium | London | |
United Kingdom | Norwich University College of the Arts | Norwich | |
United Kingdom | Oxford Brookes University | Oxford | |
United Kingdom | Petroc: Barnsstaple Campus | Barnstaple | Devon |
United Kingdom | Royal Hollsway, University of London | EGHAM | |
United Kingdom | Southampton Solent University | Southampton | Hampshire |
United Kingdom | University of Bath-CompSci | Bath | |
United Kingdom | University of Bristol | Bristol | |
United Kingdom | University of Durham | Durham | |
United Kingdom | University of East Anglia | Norwich | |
United Kingdom | University of Edinburgh | Edinburgh | |
United Kingdom | University of Huddersfield | Huddersfield | West Yorkshire |
United Kingdom | University of Manchester | Manchester | |
United Kingdom | University of Manchester, Manchester Business School | Manchester | |
United Kingdom | University of Oxford | Oxford | |
United Kingdom | University of Richmond | Richmound Upon Thames | |
United Kingdom | University of Sheffield | Sheffield | |
United Kingdom | Queen Mary University | London | |
United Kingdom | York St. John University | York |
country | organization | city | state /province |
China | The Chinese University of Hong Kong | Shatin, NT | Hong Kong, SAR |
China | School of International Education (SJTU) | Shanghai | |
China | Canadian Embassy | Beijing |